Duke News
September 16-20
Week at a Glance:
M: Homecoming Court Meeting/ Student Booster Club Meeting
T: SGA WIN meeting
W: WIN Beta Meeting/Gaming Club Meeting
TH: SGA WIN Meeting/ IWCS School Board Meeting 6pm
9-23 Student Asynchronous Learning Day/Staff work day
9-24 Underclassman pictures
PSAT registrations during WIN Monday-Thursday:
WIN Teachers will receive an email from Ms. Randall with the list of student names who need to see Ms. Randall on the assigned day.
VHSL Theater Team:
The VHSL Theater Team will have practice on Wednesday, September 18 from 3 PM to 4:30 PM and Saturday, September 21 from 11 AM to 2:30 PM.
The Region tournament will be held on Saturday, Nov. 2nd at Randolph Henry. If WHS wins, we will attend the State Championship on Saturday, Dec. 14.
Need to make an Online Payment?
See the instructions for making online payments below.
Homecoming 2024:
New Club!
Attendance Notes:
Attendance notes can be sent to lsigler@iwcs.k12.va.us and lalston@iwcs.k12.va.us
Senior College Financial Aid:
Over the course of the next couple of weeks Mrs. Herrala will be visiting Senior WIN classes. She would like to get preliminary information from students and help them create FSA IDs, an individual login each student will need to complete the FAFSA (Free Application for Federal Student Aid). Even if the student is currently planning to seek vocational or technical training, he or she should complete the FAFSA, as it is a requirement to receive aid available for some of the programs. Mrs. Herrala will send an email to students and parents next week with information about the GRASP program, financial aid and scholarships. If you are ready to get started, you can make an appointment here. Office hours are Wednesdays 8 - 2. You may email Mrs. Herrala at windsor@grasp4va.org with questions.
Free Lunch and Breakfast For All WHS Students:
School Cafe:
This year the IWCS Nutrition Office has changed our payment source and we are no longer using: Meals Plus. If you had a credit on your child's Meals Plus account at the end of last year, we have moved those funds over. If you do not see those funds, please reach out to Mrs. Couch: ecouch@iwcs.k12.va.us.
Parents are encouraged to prepay for their children's meals. The website, www.schoolcafe.com, enables parents secure credit card payment options. Registration with the K12 Payment Center gives parents access to their student's lunchroom balance and meal history, and offers e-mail notification when the account balance drops below a set limit.
IWCS Cell Phone Procedures:
Monday, 9/16
Golf Match @ Cypress Cove vs Tri-Rivers District (3:00 pm). Students will leave class at 1:00 pm.
JV/Varsity Volleyball vs Summit Christian Academy (5:30 pm/7:00 pm).
Tuesday, 9/17
JV/Varsity Volleyball vs Surry County (5:30 pm/7:00 pm).
Wednesday, 9/18
Tri-Rivers District Golf Championship @ Cypress Cove (11:00 am). Students will leave class at 8:45 am.
B/G Cross Country Meet @ Franklin (4:00 pm). Students will leave class at 2:15 pm.
JV Football @ Northampton (6:00 pm). Students will leave class at 1:50 pm
Thursday, 9/19
Varsity Volleyball vs Brunswick (5:30 pm).
Friday, 9/20
Varsity Football/Cheer vs Northampton (7:00 pm).
Tickets for home games are now available to purchase online via gofan. Tickets will be available to purchase online the DAY of the event. https://gofan.co/app/school/VA12858
Ticket prices:
JV/Varsity Volleyball and Varsity Football: $8.00
JV Football $7.00
There is an additional $1.00 service fee.
The Virginia Space Grant Consortium provides FREE NASA-related programs for Virginia's high school students in 10th, 11th, and 12th grades. The programs have an interactive online STEM learning experience and are highlighted by a seven-day residential summer academy at NASA.
10th GRADE
Virginia Space Coast Scholars (VSCS) focuses on the current missions flown or managed by NASA Wallops Flight Facility on Virginia’s Eastern Shore. http://vsgc.odu.edu/spacecoast/ - This online course application is OPEN UNTIL OCTOBER 24.
11th AND 12th GRADE
Virginia Aerospace Science and Technology Scholars (VASTS) focuses on NASA’s human spaceflight missions and the Journey to the Moon and on to Mars. Students learn from NASA experts on how to design space missions! http://vsgc.odu.edu/VASTS/, applications are OPEN UNTIL OCTOBER 24.
Virginia Earth System Science Scholars (VESSS) focuses on the challenges of the next generation of scientists and engineers to become part of the solution to the societal issues faced by the impacts of climate change. Engaging students in real-world investigations of the Earth and its systems using the latest research and data from NASA. http://vsgc.odu.edu/VESSS applications are OPEN UNTIL OCTOBER 24.
Each program also hires a cohort of Master Teachers to grade student work. Teachers, please refer to each program’s website for details on becoming a paid Master Teacher for the upcoming semester! Teachers only, apply here until October 15: https://spacegrant.net/apps/vsgcmt
Upgrades-Temporary Closure of Track & Football Field
Due to the current upgrades on the Windsor High School track and football field, the WHS stadium will be unavailable for use by the school and community. Later this fall, upgrades will be made to the Windsor High School tennis courts. During various stages of these projects areas will not be accessible.
Entering WHS:
Dear Windsor High School Parents,
We are excited to welcome new front office staff to our team! To ensure the safety of our students and a smooth transition, we kindly ask all visitors to follow the steps posted at the entrance when entering the building. Please remember to ring the bell, present a valid ID, state the reason for your visit, and provide the full name of the student you are here to see. Your cooperation is greatly appreciated as we work to maintain a secure environment for everyone.
Thank you for your continued support!
Attendance Matters:
Attendance & Extracurricular Participation:
In order to be eligible to participate in extracurricular activities (including, but not limited to athletic events, club activities, school dances, etc.), a student must attend 50% of the school day. Students who are absent from school are not permitted to be on school property for any reason, this includes extracurricular activities such as athletic events or school dances. Students who are chronically absent (missing 10% or more of the school year) may lose the opportunity to attend particular social events (e.g. Homecoming Dance, Prom, participation on athletic teams, or other extracurricular activities).
Late Arrivals & Early Dismissals:
Students who engage in a pattern of unexcused absences for less than a school day (early dismissal or late arrival) may be required to make up the missed instructional time at the principal’s discretion.
A note requesting early dismissal must be received in the office by 10:00 a.m. The note must be written by the student’s parent or guardian or sent from the authorized email account as verified in PowerSchool. The office staff will verify the written note by contacting the student’s parent or guardian via the contact number/email in PowerSchool. At no time will 18 year-old students be permitted to sign out of school without proper documentation that declares the age of majority and demonstrates his/her emancipation from his/her parent(s)/guardian(s).
If a need to leave early develops after 10:00 a.m., the parent, or approved contact, as indicated in the PowerSchool account, must come to the WHS office with proper identification to sign the student out.
Windsor High School Attendance and Tardy Reminder
Windsor High School Attendance and Tardy Policy Reminder
At Windsor High School, we prioritize consistent student attendance to ensure access to quality education. To help families stay informed, we want to remind you of our attendance policy as outlined by IWCS Regulation JED-R, our specific tardy policy at Windsor High School, and our attendance appeal policy:
Unexcused Absences: These occur when the school is unaware of the reason for the absence, or the provided reason/documentation is insufficient. Please note that if a note is not submitted, the absence will be considered unexcused. We accept up to 5 parent notes per semester. If the absence is due to an appointment, please submit a doctor's note or other professional documentation to excuse the student.
Example of an Acceptable Note:
- Date
- “My child (Insert Student’s Name) was absent on (Insert Date of Absence) because of (Insert reason for absence).”
- Parent/Guardian Signature
- Parent/Guardian Email Address/Parent/Guardian Phone
School personnel will implement the following notification process to improve attendance:
- 3rd Unexcused Absence: The principal or designee will call the parent/guardian to explain compulsory attendance requirements.
- 4th Unexcused Absence: A letter will be mailed to the parent/guardian.
- 5th Unexcused Absence: An Attendance Improvement Plan will be developed with the parent/guardian.
- 8th & 9th Unexcused Absence: The principal or designee will contact the parent/guardian to discuss possible next steps if attendance does not improve.
- 10th Unexcused Absence: An attendance conference will be scheduled within 10 days.
- 11th Unexcused Absence: The student and family will be referred to the IWCS attendance officer for a truancy review team meeting.
- 15th Consecutive Unexcused Absence: The student will be withdrawn from Windsor High School as per VA Code 8VAC20-110-130.
Tardies: The tardy policy at Windsor High School applies to each block. Students are allowed to provide notes for tardies to school ONLY on the same day as the tardy and with reasonable and appropriate excuses.
Tardy Consequences:
- 3 Unexcused Tardies: An automated call will be made to the student's home.
- 6 Unexcused Tardies: The student will receive 2 days of lunch detention or after-school detention, and there is a possible suspension of parking privileges for 5 days.
- 9 Unexcused Tardies: The student will receive 4 days of lunch detention or after-school detention, and there is a possible suspension of parking privileges for 10 days.
Attendance Appeal Policy: It is especially important to note the expectations for student attendance as it relates to student retention and course credit. High school students may not be granted credit for a course if unexcused absences from class total more than five (5) class periods for a semester course, or ten (10) class periods for year-long courses. The entire policy JED and regulation JED-R may be found on the division's website by navigating to: Board → Policy → J. Students → JED and/or JED-R.
We encourage all families to be proactive in managing attendance and tardiness and to communicate any concerns with the school administration. Regular attendance and punctuality are crucial for academic success, and we are here to support our students in every way possible.
Thank you for your attention to these important matters.
New Duke Presentation:
Missed the New Duke Presentation before Open House? Click this link to review the slides:
Class of 2025:
Click below to sign up for Senior Formal Makeup Pictures on Oct 3rd:
Class of 2026:
The last day for Junior Ring orders is September 26th. Jostens will be at WHS on the 26th to receive last-minute orders in order to ensure that the rings are received and ready by the Junior Ring Ceremony which will be November 20th at 6 PM in the WHS Auditorium.
WHS School Hours:
Instructional Hours: 7:35am -2:50pm
Office Hours: 7:00am--4:00pm
2024-2025 IWCS Calendar:
The calendar is available on the IWCS website at https://www.iwcs.k12.va.us/apps/pages/school_calendar
GSA opportunities:
Follow us on Facebook: Windsor High School
Follow us on Twitter @dukeswhs
Meet the WHS Administrators
Dawn Carroll, Principal
Melinda Hodgkiss, Assistant Principal
About Us
Website: http://whs.iwcs.k12.va.us/
Location: 24 Church Street, Windsor, VA, USA
Phone: (757)242-6172
Twitter: @dukeswhs