The Golden Knight
January 10, 2025

The Golden Knight - February 10, 2025
Greetings Rustin Families
Another great week here at Rustin! We're all excited about the Super Bowl. Please keep in mind that Monday, February 10th we will follow a regular, full-day schedule - no delay. We've now used our two snow days. Any future inclement weather closures will result in FIDs (Flexible Instruction Days). See the images below for FAQs, expectations, and bell schedule for FIDs.
Go Birds!
Clif Beaver, Ed. D.
Interim Principal, Rustin High School
WCASD FID (Flexible Instruction Day) Quick Guide
Rustin's FID (Flexible Instruction Day) Schedule
Help Select Rustin’s Next Principal – We Want Your Input!
As we search for the next leader of Rustin High School, we want to hear from our families and community members. Join us for a stakeholder meeting on Monday, February 10, at 6:30 p.m. in the RHS Library to share your thoughts on the qualities and priorities that matter most in the next principal. Your feedback will help shape the selection process and ensure we find the best fit for our school.
RSVP Link: RHS Families and Community Stakeholder Meeting
We hope to see you there!
Important Upcoming Dates
- 2/14 - 1/2-day for students
- 2/17 - No School, Presidents' Day
- 2/21 - LAST day for student athletes to register on FamilyID for Spring Sports
- 2/21 - Black History Month Celebration, 4th-7th periods
- Student/Parent window to select 2025-2026 Course Electives through 2/21/25
- Donations accepted for RHS PROM Closet through 2/28/25
RHS Clubs, Activities, and Sports Information
Spring Track and Field, Sign-up Meeting, Wed., February 12th
Anyone interested in joining the 2023 Indoor State Champion, 2-time District 1 Champions, and reigning Ches-Mont Champions of Rustin Track and Field should be sure to attend the Spring Track and Field sign up meeting on Wednesday, February 12th during Lunch and Learn. We will meet in the back of the Auditorium. Don't forget to sign out of advisory and bring a friend!
Culture & Cuisine in Northern Italy - June 2026
We are thrilled to announce an unforgettable trip to Italy in June of 2026! This is more than just a trip – it’s a hands-on and cultural experience that travelers will remember for a lifetime. For more details, contact mcoley@wcasd.net .
Spring 2025
Here is the Rustin Spring Sports & Activities Newsletter
Rustin Athletics Website: https://www.wcasd.net/domain/6133
Black History Month Celebration
Black Student Union is gearing up for our Black History Month celebration on Friday, February 21st from 4th-7th periods.
Stay tuned for more information!
2025-2026 Course Selection Timeline
- Student/Parent window to select Electives open thru 2/21- 2025-2026 Course Selection Guide
- 3/21 - Deadline for students to request changes to their 2025-2026 courses (level change, parent override, elective choice) - COURSE PLACEMENT WAIVER AGREEMENT
RHS Prom Closet
We are happy to announce that we will once again be hosting a “Prom Closet” for students to take FREE dresses and accessories for this year’s proms. This has been a huge success in the past few years and we look forward to providing this opportunity to our students again. Please see the attached flyer for details about donating if you are able.
FEBRUARY - collecting donations
- gently used, clean prom dresses
- long gowns only, please
- gently used heels & accessories
- drop off to the Attendance Office at Rustin
MARCH – closet opens!
- Prom Closet will open for students to take dresses/accessories home. All items are free. More information about timing/location to come.
Please feel free to share this flyer on social media if you know anyone else who may want to donate items. If you have any questions please contact Rebecca Bowden (rbowden@wcasd.net) and Sarah Krause (skrause@wcasd.net).
Post Prom decorating plans are well underway! We are creating a hallway dedicated to this incredible senior class AND we need your help! Using pictures, senior jeans & shorts, as well as future college pennants/flags we hope to create a space that will celebrate the past, present & future of the Class of 2025!
Pictures: Will not be returned, so please do no drop originals. Looking for individual or group shots from elementary school and middle school. No limit on number you can donate. If picture is from elementary school, please label specific school on back.
Senior Jeans & Shorts: We will be returning these items after Post Prom. Please label jeans by placing name in rear pocket of jeans or shorts.
College Pennants/Flags: Let’s celebrate our college commitments! These items will be returned after Post Prom. Please label all items.
Our collection is starting 2/10! You can drop your items to the Kuhn Residence at 14 Hyllwynd Drive, West Chester. Bins will be located under the covered entrance to the house. If you have any questions, feel free to reach out to Nicole Krafchick at nicole_mikek@hotmail.com.
Rustin Spring Talent Show
Any questions, see Ms. Smith ( B223)
Dress Rehearsal - March 17th
Class of 2026 Fundraiser
Unlock incredible savings with the Rustin High School Class of 2026 Discount Card fundraiser! For just $20, you’ll gain access to exclusive discounts at 20 local businesses. The cards are valid through December 31st, 2025! Cash and Venmo accepted. The order form includes all payment and pick-up information. Your child does NOT have to be in the Class of 2026 to purchase these! This fundraiser is open to all families and the community. Every card purchased supports the Class of 2026 Prom. Get your card today and start saving while supporting a great cause!
ORDER FORM: https://forms.gle/koVFGjNCXUR53Hoz5
Contact Jenny Raimondo (jennyraimondo@comcast.net) if you have any questions!
Thank you for your support!
Fundraiser Flyer
Discounts List
Note from the Nurse's Office
Parents of Current 10th Graders:
A physical exam completed by a qualified medical professional is required for all students entering the 11th grade. Any physical exam completed after 9/1/24 will fulfill the requirement. Please email the physical to the nurse’s office at jsteimel@wcasd.net or have the physical faxed to 484-255-4391 “Attention School Nurse”. Your student can also hand deliver the physical to our office.
There is no special form for physical exams. Any visit summary from your child’s doctor, patient portal, or PIAA physical form will meet the requirement. Contact the nurse’s office with any questions: jsteimel@wcasd.net.
Parents of Current 11th Graders:
Meningitis vaccination required for 12th Graders
A second Meningitis ACYW vaccination is required for entry into the 12th grade. If your child is over the age of 16 and has seen their doctor, they should have received this vaccination. It is a state requirement for attendance in school that they receive this vaccination before the start of 12th grade. Please send proof of vaccination to the nurse’s office at jsteimel@wcasd.net or have your student hand deliver it. If you have a religious exemption on file and noted in our records, no further action is needed. Please email if you have questions: jsteimel@wcasd.net
We Can Help
Attendance Policies & Procedures
Follow this LINK to view the expectations and rules that Rustin Administration discussed during the January class meetings. Thank you for your help and support with these important processes.
All late arrivals to school, even if entered in PickUp App or accompanied by a parent note, accumulate toward the "8 lates = detention" - unless a note from a doctor/dentist is turned in within 3 days of the late.
Attendance Policy
- Students are to be in 1st period by the 7:30 bell.
- Students not present when their 1st period teacher enters attendance are marked absent (LAW) - this triggers an automated absence call.
- Unfortunately, if a student arrives late and the attendance is changed, the call has already been triggered. We apologize for the inconvenience.
- All students entering the building after 7:30 or leaving early for any reason must sign-in/sign-out in the Attendance Office.
Pickup Patrol App
NOTE: a doctor's note is required if the absence, early dismissal, late arrival was due to a doctor/dentist appointment.
If you're not using the Pick Up Patrol app and would like the link sent to you so that you can begin using it, please email attendance.
New for 2024-2025
If you prefer email to the app, you can contact Attendance at: RHSAttendance@wcasd.net that email will take the place of the written parent note for absence, early dismissal, and late arrival.
NOTE: We need a written note, email or use of Pick-Up Patrol to document student absence, early dismissal, and late arrival. Phone calls to the Attendance Office are not accepted for documentation purposes.
Visitors, Volunteers, and Chaperones
Visitors and Volunteers
We are excited to welcome visitors and volunteers into our school buildings! Upon your visit, please be prepared to show your photo ID in the school's main office or security greeter booth.
All visitors and volunteers must show a photo ID. We will scan your driver's license and issue you a visitor pass. Volunteers/Chaperones must have clearances on file (see volunteer/chaperone policy below).
WCASD Volunteer/Chaperone Policy
WCASD's volunteer policy applies to parents and all other members of the WCASD community who wish to volunteer in our schools and/or serve as overnight chaperones. The policy requires criminal history and child abuse clearances, including reports from the Pennsylvania State Police, the Pennsylvania Department of Welfare, and an original federal criminal history report.
1 & 2 are required for all applicable volunteers:
- Pennsylvania State Police Criminal Record Check (fees waived)
- ChildLine (Pennsylvania Child Abuse History Clearance through the Department of Human Services) (fees waived)
In addition to 1 & 2, one of the following is required for applicable volunteers:
3a. If a resident for the past 10 years, a signed Disclosure Statement for Volunteers (download from PA.GOV website) affirming no charges in other states that would prohibit selection as a volunteer;
3b. If not a resident for the past 10 years AND the volunteer has received certification at any time since residency established, the volunteer must provide a copy of the certification received since residency established;
3c. If neither 3a or 3b apply, FBI Criminal Background Check required (fingerprint check) for federal criminal history records (fee charged)
Volunteers at the WCASD use the service code 1KG6ZJ
For FBI Clearance - Please check your email within 30 days after fingerprints are taken. You will receive an email with your UEID# and the results. You need to save this email as a file and bring a copy to your child's school. You will only be able to access the email one-time, and you will have a 30-day window to access the email from the date it was sent.
It's essential that we create and maintain the safest possible environment for our students, and this policy is part of that assurance.
Many school districts nationwide are instituting similar policies as our entire educational system focuses on safety. If you have any questions, please contact Dr. Beaver, Interim Principal of Bayard Rustin High School. Thank you for your continued support of our students and schools.
Inclement Weather ⛄☔
Inclement Weather
How You’ll Be Notified:
In the event of a schedule change, families will be notified via:
- Email, phone call, and text message (if opted into SchoolMessenger texts)
- Alerts on district and school websites
- Social media posts and local media outlets
Snow Days and Flexible Instruction Days (FIDs):
This year, WCASD will follow these inclement weather procedures:
- The first two inclement weather days were traditional snow days (1/6/25 & 2/6/25). These days were already built into the district’s calendar for the school year.
- Our next inclement weather day(s), will be Flexible Instruction Days (FIDs) to continue student learning remotely.
2-hour delay schedule
Class Start Time - End Time
Period 1 9:30-10:05 (35 min)
Period 2 10:09-10:41 (32 min)
Period 3 10:45-11:17 (32 min)
Period 4 11:21- 11:52 (31 min)(Lunch)
Period 5 11:56-12:27 (31 min)(Lunch)
Period 6 12:31-1:02 (31 min)(Lunch)
Period 7 1:06-1:37 (31 min)(Lunch)
Period 8 1:41-2:15 (34 min)