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November 2024
Principal's Message
Dear Baggett Family,
A clear vision of the future is perhaps the most powerful concept in an organization. Knowing where we are going and having a shared understanding of what it will look like provides the guiding light for decisions that we make, money that spend, staff who we hire, and programs that we put into place. At Baggett Elementary School we are committed to becoming an innovative STEAM school that promotes an environment in which all students feel a sense of belonging and are inspired to become creative, impactful members of society. Within the building, we all know what this looks like. I want to make sure that you, our Baggett Family, also has this shared vision. To accomplish this, I want to take a moment to explain what STEAM is and what it looks like.
STEAM is an acronym that stands for Science, Technology, Engineering, the Arts, and Math and is an approach to eduction that promotes the integration of the these subjects (and others) across the curriculum as students address real-world problems on a local level with potential impact on a larger scale. So how do we integrate these subjects? What is engineering and how is this subject combined with the others? What do you mean specifically by technology? What is included in the arts? What is an example of this? These questions are all very important ones. My plan is to provide you with the answers to these questions over the next few months.
Let's start with engineering. According to one source (, engineering involves taking our scientific understanding of the natural world and using it to invent, design, and build things to solve problems and achieve practical goals. For example, our 4th graders just last week, following lessons on simple machines in science, used their knowledge to collaboratively design and build catapults (see pictures below). They then tested them and, having learned something from the testing, made adjustments to their designs and prototypes. This process is known as the engineering design process (EDP). There are, in fact, many examples out there, and we have our own student-friendly version (see the picture embedded). At Baggett ES, the EDP is not just for students but is, in fact, an approach that we use to all events that we hold and processes that we follow. The EDP is all about solving a real-world problem through research and working to consistently make it better. We do this all the time. This year, for example, we have a new schedule for differentiating instruction to meet the needs of students. After examining what we are doing in the past and the results that we were getting, we conducted additional investigation into how other schools were approaching this, we imagined what the plan might look like for our school, we created the approach, we evaluated the approach that we are currently taking, and then communicated it to our faculty. Not unlike the 4th grade catapults, we are, in fact, still evaluating and making minor adjustments in an effort to continuously improve that which we have. The engineering design process can be applied to so many different scenarios: 2nd graders exploring erosion on our nature trail, our approach to ice cream sales, safety and security throughout the building, or 3rd graders approach to reducing pollution. Connect with us next month for more about STEAM and how it plays out on our campus for the benefit of all of our students.
Mitch Green
Baggett Elementary School
Upcoming Events
Families are welcome to join us for the bolded events.
Parent Literacy Classes continue in the mornings and afternoons on Tuesdays and Thursdays when school is in session.
November 4 - 4th Grade Field Trip - Chattahoochee Nature Preserve to release the small fry trout
November 4 - 3rd Grade Vision and Hearing Screenings
November 4 - PTA Execcutive Board Meeting
November 5 - Digital Learning Day
November 12 - Fall Picture Day Make Ups
November 15 - PTA Mother-Son Dance
November 20 & 21 - Thanksgiving Luncheon (see revised lunch schedule below)
November 22 - 1st Grade Field Trip - Yellow River Game Ranch
November 22 - Coffee and Conversation
November 22 - Principal for the Day
November 22 - Progress Reports Sent Home
November 23 - December 1 - Thanksgiving Holiday - No Classes
December 2 - iReady Winter Assessments Begin
December 2 - PTA Executive Board Meeting
December 3 - 4th Grade Field Trip - Gwinnett Environmental & Heritage Center
December 6 - School Council Meeting
December 7 - Girls on the Run 5K & LEGO Robotics Competition
Join Us for Thanksgiving Lunch!
$5 for an Adult Meal - Cash, Card or Apple Pay
Have Ideas or Questions? Join Mr. Green for Coffee and Conversation!
News from the Media Center
The media center has gotten a refresh as well as a brand-new makerspace granted to us by the Chick-Fil-A Peach Bowl, the College Football Playoff Foundation, and School Specialty! Our fourth graders have already jumped in by creating catapults as part of their simple machines unit. Every grade level will have opportunities to use this space.
All of our students are enjoying some quiet reading on our new furniture when they come to check out library books. If you are in the building, please stop by and see all the fun things happening in our newly designed space!
Thank you, families, for participating in the successful Red Ribbon Week. We encourage families to create ongoing dialogue with their students about making responsible choices to stay healthy such as getting enough sleep for school.
4th and 5th students learned about bullying prevention in the first month of school and are learning about the Child Lures lesson for body safety currently. In 2nd grade we learned about the role of the counselor and careers. In 3rd grade, we learned about growth mindset, careers, and cooperation. In both grade levels, we have recently been learning about personal safety. Kindergarten and 1st grade learned about the role of the counselor and following directions. All grade levels learned about resolving conflicts through the Tree of Choices.
Ms. Jones, K & 1
Office: 678-226-2763
Ms. Schlechte; 2 & 3
Office: 678-518-6663
Google Voice (call/text): 470-465-0860
Mrs. Powers-Kouassi; 4 & 5
Office: 678-518-6658
Google Voice (call/text): 470-465-0989
This Year's Theme, Igniting Innovation!
Following a year of Cultivating Community, our theme for the 2024-25 school year is Igniting Innovation. Innovation is part of our Vision statement, that we "will be an innovative STEAM school". For us innovation is about creating something new, and as I visited our 3rd-5th grade classrooms, our returning students had no challenge at all speaking about the times and places where they have an opportunity to create at Baggett. They spoke about all of our Discovery classes (Dance, Theatre, Music, Art, Science, Computer Science, STEAM, and PE) and they spoke about how they create through our Project-Based Learning approach where they work to solve problems at our school and community, creating solutions to address these problems.
So too, our teachers are consistently looking for ways to improve that which they do. Through reflection and data analysis, they are always looking to make incremental improvements, innovations, that lead to higher levels of student success.
As a school, you know that we are innovative. Just last week our solar panel system went in behind the school. We are the first elementary school in GCPS to have a solar panel system for students to study electricity, natural and renewable energy resources, the impact of weather, clouds, temperature, seasons on energy production, and so many other standards. We have kicked off the school year with an abundance of clubs and extracurricular activities including volleyball, cheerleading, drama, chorus, STEAM, Readers Rally, Wise Girls Read, Soccer, and LEGO Robotics with so many more on the horizon. No other school in GCPS does what we do! This is why more and more families happily report that they "Love coming to Baggett!" And why we are igniting innovation!