Miller Elementary Weekly Update
January 22, 2023
Mrs. Goodman's Message
Hello Miller Families!
We are completely humbled by the amazing turnout for our Family BINGO night that was held this past week! In all our years of this long-standing event, this was the largest turnout we've ever had! We appreciate your flexibility with our limited space and sound system and we've already developed a plan for future events. We want to thank Randy Monahan of the Streetsboro DQ for donating the tasty Dilly Bars and the staff at Miller who made or donated treats to enjoy during game time. Our initial fundraising total is over $500 dollars and we still have all the donated coins to add to our grand total. We are very excited to combine this with other funds to purchase some adapted equipment for our playground! THANK YOU! We had a lot of fun!
This week, our preschool families have an optional Music and Literacy Night on Wednesday the 25th at the C&I Building which is located at 119 W. Pioneer in front of Aurora High School. Please use the extra parking lot between the Fire Station and the High School if parking becomes limited. This will be an opportunity for families to meet Ms. Abbey who has been a community partner with our preschool program for the past few years. Get ready to sing and dance with your child!
We have enjoyed connecting with everyone during the month of January when we all are looking to get out of the house! We hope these events show what an amazing school community we have here in Aurora. It's hard to believe that you will be connected with this group of amazing families over the next 13 or more years as your child makes their way through the Aurora Schools! Aurora is such an amazing place to raise our children!
All the best!
Maria Goodman
Miller Elementary School - Principal
Thank You Aurora Board of Education
Kickoff to Kindergarten 2023-2024
The Aurora City Schools' Kindergarten Registration for the 2023-2024 school year will begin in February! Please help spread the word to your neighbors and friends. We will be holding our Kickoff to Kindergarten parent-only meeting on Tuesday, February 21, 2023, at 7:00 p.m. at the Aurora Schools’ Conference and Innovation Building located in front of Aurora High School at 119 W Pioneer Trail.
Residents of the Aurora City School District who have a child turning 5 by September 30th, 2023 are invited to attend our Kickoff to Kindergarten meeting to pick up registration materials and learn all about kindergarten. We will be holding our registration days on March 8th and 9th. You will select a registration timeslot using the links shared at the parent meeting. All presentations and registration information will be shared on our district website if you cannot attend this parent meeting. Please don't hesitate to call Miller Elementary School with specific questions at 330-562-6199.
Important Dates and Events
Wednesday, 1/25 - Save the Date! Preschool Music & Literacy Night
Monday, 1/30 - Kids Heart Challenge Week - More Information to Come
Wednesday, 2/01 - Elementary PTO Meeting at 6:30 PM
Tuesday, 2/14 - Valentine's Party 10:30 & 2:30
Friday, 2/17 - No School (PD Day for Staff)
Monday, 2//20 - No School (President's Day)
Tuesday, 2/21 - Kickoff to Kindergarten Parent Meeting at 7:00 PM (C&I Building)
Wednesday, 3/01 - Elementary PTO Meeting at 6:30 PM
Monday, 3/06 - No School (PD Day for Staff) *Recent board-approved change to the district calendar.
Snow Gear Reminder
We recommend a warm coat, hats, gloves, snow pants, and boots (when necessary). We work with all children to help them learn how to dress themselves independently and in the correct order. (Snow pants, boots, jacket zipped, hat, and gloves are last). Please make sure all your child's items are labeled with their name. It is important that you check their book bag for an extra set of clothes and socks. Children would rather wear their change of clothes if an accident occurs. Please have your child practice putting on their snow gear at home too!
Nurse Update: Cold, Flu, COVID, & RSV
As you are aware, the current cold, flu, COVID, and RSV season has started out pretty unique in Northeast Ohio. We continue to stress the importance of good hygiene, handwashing, and proper sneeze/cough etiquette. Our youngest children are still developing skills to properly cover their cough and how to use tissues. We want to stress the importance of letting your child rest and recuperate when they are ill or showing symptoms.
- Check your child each day for illness symptoms. If they begin to feel ill during the day, please know our school nurse, Jackie Pawlowski, will assess your child and make contact with a family member when necessary.
- Students sent home with a fever, may not return to school until they are fever free without medication for at least 24 hours. This means if your child was sent home on Tuesday at 12:00 p.m. with a fever, he/she may not return to school until Thursday. If your child does return the next day, our school will be calling for you to come and pick him/her up. Please help to support our efforts in this area. This also is the protocol if your child is vomiting. They need to be vomit free for 24 hours to return to school.
- We will send a Final Forms notification if there is a communicable disease reported in your child's classroom. This can help you monitor your own child and make informed decisions about symptoms.
- Please make sure your Final Forms medical information is up to date. We will closely read the health section to address any medical concerns.
School Counselor Updates: Mrs. Ambrosia
Greetings Families! I have enjoyed visiting the Kindergarten classrooms this week to continue to teach the students about the ZONES of Regulation. This session, we focused on the yellow zone and feeling frustrated, nervous, silly or excited. Our read-aloud was Clark the Shark by Bruce Hale. The students were able to identify all the parts in the story where the main character was feeling silly, excited and nervous. They also did a wonderful job pointing out the frustration of Clark’s classmates during his times of silliness! We always end our lessons by reminding ourselves that any feeling is okay, and when we identify our feelings it is helpful to us and others.
On another note, a resource of interest is this awesome site shared with me by our Director of Special Services, Mike Maglionico: On Our Sleeves.
This site is a simple way to gather community resources, contacts, talking points and activities to benefit your family’s well-being and mental health over the holidays. I found the How-To articles super helpful because as a counselor and a parent, I know how I want my students and children to think of themselves, but am often refining the process in which I use to correct their thinking in a more positive way. I hope you find this resource helpful!
Lindsey Ambrosia
(330) 562-6199, ext. 5414
Reporting Absences
We ask that you call Miller School at 330-562-6199 to either speak with Vicki Wolf or leave a message. Please share your child's first name, last name, teacher, and the reason for the absence. If they are going to an appointment, please ask for a doctor's note to have on file here at school. Thank you!
If your family will have a planned absence due to an event or vacation, you will need to fill out a planned absence form for our schools. Please send in a note requesting this form as soon as you know your anticipated date.
If your child is experiencing illness symptoms and you have questions for our school nurse, Jackie Pawlowski, you may call 330-954-2286. She can help answer any questions.
Important PTO Information
Hello Miller Families! Below are AEPTO updates.
1. February 1 - Next AEPTO Meeting 6:30pm at C&I Building (119 W. Pioneer Trail)
2. Teacher Appreciation Week will be February 6-10! More information is coming soon!
3. Tuesday, February 14 - Valentine's Day classroom parties
Kindergarten AM & Pre-K AM - 10:30am-11:15am
Kindergarten Full Day/PM & Pre-K PM - 2:30pm-3:15pm
4. Save the Date! Sunday, May 7, 2023 at 2:00pm - Magic Gives Back
AEPTO and the Harmon High PTO (HHPTO) are partnering with Ganley Chevrolet of Aurora to proudly present "Magic Gives Back!" This is a Vegas style magic show and a unique fundraising platform developed specifically for local schools and communities. Magic Gives back will be held at the Solon High School Auditorium.
Upcoming Events
1/28 - Family night at the Monsters hockey game (if you purchased tickets, they will be emailed soon)
2/1 - AEPTO Meeting 6:30pm at C&I Building (119 W. Pioneer Trail)
2/4 - Princess Prom hosted by NHS (not an AEPTO event)
2/6 - 2/10 - Teacher Appreciation Week
2/14 - Valentine's Day Class Parties
2/16 - Family Event at Kalahari
2/17 - No School
2/20 - No School
2/21 - Kickoff to Kindergarten Event 7:00pm at C&I Building (parents only)
If you have any questions, please let me know!
Jen Borman
Aurora Schools Foundation
Important Updates from our Superintendent Mike Roberto
Miller Elementary: Preschool & Kindergarten
Vicki Wolf
Email: mgoodman@aurora-schools.org
Website: aurora-schools.org
Location: 646 S Chillicothe Rd, Aurora, OH 44202, USA
Phone: 330-562-6199