Elements' Weekly Update
March 7, 2025
March Update
As we welcome March, we are excited to see the arrival of spring! We wanted to remind everyone that report cards will be available on March 14. Please be on the lookout for them! We are incredibly proud of how hard our students have worked this year and are excited to celebrate their growth.
Additionally, as the snow begins to melt and our playground becomes a bit more soggy, we kindly ask that you continue sending your child with extra pants and socks to ensure they stay comfortable during outdoor play. We appreciate your cooperation as we navigate this messy, yet exciting, season!
Wishing everyone a wonderful start to the month of March!
Mrs. Pearn and Mrs. Zapesocki
Upcoming Dates
March 10-14 – Substitution Appreciation Week
March 11 - Managing Student Anxiety Parent Session at Lakeland Ridge School, 6:30pm
March 11 - Raising Accountable, Capable Young People Parent Evening at
Rudolph Hennig, 6:30pmMarch 14 - Report Cards available online
March 19 - Caregiver Series: Indigenous Ways of Knowing and Being, 5:00 - 5:45pm
March 19 - Parent Council/School Society Mtg. 6:00pm
Information Items
EIPS Annual Education Results Report
Every year, Elk Island Public Schools (EIPS) publishes an Annual Education Results Report, which outlines the Division’s Four-Year Education Plan, growth opportunities, and how it supports students in achieving the best possible outcomes. Read through this year’s EIPS Annual Education Results Report 2023-24 and discover how EIPS fosters learning environments for all students to learn, grow and thrive—and why it matters.
March Spotlight: Student Growth and Success
- Early Learning: Ensuring early learners reach developmental milestones
- Culture of Literacy: Dive deep into the data and learn how students are developing strong literacy skills
- Math Matters: Enhancing reasoning, understanding and achievement through numeracy-rich classrooms
- Boosting Educational Outcomes: How EIPS supports the growth and achievement of self-identified First Nations, Métis or Inuit students
- Beyond High School: Supports and strategies that are creating real-life career pathways for learners
Literacy at Home
Looking for ways to get your kids reading more? Here are some places you can go for your next great read:
- Go to a local bookstore or library and get one of the
books recommended on the March Book Madness book lists. - Listen to an audiobook on Julie Andrew’s podcast Julie’s Library.
- Celebrate World Poetry Day on March 21st by reading a rhyming story or novel in verse
Numeracy at Home
Addition/Multiplication War
Materials: Standard deck of playing cards with face cards removed.
Deal the cards evenly between both players.
Both players flip over their top two cards.
Each players adds or multiplies the values of their cards.
The player with the highest sum or product wins both sets of cards and places them at the bottom of their pile. If both players get the same sum/product, a “war” occurs:
- each player places two more cards face up and add/multiply.
- Highest sum or product wins all of the cards.
*Extension: For multiplication war, add the face cards back in.
Jack = 11, Queen = 12, King = 13
Week of Inspirational Math
EIPS is excited to celebrate the Week of Inspirational Math (WIM) from March 10-14! This year, a new feature has been introduced—Career Snapshots. These short videos showcase professionals such as veterinarians, psychologists, and dentists, explaining how they use math in their careers. Additionally, students from PALS to Grade 6 will enjoy virtual guest readers each day!
Update to EIPS Administrative Procedure 146: Social Media
Elk Island Public Schools (EIPS) has updated EIPS Administrative Procedure 146: Social Media, as per the new legislation from the provincial government. The procedure includes rules for using personal devices at school and banned social media platforms. Learn more
Watch for Thin Ice
Remember, be aware of thin ice this time of year. Depending on changing temperatures, ice can form and melt to varying degrees on outdoor bodies of water. Try to remind your child about the dangers of thin ice, obey all posted signs, take proper care and remain a safe distance from the ice.
For more information about ice safety, visit the Canadian Red Cross.
Did you know?
The colour of ice may be an indication of its strength. Clear blue ice is the strongest. White opaque is half as strong as blue ice. And, grey ice is unsafe—greyness indicates the presence of water.
We want to kindly remind everyone to follow all traffic laws and guidelines to ensure a safe and efficient experience for everyone.
To ensure the safety of our students, please remember the following:
Do not use the bus loop for dropping off or picking up students. Our buses need this space, and it is critical that they can safely navigate this area during arrival and dismissal times.
Only park in disability accessibility parking stalls if you have the proper tag. These spaces are reserved for those who need them, and we ask that everyone respect this policy to maintain accessibility for those who require it.
Be extra cautious when pulling in and out of the parking lot. Please watch carefully for pedestrians, cyclists, and other vehicles to avoid any accidents. We ask that you drive slowly and attentively to ensure the safety of all motorists and our students.
We greatly appreciate your cooperation in following these guidelines. Together, we can create a safe and smooth drop-off and pick-up experience for all. Thank you for your continued support in keeping our school community safe!
Action Items
It’s Survey Season!
EIPS Annual Feedback Survey
Elk Island Public Schools (EIPS) wants to hear from you. Every year, EIPS conducts a feedback survey to gauge its progress toward meeting the goals and priorities outlined in its Four-Year Education Plan. Collectively, the Division uses the survey feedback to help guide future planning, decision-making and strategies—all aimed at enhancing student learning and better serving the wider community.
Complete the 2024-25 EIPS Annual Feedback Survey: For Parents and Caregivers by March 21.
Grade 4 Parents/Caregivers Survey from Alberta Education
The Alberta Education Assurance survey gathers feedback on the quality of education provided by school authorities and their schools. Schools and school authorities use this information to understand how they are doing and plan for the future. Grades 4 parents and caregivers have received information directly from the school on how to complete the survey. Complete the Alberta Education Assurance survey by March 21—learn more. For questions or concerns, contact the school.
Kindergarten Registration is Open!
Is your child turning five on or before Dec. 31, 2025? If so, it’s now time to register for kindergarten. To register, simply complete the online registration form at eips.ca/kindergarten. To help families prepare, Elk Island Public Schools has put together an online EIPS Kindergarten Tool kit to make the transition as smooth as possible. The kit includes information on registration, important dates, programming options, what to expect, eligibility, how to find your designated school, transportation and more.
Additional information regarding Fort Saskatchewan Elementary’s kindergarten program is available at Fort Saskatchewan Elementary.
Pre-kindergarten Programming at EIPS
Pre-kindergarten Programming at EIPS
Is there a preschooler in your life experiencing identified developmental delays or challenges with speech-language—big or small? If so, Elk Island Public School’s Play And Learn at School (PALS) program could help.
Early learning lays the foundation for success in primary grades and beyond. As such, EIPS offers the pre-kindergarten PALS program in five of its elementary school locations—including École Parc Élémentaire. Applications are now open for free speech-language assessments for those interested in registering in the PALS program this fall. The assessment helps determine if PALS is appropriate for your child.
If you know a preschooler, born in 2021 or 2022, who could benefit from pre-kindergarten programming or want to book an assessment, fill out the PALS Program Request Form or call 780-417-8219. For more information, visit eips.ca.
FSE Parent Society: Caregiver Series
Managing Student Anxiety Parent Session
Did you know that FSE is a Mental Health Flagship School and is implementing leading edge
strategies to strengthen relationships and manage day-to-day anxiety and worries.
Want to learn more?
You are invited to a discussion and planning hour:
MARCH 11, 2025
Lakeland Ridge School
101 Crimson Drive, Sherwood Park
6:30 TO 7:30 PM
Discussion topics: What can adults do to help children and youth regulate their emotions and behaviour for greater success? How can we use specific relational strategies such as affective statements and family agreements to support brain development, learning and optimal wellbeing?
RSVP here
Childcare provided on site, participants must request when completing the RSVP
Snacks an beverages provided!
Raising Accountable, Capable Young People Parent Evening
Email: general.fse@eips.ca
Location: 9802 - 101 Street
Phone: 780-998-7771
Facebook: https://facebook.com/FortSaskElementary