Parent Newsletter
August 16, 2024
Campus Message
Wonderful Celina Early Childhood Parents,
We have had a wonderful first 3 days of Prek! It is natural for the children to be sad when you leave them in a new setting. The best situation is to stay in your car, come through the drop off line and let a staff member walk them to class. You can come in through the front or the back. When you walk them to the front, they want to hold on tight to your leg and make you feel sad for leaving them. I promise, once you are out of sight, they get distracted and engaged in the fun inside their classroom!
Dismissal in the afternoon is getting better each day. Remember to display your tag on your car mirror and get in your assigned line. If you try to skip or cut the line you will will be sent to the back to wait. Avoid parking and trying to come to the office to get your child. You will need to wait until the end of dismissal to be connected with your child.
If you need to change the way your child gets home, you must contact the front office BEFORE 1:30 PM. We do not accept changes after 1:30 so that we can ensure your child gets home safely. The best way to get us that information is to complete the CHANGE OF TRANSPORTATION form linked below. It will always be in this newsletter each week for your reference, or you can find it on the CISD ECS website under the parent tab.
Our staff have been working tirelessly all week and need caffeine and snacks to grab on the go. If you would like to contribute to snacks, sodas, gift cards, gifts, etc, please reach out to glendadophied@celinaisd.com. Our teachers will be working day and night so no offering is too small or large!
For your convenience, Here is our amazon wish list! You can ship directly to the school! We thank you in advance for taking care of your teachers!
In your Skyward registration, you may have selected to not give permission to have your child photographed. This will include photos from your child's teacher, yearbook, social media, on wall hangings inside the building, etc. If you selected this option, you will receive an email from rachelhansen@celinaisd.com to change your mind to allow photos to be taken. If you are not sure, email her and let her know you give permission to have your child's photo taken.
Have a great weekend and prepare your child for Monday morning to do it all over again!
Glenda Dophied - Principal
click the tab above for the link to change the way your child goes home.
PTA Membership contest!
The group/POD that has the most membership by September 3rd gets a popsicle party! Click the link or scan the QR code below today and join our PTA ( Parent/Teacher Association) ! Our goal is to work together to purchase additional walkie-talkies for increased safety and communication.
Scan the QR code on the flyer or click the button above.
Welcome Bobcat Families!
Happy Friday ECS parents! Congratulations! You made it through the first three days. Are you ready for the weekend? I am sure everyone is since we all woke up super early this week to be ready for the first days of school. I hope you and your child have some great memories and photos of these first days. The first days of school are so important for setting the tone for the school year. Together you are establishing routines that will help you all get out the door on time each day. That can be exhausting, so make sure there is time to rest and recharge this weekend.
Next week, I will start visiting classes, learning names, and telling students about my job. If you,too, would like to know more about what a counselor does as well as the names and roles of other office staff, please join us for Coffee with the Counselor and Administrators on September 19, 9:00 am at ECS. RSVP here for a reminder email: RSVP Coffee with the Counselor.
Meanwhile, stay cool and enjoy some great read alouds about making friends with your child. Have a great weekend!
Arrival and Dismissal Map
You can drop off in either the front or back car line.
PLEASE stay IN your car at all times. A staff member will assist your child out of the car and into the building
You are welcome to park in the front parking lot and walk your child up using the crosswalk. Do not cross through all the cars for safety purposes.
Dismissal in the PM:
Find your teacher's name and follow the red arrows on the map.
Front car line will enter from Preston Road
Back car line will enter from East Malone, not Preston.
Hang the car tag given to you at Meet the Teacher on your rear view mirror with child's name and teacher.
If you need to change the way your child gets home, complete form BEFORE 1:30PM
School Cafe Lunch account setup - Be ready for lunch on the first day!
- Create a SchoolCafe Account: As we prepare for the new school year, please ensure that you complete the Free & Reduced Meal Application through School Cafe to allow eligible students to access free or reduced meals starting on the first day of school. All menus will be available online via School Cafe. Since it may take a few days for new students' information to transfer from Skyward to School Cafe, please either send money with your child or provide lunch during their initial days. Additionally, remember to add funds to your returning student's School Cafe account before the school year begins. This can be completed using this link: https://www.schoolcafe.com/CELINAISD.
CISD Academic Calendar
After this date, allow 2 weeks to get a bus number and routing information.
Lunch Visitors
Check-in at the front office and obtain a visitor sticker.
Please sit at the designated visitor tables.
You may only share and provide food for your child.
Only your child may sit with you.
Lunch visitors may not walk students to class, go inside classrooms, student restrooms, or other areas in the building.
Taking pictures or video of students is prohibited. 📵
Note From Nurse Moore
Potty Training
Please email updated immunization to nurse carriemoore@celinaisd.com.
All medically and developmentally able students are expected to handle their own toileting (knowing when they need to use the restroom, asking or stating that need, handle clothing removal/replacement, and change clothes if needed) and cleaning (wiping properly, washing hands) on their own or with verbal cues alone.
Please send your student to school in clothes that are easy for them to pull up/down or take on/off for unaided or minimally aided restroom use.
Those students that require a change of clothing related to toileting accidents, spills, and/or food mishaps will wait in the classroom to minimize loss of instructional time unless deemed necessary to move the student to an alternative location for the student’s comfort.
Provide 3 sets of clothing: 2 sets (include 2 pairs of underwear, and any combination of the following: shirts, pants, dresses, skirts, or shorts and socks) Please place these in a zip lock storage bag with the student’s name, class, and teacher’s name on the bag. This will be left at school. The 3rd set of clothing should remain in your student’s backpack.
It is highly recommended that extra shoes be provided as well.You, as the parent or legal guardian, may be asked to come and assist with changing your student if necessary.
Thank you in advance for your support with this.
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/CelinaISDPS
Instagram: celinaearlychildhoodschool
Contact Us
Celina Early Childhood School exists to serve all Qualifying PreK and Early Childhood Special Education students in Celina ISD.
Celina ECS School Front Office: (469) 742-9104
Cafeteria: (469) 742-9104 x 2125
Bus Company: (469) 742-9114
Counselor (469) 742-9104 x 2110
Email: glendadophied@celinaisd.com
Website: https://www.celinaisd.com/news/
Location: 507 E Malone St, Celina, TX, United States
Phone: (469) 742-9104
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/CelinaISDPS/
Instagram: celinaearlychildhoodschool