Bellows Weekly Bulletin
February 7, 2025
Monday, 2/10 - E Day
- 4th Grade Early Morning Library - 8:00
Tuesday, 2/11 - F Day
- 5th Grade Early Morning Library - 8:00
Wednesday, 2/12 - A Day
- 3rd Grade Early Morning Library - 8:00
- Board of Education Meeting - 7:00 PM - MS/HS Community Room
Thursday, 2/13 - B Day
- 4th Grade Early Morning Library - 8:00
Friday, 2/14 - C Day
- 5th Grade Early Morning Library - 8:00
- Valentine's Day Writing Celebrations (see below)
On Valentine's Day, Bellows will be hosting our annual "Bellows Loves Writing" reflection and celebration as well as some Valentine's Day fun! More information about the Valentine's Day festivities will be shared by your child's teacher(s) and/or PTSA Head Class Parent(s).
All family members are invited to the Writing Celebrations. Come celebrate all the hard work of our amazing students and teachers!
*5th Grade's Valentine's Day Fun will be with Head Class Parents only*
February 17-21
- Winter Recess - School Closed
Wednesday, February 26
- 1:30 Early Dismissal for Professional Learning
Thursday, February 27
- Principal's Conversation, Grades 3-5 - 9:30 - FEB Annex
Beyond Broadway Was A Blast!
4EM in Aladdin
4JS in Hamilton
Thanks to Joe from Dance Cavise
A huge thank you to the Rye Neck PTSA for supporting and funding this amazing first Beyond Broadway program for our fourth graders. All of the classes did a fantastic job!
For additional photos, please visit the link: 2025 FEB Beyond Broadway
One Book, One Bellows: Community Read
F.E. Bellows will be participating in our very first "One School, One Book" community read. We are asking our entire school community; students, teachers, administrators and families to read a book together. We are building excitement for the title reveal all this week and will begin reading the title starting right after the Winter Recess.
Stay tuned to next week's bulletin for the title of the book and more!
A huge thank you to the Rye Neck School Foundation for funding this project and to Ms. Marks, one of our fourth grade teachers, for spearheading this initiative at Bellows!
Video Management Software Community Forum
The District has been exploring a new video management software to use in our schools as a security enhancement. Our Technology Advisory Committee went through a lengthy process to develop the functional requirements and evaluation matrix used to choose the vendor that meets our needs. The technology includes a learning model that can detect objects, such as people, motor vehicles and firearms if we so choose. To ease concerns, this is not a facial recognition feature because that is illegal in New York State Schools. This upgraded system will provide more safety and accessibility features for our administrators and security team, in order to enhance response times and create a safer environment at our schools.
To give the community an opportunity to ask questions, we are holding an in-person forum about the new video management system the District is considering. Please join us on March 4th from 6:00-6:45PM in the MS/HS Community Room. A representative from the vendor will join us for the forum to answer questions submitted ahead of time.
As the talk will include safety protocols at the schools, questions must be submitted in advance. Please submit up to three questions through the VMS Community Questions by Monday, February 24th. This will help to ensure we can research issues and answer questions in a way that does not compromise disclosing safety information that cannot be made public.
Drill Notification for the Week of 2/10-2/14
This is to inform you that this week we will be conducting a Lockdown drill. The purpose of this drill is to ensure the safety and preparedness of our students and staff in case of an emergency. We conduct these drills regularly as part of our commitment to maintaining a safe learning environment.
Please rest assured that this is only a drill and not an actual emergency.
For any questions or concerns, feel free to contact me directly.
Thank you for your cooperation.
Mike Scarantino
RNSF Polar Plunge 2025
Ready to take the plunge for a great cause? We’re excited to announce the first-ever RNSF Polar Plunge, an epic event where brave souls will dive into icy waters to raise funds to support the Rye Neck School Foundation.
On March 1st from 10:00-11:30am, participants will gather at Mamaroneck Beach & Yacht Club to take a heart-pumping dip into freezing water, all for a worthy cause. Whether you're a seasoned polar plunging pro or a first-timer, your involvement will help make a real impact on funding programs and initiatives that enrich the academic, athletic and artistic experiences of all Rye Neck students.
Click the flyer below for more information and to register for this chilling event!