Nobles County Clover Digest
December 6, 2024

A farewell note from Anna
I have resigned my position as the Nobles County 4-H Educator. I have accepted a new role in Sioux Falls, SD, where I will be focusing on fundraising and marketing initiatives.
My last day with Nobles County 4-H will be December 19.
It has truly been an honor to work with such a strong 4-H program, and I have deeply appreciated the chance to collaborate with such dedicated individuals. I am grateful for the experiences and the relationships I have built during my time with Nobles County.
Please reach out to Kerstin or Wendy with questions about 4-H.
December Ambassador Gathering
The youth ambassadors will meet on December 8 at 4:00 pm in the Farmers Room. Please join the GroupMe chat for more information. All youth in grades 6-13 are invited to ambassadors.
Food Stand Committee Meeting
The food stand committee will meet on Thursday, December 12 at 6:00 pm in the Farmers Room. Planning for the 2025 food stand will be the focus of this meeting.
Banquet RSVP
Please RSVP for the annual awards banquet on January 12. A meal will be provided and awards will be presented. RSVPs are due on January 2.
Pick Up Your Records
Records are now all judged and can be picked up at the Extension Office. Record awards will be presented at the banquet in January.
Apply to be a Beef Ambassador
The Rock/Nobles Youth Beef Ambassador Program is an opportunity for high school students in grades 10-12 to represent the Rock and Nobles County Cattlemen at various events throughout the area and state during 2025. This is a great opportunity to help us promote beef to consumers within our surrounding communities! Complete the application by December 31st.
Re-Enroll in Nobles County 4-H
Thank you for your involvement in Minnesota 4-H! In order to remain enrolled, you will need to show your family’s intent to participate by logging in to 4-H Online and reviewing, updating and submitting the following information:
Your family's contact and demographic information, including club, school and grade.
Each family member's health and emergency contact information.
Project areas of interest for this coming year.
Parental consent required for youth participating in shooting sports/wildlife programs.
You can log in to 4-H Online here to complete the re-enrollment process. This guide has more information.
Regional, State & National Events
Building Leadership and Understanding (BLU)
Looking for a fun way to meet new people and learn leadership skills? Check out the Building Leadership and Understanding (BLU) leadership workshops hosted by the Minnesota 4-H State Ambassadors! BLU is for youth in grades 6 and up. Learn more and register at z.umn.edu/4-HBLU!
Let’s Talk About Disability
Let’s Talk About Disability is a five-session series designed to provide a safe place for youth in grades 6-12 to have important conversations about disability. This series demonstrates to youth with disabilities that they are valued and welcomed by 4-H and gives all youth the tools to be supportive and effective allies. It also serves to identify strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and ideas related to disability inclusion and access in the 4-H program. Learn more at https://z.umn.edu/Letstalkaboutdisability.
Participate in or coach 4-H Project Bowls in 2025
Coaches and 4-H'ers (grades 3+) interested in learning more about the Minnesota 4-H Project Bowl program should check out the website for dates, locations, rules, references and more. Get ready to learn more about your dairy, general livestock, horse, llama/alpaca, plant science, poultry and rabbit projects! Back again this year in the dairy and general livestock species is a third age division – read more about it in the project bowl rules. Learn more and register.
Sign up for Bowling 101!
Bowling 101 is a non-competitive opportunity for younger, inexperienced members to try Project Bowl. This event will be held virtually with 4-H'ers joining a Zoom meeting and using the Kahoot! app to participate. There will be two sessions offered:
Grades K-2: Tuesday, Dec. 17 from 6:30 to 7:30 p.m.
Grades 3+: Thursday, Dec. 19 from 6:30 to 7:30 p.m. - Recommended for grades 3-5, but open to all youth interested in learning about Project Bowl who have not participated before.
Join the 2025 animal science youth leadership team
Calling all youth in grades 8+ who have a passion for animal science to apply to be part of the 2025 animal science youth leadership team! Be a part of evaluating animal science programming, networking with peers, connecting with industry professionals and much more. This is a 1-year commitment beginning in January, 2025. Application deadline: Dec. 15. Learn more and apply.
Statewide livestock PDC kickoff webinar
Are you part of a livestock or animal science PDC in your county? Do you want to learn and gather ideas from others across the state? If so, join us on Jan. 23 from 7 to 8 p.m. for a livestock PDC kickoff webinar to get your county animal science committees off to a great start. Learn more and register.
HAWKS (High Adventure Wilderness Kids) experience!
Youth will travel to Bayfield, Wisc. with Trek and Trail Outfitting for a kayak+camp+hike experience in the Apostle Islands! Participants will be expected to join monthly Zoom meetings Feb. through July for trip preparation. This trip is limited to 15 youth and will cost $1000 (includes outfitter guides, equipment, food, lodging, and transportation). Trip dates are Aug. 3-9. The registration deadline is Jan. 3 and requires a $350 deposit. Learn more and register.
4-H Winter Science Sprouts: Growing plants in new and unique ways
Exciting experiments, creative plant science, and curious young minds come together in this highly popular program geared towards grades 3-5, but everyone is welcome. Through three interactive 30-minute Zoom sessions taking place on the fourth Monday of January, February and March, your child will explore how plants grow in surprising ways, from avocados to cucumbers and even sweet potatoes—no backyard needed! Learn more and register.
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