Hastings Boys' High School
Newsletter 2024 Week 3 Term 3
M.P. Summerfield MSSL (Dist.), B Sc , Dip. Tchg., PG. Cert. DCL
Academic and Field Trip News
English Language Learners (ELLS)
This year we have welcomed students from The Philippines, India, Samoa, Tonga, Fiji, The Cook Islands, China, Tuvalu and Kiribati.
The students learn English in two ESOL classes. ESOL A - for new learners and ESOL B - for students working on ESOL NCEA level 1 and 2 credits.
They have all settled in well with the support of their peers and teachers.
In the Island class we motivate the students to work on their English vocabulary, by playing word games, and learn how to spell and sound the words. We learn words that is associated with the topic of the week.
The boys enjoy reading and sharing stories. they also like to get creative when they don't have enough letters.
We are proud of the boys for their hard work and dedication.
Year 12 "Future Leaders" Tree Planting at Te Mata Peak
On August 2nd, the future leaders of Hastings Boys' High School were invited to go on a trip to Te Mata Park. This is where our group had the privilege of planting over 250 native trees, just at the entrance of Te Mata Park in Tauroa Reserve. We were taught the correct way to plant a native tree and how they would be taken care of in the years to come. Planting these trees gave our group a great sense of pride and satisfaction, in knowing that we have helped our community but also that these trees will be here for years to come. A place where all can appreciate them.
Blair Gordon 12OC
Massey University Open Day
On Wednesday 7th August a minivan of senior HBHS students attended the Massey University Open Day at their Manawatu Palmerston North Campus. Students were able to take a campus tour, attend lectures / presentations and get a feel for student life. It provided a fantastic opportunity to chat with academics, get advice about admissions, scholarships, and help navigate the journey from secondary school to university student.
Next week we have two universities visiting for course planning sessions:
Waikato University - Tuesday 13th August
Canterbury University - Friday 16th August
Start times are 1.15 pm in the audio-visual room. Boys may collect their lunches and head along if they would like some assistance putting a study plan together.
Sport and Cultural News
Wairangi Taylor is travelling to Thailand to represent the NZ Māori
Volleyball U17 boys' volleyball team along with his sister Tehia who is
in the U20 Women's team. He will be playing other countries around the world
representing NZ where there will be a lot of scouting, coaches and
high elite managers with universities watching to recruit players to
join them. This is a huge opportunity for players to move overseas to
study at university and play volleyball internationally. We wish
Wairangi all the best.
General News
Beau Heibner represented the New Zealand Canoe Polo U21's B Team in 2023 at the Hastings Sports Centre. Beau gave his Oceania shirt to the school. Thank you Beau.
Seeking Musical Instruments
" Do you have any old musical instruments collecting dust at home? The school music department is seeking donations of unused instruments to support our students. Your generous contribution can help a student in need discover the joy of music. If you have any instruments to donate, please contact us. Thank you for your support!"
Mr J Lindsay
Head of Music
Supporting our Students
Engineering Help
The engineering workshop continues to have great support from industry. This week Euromarc generously donated to the workshop a large number of consumables for the students to use while making their projects. Grinding discs, gloves, markers, and cutting discs. Without the continued support of industry, it simply would not be possible to provide the students at Hastings Boys' High School the workshop experiences that we do. Thank you Euromac.
Building News
Out with the Old and in with the New
While we welcome change there is still a sense of sadness as the old Tier Block is slowly and carefully demolished. There will be many memories from the many years it stood proudly at the front of our school.
Hastings Boys' High School Old Boys' Association
One of our Old Boys James Heffernan (2015-2019) who was also the Dux of the School in 2019 visited last week. James has recently graduated from Harvard University in the United States, and he spoke to the school in an assembly. he spoke about what it was like studying at Harvard and gave the students some tips about tertiary study. James is off to Edinburgh in the United Kingdom to further his studies. We enjoy seeing our Old Boys return to the school and encourage anyone who attended to pop in and meet our new Headmaster Mr Summerfield