Bobcat Buzz
March 2024
March 2024
Dear BCECC Families,
March brings us Read Across America, Parent Teacher Conferences, Spring Break, and PreK Enrollment. Thursday, March 7th is a Remote Learning Day and Parent Teacher Conferences. Students will come home with a packet of work in their Wednesday folder and will not come to school in person on Thursday. The school work needs to be turned in Monday, March 11th.
Please take time to read the newsletter and check out the Counselor's Corner section which has great information.
- Per our student handbook, children must be fever free without medication for 24 hours before returning to school.
- School starts at 8:45. If you arrive at 8:45 or after, please park and check your child in through the office. If you drop off at BCIS, you must drop off by 8:40. Students getting dropped off at BCIS close to 8:45 are arriving to the ECC late and without safety procedures in place. Barricades are taken down at 8:45 and supervision of the crosswalk stops at 8:45. Because we want to ensure the safety of our students, students who arrive at BCIS in the car rider drop off line after 8:40 will be redirected to drop off in the ECC parking lot.
Before/After School Schedule:
8:20 Doors Open
(Students will either go to the cafeteria for breakfast or Walk and Talk)-PreK goes to their classroom
8:40 Breakfast Ends
(Students should be at school by 8:35 if they wish to eat breakfast)
8:45 School Starts
3:40 Car Rider/Daycare Dismissal
3:45 Bus Rider Dismissal
Our doors are always open to each and every one of you. We welcome your ideas and feedback.
Thank you for trusting the staff of BCECC with your children.
Joy Osborne
Principal, BCECC
London Gordon
Assistant Principal, BCECC
Drop Off Reminder
Volunteers Needed
March 1
Bobcat Character Assembly-parents will be notified if their child is receiving an award
First Friday of the month-we are in school
March 4-6
Read Across America Week/Dr. Seuss Birthday Celebration
March 7
Parent Teacher Conference/Remote Learning Day for Students
March 8
Friday No School
March 11-14
Teacher of the Year Celebration Week
March 12
PreK Fieldtrip
March 13
PreK Cap and Gown Photos @9:00
March 15-March 22
Spring Break
March 28
Kindergarten Field Trip
March 29
Friday-No School
April 3
Paraprofessional Appreciation Day
BCECC Career Day
April 4
School Librarian Appreciation Day
April 5
Bobcat Character Assembly-parents will be notified if their child is receiving an award
First Friday of the month-we are in school
April 8-April 11
Assistant Principal Appreciation Week
April 8:
Total Solar Eclipse
Family Engagement Night
April 12
Friday-No School
April 19
Friday-No School
April 22-April 25
School Administrative Assistant (Secretary) Appreciation Week
April 23
Full Moon
April 26
Friday-No School
April 29-May 3
BOGO Book Fair
May 2
Second Grade Field Trip
May 3
Bobcat Character Assembly-parents will be notified if their child is receiving an award
First Friday of the month-we are in school
May 5-May 9
Teacher Appreciation Week
May 8:
School Nurse Appreciation
May 10
Friday-No School
May 13
BCECC Spring Program
May 14
BCECC Super Kid's Day
May 15
BCIS Super Kid's Day
May 21
K-2nd Awards Assembly
May 22
PreK Promotion
End of Semester/Last Day of school
2024-2025 PreK Enrollment
2023-2024 BCPS School Calendar
Lifetouch Spring Pictures
Don't Forget to Order This Year's School Pictures
your order!
EXPIRES: December 31, 2024
Order Your ECC Yearbook Today!
Lunch Menus
Assistant Principal Attendance Awareness
Student attendance is strongly correlated to academic achievement, graduation rates, and postsecondary success. Research indicates that schools and districts can have an impact on students absenteeism rates. Chronic absenteeism, which represents lost instructional time for students, is gaining nationwide awareness.
Chronic absenteeism is one of several indicators on the Oklahoma School Report Card, which is designed to give parents and communities an annual snapshot of student learning, progress, and achievement at the local level. Including chronic absenteeism on the new school report card will highlight local efforts to prioritize student attendance.
How does the State of Oklahoma define chronic absenteeism?
A student is considered chronically absent after missing 10 percent or more of school days. This includes both excused and unexcused absences.
Chronic absenteeism looks beyond truancy and average daily attendance to shine a light on how missing school days can affect an individual student's path to success.
Read Across America
Counselor's Corner
Character Trait for March is Integrity
Career Day
Coffee With the Counselor
Book Fair
Notes from Nurse Amanda
Family Guides
Click on the picture below to access Family Guides for Grades PreK-6