K-2 ELA Adoption Information

As most of you know, the state of Ohio has provided districts with a list of approved ELA programs. WCS has met the requirement in grades 3-5 with the use of Wit & Wisdom which is on the approved list. We need to choose a program for grades K-2 off of this list during the 24-25 school year. The intention is to choose a program by December. Training for staff and ordering materials will hopefully take place during third quarter. Teachers will then be able to experiement with the curriculum at some point during the end of the school year with full implementation taking place for the 25-26 school year.
Below, you can see information about our adoption committee. We have even invited grade 3 teachers to be on the committee in order to share their perspectives about how the components of the K-2 programs will prepare students for the rigor of Wit & Wisdom in grades 3-5.
Programs Being Considered for Adoption
Programs being considered were chosen based on how many other districts in the state of Ohio were implementing them. We have touched based with them about the programs as well.
54 districts have adopted Houghton Miffin Harcourt.
16 districts have adopted Amplify CKLA. This program also aligns with use of Dibels.
36 districts have adopted Wit & Wisdom. This program aligns with what we are currenlty using in grades 3-5.
5 districts have adopted or are piloting Fish Tank Plus ELA.
You may click on the program title to be taken to their EdReports page.
Wit & Wisdom - We would keep Fundations
Fishtank Plus ELA - We would keep Fundations
Hought MIfflin Harcourt Into Reading
Amplify CKLA (Core Knowledge Language Arts)
We want to make sure everyone is able to review and provide feedback for the programs that we are looking at. This document is divided into 4 sections below, one for each program that we are reviewing. See the links below to dive into the programs yourself.
Wit & Wisdom
K-2 W&W Standards Alignment
Fishtank ELA
The passcode to watch this webinar is: sw+^ky3w