The Cub Hub
The weekly newsletter for Bear Creek Elementary.
March 7, 2025
Dear Bear Creek Families,
Boosterthon in next Thursday!
Cub Run times are:
PK, K, and 1 - 8:30 am
2nd & 3rd - 9:30 am
4th & 5th - 10:30 am
Due to an overlap, lunches for 4th grade and 2nd grade will change. 4th grade lunch will be from 1:00 - 1:30 and 2nd grade lunch will be from 10:50 - 11:20.
Also, Mrs. Lewis may become an Ice Cream Sundae at 2:00 pm on that Thursday.
I would like to invite our families with students who are part of the Dual Language program to a conversation about the future of this program and gather input around next steps. The meeting will be held on Tuesday, March 11th at 5:00 pm in the library.
Important Dates:
STAAR Reading (3rd - 5th) April 10, 2025
STAAR Math (3rd - 5th) April 24, 2025
STAAR Science (5th only) April 16, 2025
Our Bear Creek Cub Run fundraiser and character enrichment program kicks off soon! Stay tuned for more details on how you can support our school.
Sign up online at MyBooster.com – 02/19/2025
Fundraiser Kickoff in school – 03/05/2025
Event Day – 03/13/2025
👆Click on the ABOVE image for the SURVEY👆
PTA Sponsor Survey
CAC Meeting
Our next meeting will be held on Monday, April 7th at 3:30 pm in the Library. All are welcome to attend. We enjoyed seeing so many new faces and having a need to grab a few additional chairs. Thank you to Kristina Stockfisch for the snacks. Those soft touches are a wonderful part of the time we get to spend together.
Citizens have opportunity to be represented on the agenda and heard during the meetings. Please use this form to submit your topic.
Questions? Email us at: BearCreekCAC@gmail.com
Rachel Cottingham, CAC Co-Chair - Faculty Representative
Kristin Stockfisch, CAC Co-Chair - Parent Representative
📚Library News 📚
Christina Mantica
Daniele Gibbon
Robin Mealey and Taylor Vires were big winners thanks to Austin ISD's Wellness Program.
Best Wishes!
We wish Ms. Maddie well on her next new adventure. Bear Creek will miss her.
Bear Creek Elementary
Email: bearcreek@austinisd.org
Website: https://www.austinisd.org/schools/bearcreek
Location: 12801 Escarpment Boulevard, Austin, TX, USA
Phone: 512-414-0040