John Glenn Weekly Newsletter
John Glenn News and Events
Message from the Principal
Dear John Glenn Families,
Reminder that today, Friday, May 31st and Wednesday, June 5th (last day of school) are 2-hour early dismissals.
This will be the last family memo of the school year--I can hardly believe it! I want to thank you for your support, involvement, and most of all, for sharing your wonderful children with us. The people at this school--students, staff, and families--are second to none. Thank you for being you, and for raising amazing kids. Glenn family forever!
Our End-of-Year Recognition Assembly is at 8:30 Tuesday morning in our gym. Families are welcome. Lancer Leaders, Physical Fitness Award recipients, Student Council members, Lunch and Shed Helpers, and participants in the Spelling Bee, Battle of the Books, Mock Trial, and Math Bee will be recognized.
6th Grade Graduation is at 9:00 Wednesday morning on the blacktop. Families are welcome and should bring their own chairs.
Glenn Olympics will begin at 10:30 Wednesday morning at outside stations around the school. Families are welcome to attend (younger siblings, too!) and should bring their own chairs. If you plan on taking your student home prior to 1:05 on the last day, please communicate directly with the teacher rather than the office.
I hope you have a wonderful summer and make lots of memories with family. As always, please reach out with any questions or concerns.
Erin Paysen, Principal
John Glenn Elementary
Lost and Found
Look at all these lost (and not yet found) student belongings! Please stop in, peruse, and reclaim what's yours!
Yearbooks are here!
Yearbooks were distributed last week! If you have not ordered a yearbook and would like one, we do have just a few extra. Please send an envelope with cash or check to the office with your student(s) names on it. Yearbooks are $20 each and are first come, first serve.
Caregivers of Current 6th Grade Students:
The junior high sent the NSJH Step Up Day informational letter below via email this week. Our students will attend on June 3 from 12:00-2:00. Contact Mrs. Trainor with any questions about the event!
PTO: We Need You!
PTO Officer Positions will be open for the 2024-2025 school year: Secretary / President / Treasurer
Contact President Abby Arensdorff at or 563-340-6321 or Vice President Cara Ayers at or 563-271-9856 to express your interest or inquire further about available PTO roles.
Lego League
John Glenn will offer Lego League next school year for grades 2-6. Looking ahead, I would like to order materials this summer so we can get a head start on the season. I know there is a lot going on with the last day of school, but please consider filling out the google form to indicate interest in Lego League for next school year. You are not bound to this commitment. If you or your child changes your mind come fall, no big deal. I just want to have an idea of our numbers for next year.
Thank you and have an incredible summer.
Angie Clayton, AS/JG Lego League Advisor
North Scott District Events
Child Care for Early Dismissal Fridays
NS Child Care is offering Care for the Early Dismissal Fridays next school year. Please refer to the attached form.
North Scott Child Care Summer and Fall Registration
Anyone looking for child care for this summer or fall please contact Theresa Tobin-Seghers or return the attached forms.
Theresa Tobin-Seghers
Program Director
North Scott Child Care
FAX 866-698-4356
North Scott Boys Pinning Camp
North Scott Girls Pinning Camp
North Scott Beginner Wrestling Camp
Lancer Elite Training Camp
Johnni DiJulius 1-Day Camp
Annual Lady Lancer Youth Basketball Camp
Community Events
This is not a North Scott School District publication. It is being distributed through the school district as a community service of the district to inform you of other community activities or services available.
Click image for more information
This is not a North Scott School District publication. It is being distributed through the school district as a community service of the district to inform you of other community activities or services available.
This is not a North Scott School District publication. It is being distributed through the school district as a community service of the district to inform you of other community activities or services available.
Youth Activities
Youth activity opportunities are listed on the district website's Youth Activities page.
Important Dates
June 3 (Day 3): 6th Grade Step-Up Day 11:40-2:20
June 4 (Day 4): End of Year Recognition Assembly 8:30-9:15; Trimester 3 Report Cards Due 10:00 AM
June 5 (Day 1): Last Day of School, 6th Grade Graduation 9:00-10:00, Glenn Olympics10:30-1:00, Report Cards Home with Students, 2-Hour Early Dismissal
Continuous Notice of Nondiscrimination Policy Statement: It is the policy of the North Scott Community School District not to discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, sex, disability, religion, creed, age (for employment), marital status (for programs), sexual orientation, gender identity and socioeconomic status (for programs) in its educational programs and its employment practices. There is a grievance procedure for processing complaints of discrimination. If you have questions or a grievance related to this policy please contact the district’s Equity Coordinator: Erin Paysen, 308 N. Main Street, Donahue, IA, 563-282-9627,