Fayette Central Week at a Glance
Week of May 20- May 24
Fayette Central Elementary School Mission:
The staff of Fayette Central believes that all students can learn given quality educational programs and a desire to learn. Through a cooperative effort that involves the family, school, and community, Fayette Central will provide a safe, educational environment which promotes learning. We will prepare students academically and socially to function as independent, productive citizens and life-long learners.
Dates to Remember
Richer Principle- Harmony
Bus Duty- Hazelrigg/Shepherd-AM; Strong/Pfeiffer-PM
Field Day-
Intermediate 9-11
Primary 12:15 - 2:00
10:00-Security Meeting- McCarty
2:00-Sixth Grade Band
2:30- 3rd-4th Art Club
Tuesday May 21:
Sixth Grade Teachers at Science PD at REsource Center
Wednesday May 22:
Sixth Grade to CMS
7:30- Penny Wellness
11:30- Mrs. Steffee Lunch Groups
2:30- Hornet News
Thursday May 23:
Sixth Grade to IUE/Ivy Tech
Friday May 24:
9:40-Case Conference-Mrs. Haffner/O'Rourke-McCarty
To Do:
1. Complete Inventories
2. Go Online and Order School Specialty
Upcoming Dates
May 27- Memorial Day
May 28- School Board Recognition
May 29- Last Student Day
May 30- Last Teacher Day
Apps to Promote Summer Learning
10 Free Elementary Websites for Summer Learning:
1. My Storybook- Create your own story and watch it come to life!
2. Wonderopolis- What are you wondering about?
3. Nat Geo for Kids- Learn all about geography and fascinating animals.
4. Into the Book- Go "into the book" to play games that practice reading strategies.
5. ABC Ya- Practice math and reading skills all while playing fun games!
6. PBS Kids- Hang out with your favorite characters all while learning!
7. Storyline Online- Have some of your favorite stories read to you by movie stars.
8. Highlight Kids- Read, play games, and conduct cool science experiments.
9. Switcheroo Zoo- Watch, listen, and play games to learn all about animals!
10. Fun Brain- Play games while practicing math and reading skills.
Try Popplet for Organizing Ideas
In the classroom and at home, students use Popplet for learning. Used as a mind-map, Popplet helps students think and learn visually. Students can capture facts, thoughts, and images and learn to create relationships between them.