Cavalier Community Connection
October 2024

Oct. 11th: 2 Hour Early Dismissal
Oct. 21st: No School for Students/ Parent Teacher Conferences from 11am to 6pm
Picture Make Up Day: This Friday
Stronger Together Parent Event: Oct. 5 from 1-4 at LBHS
Stronger Together Parent Event
Mark your calendars for the Stronger Together Parent Event at LBHS on October 5th from 1-4pm. Click on the flyer below for more information.
Saturday, Oct 5, 2024, 01:00 PM
Lord Botetourt High School, Roanoke Road, Daleville, VA, USA
Mobile Dentist at LBHS on 11-1-24
The Mobile Dentist Program will be held at LB on Friday, November 1st.
This clinic provides dental care for registered students who may not regularly see a dentist.
Red Cross Blood Drive: Oct. 29th
LB’s annual blood drive will be on Tuesday, October 29th. Students that are 16 years old can donate, with parental permission.
The American Red Cross is in dire need of blood donations as a result of the devastation that Hurricane Helene has caused.
Students can sign up in room 204 before and after school and in between classes.
Let’s make this our best event ever!!
The Cavalier Review
17th Annual Cookies for Kids' Cancer Fundraiser
Who: LBHS Students through 3rd block classes. Sponsored by the LBHS Key Club
What: Virtual Bake Sale Competition.
Third block classes will compete to see which class can raise the most money for pediatric cancer research. The class that raises the most money will earn a cookie party!
When: Monday 10-7 to Friday 10-11
Third block teachers will accept cash and check donations. Students who wish to make an online donation can through this link. They can put the name of their 3rd block teacher in the comment line so that we can give credit to that class.
Online donations can made with credit card, Venmo or Paypal
Where: Third block classes and online
WHY? To be “good cookies” and help children fighting cancer.
All money raised will be donated to Cookies for Kids’ Cancer, a national 501(c)3 non-profit, committed to raising funds for research to develop new, improved, and less toxic treatments for pediatric cancer — the #1 disease killer of children in the U.S.
Our Goal: Last year we raised over $3000! Our 2024 goal is to meet or exceed $3000.
Lord Botetourt High School has participated in a Cookies for Kids’ Cancer fundraiser since 2008, the year the non-profit was formed. We are original “Good Cookies” and we have raised thousands of dollars over the years to help fight pediatric cancer!
Marching Cavaliers
Come out and support your Marching Cavaliers at one of their competitive performances!
National Honor Society Information
Click the image to see a larger view.
Drama Performance 10-15-24
The Drama Troupe will be performing their VHSL Competition play on Tuesday, October 15th, at 6pm in the Auditorium. There will be no charge for this performance. It is approximately 30 minutes long. The students would love to show you how hard they have worked on this piece.
The Quiz That Almost Killed Me, by M.G.Davidson, by special arrangement of Stage Partners.
A comedy about a student who doesn't study, his friend who tries to help him, and the journey he is taken on by a group of off the wall ghosts to discover the importance of studying for a quiz.
Class Ring Orders
Jostens Ring and Graduation Orders will take place on Oct 8, 2024 10:30am - 1pm on Oct. 8th, 2024 from 10:30am - 1pm. They will also be here that night from 4-6pm.
Colonial Elem. Cavalier Connection Program: Info Meeting on Oct. 8th
Study Lab Schedule
LBHS Athletics
School Counseling Office
LBHS School Counselors with Alphabet Breakdown
Salena Dewease (A-D): sdewease@bcps.k12.va.us
Lindsay Haniewich (E-K): lhaniewich@bcps.k12.va.us
Paul Craft (L-R) : kcraft@bcps.k2.va.us
Jenna Drumheller (S-Z) : jdrumheller@bcps.k12.va.us
Megan DeHart (SAPP Counselor): mdehart@bcps.k12.va.us
AP Exam Fees Due 10-18-24
AP exam fees for first semester or year long courses are due on Friday, October 18th! The fees have increased to $99 per exam. Please bring cash or check made out to LBHS to the School Counseling office.
Please contact us if you have questions!
Click on the images to open a larger view.
SAT Information
LBHS will be administering the SAT on Saturday, November 2nd! Create an account and sign up on the College Board website. Although many colleges are test optional, SAT scores are sometimes necessary for scholarship applications and can be a great supplement to college applications!
October is Mental Health Awareness Month
Yearbook Information
Yearbooks are on sale at www.yearbooksonsale.com
Important Dates:
Underclassmen and Retake Picture Dates:
Underclassmen Retake Picture Day: October 4th
Senior Retake Picture Day: October 18th
Club Picture Day: November 22nd
Class of 2025 Senior Picture Information
All Formals and Casuals must be taken by the Prestige Senior Portrait Division of Lifetouch Studios.
All poses (casual and formal) must be chosen by: Friday, November 15th. This date is the last day to guarantee a formal and casual senior portrait in the yearbook. No exceptions will be made! Thank you!
Senior Graduation Supplies
We are excited to announce that graduation supplies are now available for order! All orders will be placed with Jostens. Whether you need just the cap and gown or you would like to purchase a package with announcements and other supplies, we have everything you need to get ready for the big day. Students received a pack during their senior meeting with Jostens that contained important information. If your student needs a pack they can pick one up from the front office.
Jostens will be here during lunches and after school until 6 PM on October 8th to place orders.
You can also order online at https://www.jostens.com/apps/store/catalogBrowse/1120072/LORD-BOTETOURT-HIGH-SCHOOL/Graduation/2395223593/CATALOG_REPOSITORY/
Please note that all students must have a cap and gown in order to walk at graduation in May. We recommend ordering before December 15th 2024, prices will increase after that date. Those students that graduate in December 2024 still get to participate in senior activities and graduation in the spring.
Orders will be delivered on March 6th 2025.
Senior T-Shirt Fundraiser
The senior t-shirt fundraiser is underway. Seniors voted on the design and can now order a shirt. All orders are due October 16th.
Attention Seniors: Voter Registration Information
Seniors: If you are or will be 18 before November 5, you are eligible to vote in this year's Presidential election. See below for additional information and a link to register!
Prom Save the Date
October is National Disability Employment Awareness Month
October is National Disability Employment Awareness Month, when we celebrate the value and talent workers with disabilities add to America’s workplaces and economy. Each October, we confirm our commitment to ensuring disabled workers have access to good jobs, every month of every year.