Statistics Syllabus
2nd Period
Course Description
This course is designed to help you learn the basics of data analysis, including the descriptive and inferential statistical procedures that are commonly used in basic statistical research. You will learn techniques for graphing and describing data; explore common function patterns including linear, logarithmic, exponential and logistic functions; be introduced to correlation and linear regression; learn the basic principles of hypothesis testing and the inferences that can be drawn from them; and develop skills necessary for evaluating the conditional probability of events.
Course Codes
Remind: @phsstats24
Khan Academy: E6NK7DX6
Delta Math: 6EU8-36VT
Materials Needed
●Binder or folder (for notes and assignments)
● Pencil (Pen is only allowed in your notes)
● Loose leaf paper
● Graphing calculator (TI-84 will be provided for you in class if you do not have one)
● Headphones that can be used with a Chromebook
● Black Expo Markers
The grading scale is as follows for PHS:
90% – 100% A
80% – 89% B
70% – 79% C
60% – 69% D
0% – 59% F
The grade weighting for PHS will be on the 25%/75% scale.
All multiple choice tests and most quizzes will be through DMAC. You must show your work. If you only have the answers, then the highest grade you will receive on that assignment will be a 50%. Unless it specifically says that you do not have to show work, assume you always do.
You will have several assignments, tests and quizzes, 1 mid-term, and 1 final over the course of the SEMESTER. You will also be required to create a Khan Academy account and a Delta Math account. You will only be required to do the quizzes and tests that will be assigned, but you are encouraged to watch the videos and do the practice problems as well. All quizzes in Khan Academy count as a daily grade, and all unit tests in Khan Academy will count as a test grade. You are able to do these as many times as you want to in order to obtain the grade you desire up until the due date. After the due date, your grade will stand with the highest score.
Per PHS Math Department policy, there are no make-up tests unless prior arrangements have been made. This is a non-negotiable. If you are not going to be here, you must make prior arrangements. You are not allowed to retake any test or quiz, even if you get below a 70%.
All tests must be finished in the day it was given. Everyone is allowed one full class period to finish their test. If you are allowed extra time, you must make arrangements PRIOR to the test. Once the test has begun, if you have not made any arrangements to use the extra time you are allowed, you will not be able to.
The test will start at the beginning of your class period and you will have 50 minutes to complete it. If you show up late to class, you will not have extended time. You must be on time.
There will be several assignments given this semester. All assignments will have a due date and are due at the end of your class period on that due date. No late work will be accepted. If you will be out due to a school function, you will need to get your assignment before you leave. If you are allowed extra time, the assignment has to be turned in at the beginning of class the next day. If your absence in the grade book is unexcused and something was due that day, your grade will remain a 0 until you get your absence excused.
You may exempt the final exam as long as you do not have more than 2 absences (E-Days do not count) and have at least an 80% for the semester going into the final exam. I must have your final exam form on the Monday of the final exam for that semester.
Class attendance is critical for the successful completion of this course. You must be present at least 90% for the semester and maintain at least a 70% in order to get credit for the class for PHS. This means that you cannot be absent more than 8 days a semester. Per Paris ISD attendance policy: A signed parent's note or doctor’s note must be provided to the campus immediately upon return in order for the absence to be considered excused. Notes submitted more than three school days after the absence will NOT be considered, and the absence will remain unexcused. If you are absent it is your responsibility to make arrangements: DO NOT DELAY!
Tutorials and Extra Help
Tutorials are from 7:30 to 8:00 am. If you need additional help, I do not have a last period class. You are more than welcome to come in during that time and get extra help as long as you give me a little bit of notice since I drive a bus. You are also more than welcome to send me a Remind during this time period. If you have a question throughout the day, you can submit your question through Remind. It will be answered that day, as long as it is before 4 pm. Any time after 4 pm, your question may not get answered until the next working day. For example, if you send me a question at 6 pm on a Tuesday, I will answer it the next day. If you send me a question at 10 pm on a Friday, I will not answer it until Monday morning. If you need help during the weekend, I cannot guarantee that I will respond right away, but I will try, especially if it is right before an exam.