Tiger Update
Information/Updates about Pickerington High School Central
Message from Mr. Lanier
I was listening to the radio the other day and this song came on. It is a great reminder of the importance of taking advantage of every moment. It also fits in well with our theme this year to be present to the present of the present. Be aware of the gift that is today!! Don't wait to chase your dreams and to pursue your gifts!! 'Til you Can't' by Cody Johnson
Tiger Up,
Mr. Lanier
Important Dates
Important Dates: Mark your calendars
Jan. 20: No School, MLK, Jr. Day
Jan. 23 6-8 p.m. @ Violet Baptist Church: PLSD Martin Luther King, Jr. Ceremony
Jan. 24, 3rd period at Central: Class of 2025 2nd Semester Information Meeting
Jan. 29: Digital Citizenship Lesson...AM Survey Bell Schedule
Feb. 5, 3:30-7 p.m.: Night 1 of 2nd semester P/T conferences
Feb. 9: PTSO Scholarship Application Deadline (see the application below)
Feb. 11, 6:00 p.m.-8:00 p.m. (this is a change): High School Information Night to prepare for the 2025-26 school year. This event kicks off the 2025-26 class registration cycle.
Feb. 12, 6-8 p.m. at Ridgeview: College Credit Plus Community Connections Event.
Feb. 12, 13, 14, 18: 25-26 Registration work...AM Survey bell schedules each day
Feb. 17: No School, President's Day
Feb. 18: 3:30-7 p.m.: Night 2 of 2nd semester P/T conferences
Feb. 19-Mar. 14: Counselor 1:1 student registration meetings through social studies classes.
Feb. 22 and Mar. 1: ACT Prep Opportunity at PHSC (see flyer below for registration information).
Mar. 5: ACT Testing for Class of 2026...All other students learn from home that day.
PLSD Notice of Language Assistance
Notice of Language Assistance Plan
In English:
Pickerington Schools will take reasonable steps to ensure that persons with Limited English Proficiency (LEP) have meaningful access and an equal opportunity to participate in all services, activities, and programs available throughout the district. It is the policy of PLSD to ensure meaningful communication with LEP students and families and to communicate information related to the education of all students. All services needed to comply with this policy will be provided for students and their families in need of such assistance free of charge. For assistance, please call 614-835-2083.
(In Nepali)
भाषा सहायतासम्बन्धी सूचना:
Pickerington Schools ले सीमित अङ्ग्रेजी प्रवीणता (LEP) भएका व्यक्तिहरूसँग डिस्ट्रिक्टभर उपलब्ध सबै सेवा, क्रियाकलाप र कार्यक्रमहरूमा अर्थपूर्ण पहुँच र सहभागी हुन पाउने समान अवसर छ भनी सुनिश्चित गर्नका लागि उचित कदमहरू चाल्ने छ। LEP भएका विद्यार्थी र परिवारहरूसँग अर्थपूर्ण सञ्चार सुनिश्चित गर्ने र सबै विद्यार्थीहरूको शिक्षासँग सम्बन्धित जानकारी सञ्चार गर्ने PLSD को नीति हो। यो नीतिको अनुपालन गर्न आवश्यक पर्ने सबै सेवाहरू यस प्रकारको सहायता आवश्यक भएका विद्यार्थी र उहाँहरूका परिवारहरूलाई निःशुल्क रूपमा उपलब्ध गराइने छ। सहायताको लागि, कृपया 614-835-2083 मा कल गर्नुहोस्
(In Spanish)
En Español:
Las escuelas de Pickerington tomarán medidas razonables para garantizar que las personas con dominio limitado del inglés (LEP) tengan un acceso fácil y la misma oportunidad de participar en todos los servicios, actividades y programas disponibles en todo el distrito. La política de PLSD es asegurar una comunicación significativa con los estudiantes LEP, sus familias y comunicar información relacionada con la educación de todos los estudiantes. Todos los servicios necesarios para cumplir con esta política se proporcionarán a los estudiantes y sus familias que necesiten dicha asistencia de forma gratuita. Para obtener ayuda, llame al 614-835-2083.
(In French)
En Francais:
Le district scolaire de Pickerington prendra des mesures raisonnables pour s'assurer que les personnes ayant une compétence limitée en anglais (LEP) ont un accès adapté et une chance égale de participer à tous les services, activités et programmes disponibles dans le district. La politique du PLSD est d'assurer une communication efficace avec les étudiants et les familles LEP et de communiquer les informations relatives à l'éducation de tous les élèves. Tous les services nécessaires pour se conformer à cette politique seront fournis gratuitement aux élèves et à leurs familles qui en nécessitent. Pour toute assistance, veuillez composer le 614-835-2083.
MLK Celebration is January 23
CCP Community Connections Event
ACT Prep Opportunity
Teen Eco Summit Group Starts Share Table to Reduce Food Waste
On Tuesday January 21 the Teen Eco Summit group are introducing a share table in the cafeteria. The share table is a table where you can put unopened food that can be taken by others during lunch periods and any leftovers will be donated to the food pantry. If you are in Key Club or NHS please check your google classroom, because you can get volunteer hours for helping and an interest form should be posted.
PTSO: Scholarship Application Due by February 9
ACT for the Class of 2026 is March 5
The ACT test will be given to all JUNIORS on Wednesday, March 5, 2025. There will be NO SCHOOL for all Freshman, Sophomores, and Seniors on March 5. Freshman, Sophomores, and Seniors will be required to complete work at home on March 5 and turn it into their teachers when they return to school. JUNIORS should report to school as usual on March 5th and arrive at their testing location by 7:55am.
School Counselor Corner
Regional Military Signing Day
All students who have enlisted in the military are invited to participate in the Central Ohio regional signing day. Check out the link below for details on the event and how to register to participate.
Workforce Developement Center Information
Fairfield County Workforce Development Career Navigator Update 12/19/24
Future Focus Career Speaker Series:
A Career Speaker Series for students is an opportunity for professionals to inspire and educate the next generation about various career paths. Presentations are 40 minutes long and will take place at:
· Pickerington North High School: 8:48–9:37 a.m.
· Pickerington Central High School: 10:34–11:23 a.m.
If you're interested in sharing your career journey, experiences, and advice with students, please email
Mock Interviews for Seniors
In preparation for life beyond high school, Seniors in English 12 will have the opportunity to participate in a Mock Interview. Volunteers with business or interview experience are needed to help students refine their skills through 20-minute interview sessions. Volunteers are scheduled in 2- or 4-hour blocks, offering flexibility for participants. This is an excellent way to make a tangible difference in students' futures while providing valuable feedback to help them succeed.
Sign Up Now
Both opportunities are listed in a SignUpGenius link below, where you can select dates and times that suit your availability. Your involvement will directly contribute to the personal and professional development of Pickerington students.
For more information, feel free to contact Julie Brunnerl 614-325-1540 or julie_brunner@plsd.us. Thank you for supporting the future of our community!
Job Shadowing Opportunities! What is job shadowing? Job shadowing is a learning experience where you observe a worker in their workplace to gain insights into a specific job role. It can help you understand the tasks, responsibilities, and skills associated with a job, and get a realistic view of the workplace environment. Here are some things you can do during a job shadowing experience:
Observe how the professional uses software or technology
Attend meetings with the professional
Assist with minor tasks
Tour the office
Review work materials
Ask the professional questions about their job
Learn how the professional communicates with their peers or clients
The following companies have the capability of job shadowing::
Nationwide Children's Hospital
TP Mechanical -Construction Jobs
Atlas Butler- HVAC and Plumbing
Accurate- HVAC and Plumbing
Maronda Homes
Carriage House Printery
If you are interested in shadowing a different career, let Mrs. Brunner know and she can research opportunities for you.
Access Career Readiness Resources
Students can explore job postings and career resources through our Career Readiness Google Classrooms. Join with the following codes:
Central: fcbhtwi
North: wsjrdt2
Pickerington Academy: ef3f6vz
Senior Corner: Graduation is May 24 at 1 p.m.!! Stay Informed!!
The Senior Corner of the newsletter contains all of the important information for our students in the Class of 2025. Be sure to check it out every week to make sure you don't miss the fun.
Senior Timeline for the Class of 2025
Graduation RSVP/Diploma Presenter Form: Due February 14
Senior Baby Photo Submission Form: Photos Due by March 14
Tiger Seniors...Here is Your Cap and Gown Ordering Information!!
Cap and Gown Ordering Information/Link to the ordering site
Central Theater Classes Have a Special Production this Week
Calling all theatre lovers!
Pickerington High School Central's Actors Studio Class presents "These Shining Lives," a powerful drama about four women who contracted radium poisoning while painting luminous watch dials in the 1920s. This poignant play explores themes of female empowerment, workplace safety, and the fight for justice.
Catch the performances on Thursday, January 23rd, Friday, January 24th, and Saturday, January 25th at 7:00 PM in the Black Box Theatre (Room 513).
Tickets are $10 and available for purchase online. Don't miss this thought-provoking and moving production!
The Ambush Student Newspaper
Consider Being a Global Scholar Next Year
Scheduling for 25-26 is approaching! The application for the incoming cohort of Global Scholars is 25-26 is now open.
If you'd like to read more about the Global Scholars Program, visit https://columbusworldaffairs.org/program-training/global-scholars-diploma/
Or check out this video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=W0wnC7Z6Jxo
We had a waitlist for the 24-25 incoming cohort, so don't wait to apply!
(This application is for the new incoming group- (if you are already a part of Global Scholars, you need not re-apply.)
Global Scholars 25-26 googleform application:
If you have questions, reach out to Dr. Marie Hurt, marie_hurt@plsd.us
Athletics Corner
Please see important information from our Athletic Director Lisa Morelli Below
Lisa Morelli - Athletic Director - lisa_morelli@plsd.us
Evan Doughty - Assistant Athletic Director -evan_doughty@plsd.us
Mary Jo Carlisle - Athletic Secretary - maryjo_carlisle@plsd.us
Office Number - (614) - 548 - 1825
Welcome to another exciting year of Tiger Athletics. We look forward to seeing students, parents, and community members come out to support our Tigers this year. Due to the passing of House Bill 147, we have new ticket prices this year to attend our home athletic events. These ticket prices are the same for online and cash sales at the gate.
All Varsity level athletic events are $10 for adults and $8 for students.
All lower level athletic events (JV,freshman, and junior high) are $7 for adults and $5 for students.
To help offset the cost of attending home Pickerington Central/Ridgeview athletic contests we offer year long passes. These passes are good for ALL home contests, ALL sports, ALL year. The costs are below:
Adult - $103 + fees
Student - $53 + fees
We also offer a free senior citizen pass for residents of Pickerington who are at least 62 years of age or older. Contact the athletic department to obtain this pass.
We also offer reserved seats for all home varsity football contests ($60 for 6 home games).
Pickerington Central/Ridgeview Ticket Box Office
To get the latest information or schedules for any of our Tiger Teams visit our new athletic website
Final Forms for parent/athlete registration
NFHS Live Streaming Link for all Home Events
The Pickerington Central Athletic Department takes pride in hosting all of all home athletic contests. We strive to create a positive environment for all athletes, coaches, officials, and spectators. When attending our athletic contests please remember to ACT with dignity, SPEAK with courtesy, and PLAY with pride.
Tigers Doing Great Things
Just two Pickerington kids on their way to the National Championship game!! Jack Sawyer (#33) from North and Sonny Styles (#6) from Central are leading the Bucks into Monday Night's championship game against the Fighting Irish. Go Bucks and #TigerUp Sonny, Lorenzo, Ty, and Max!!
Central's Mock Trial Team Advances to the Regional Competition
Central's Mock Trial team competed in Logan on Friday, Jan. 17, and took home some serious hardware as they advanced to the Regional competition. Kayden Ayisi and Morgan Murphy were both named Best Attorney in their respective trials. Jadalyn Holloway and Kate Seaver took home the Best Witness awards in their trials as well. Teams have to win two different trials to advance to the Regionals and our Tigers did just that!! The Ohio Center for Law Related Education's Mock Trial program is one of the top competitions of its kind in the state of Ohio. This is the first time that Central has made it to the Regional competition in several years and it is quite an accomplishment!!
Congratulations to Mrs. Starkey and all of our Tigers who have put in the hard work to make it to this point!!
Good luck to them at the Regional competition and let's hope they can make it to the State Competition in March!!
Pickerington Central Robotics Hosts Successful Home Tournament
On January 11th, Pickerington Central Robotics hosted an exciting home tournament, drawing over 500 attendees. The energy throughout the day was electric, with teams showcasing incredible skill and innovation.
A huge thank you to all the volunteers who made the event possible—your support was truly invaluable.
Special congratulations to Team A (Rylee McKinney, Ezekiel Creeger, Parker Krauss, and Nayan Adhikari) for winning the prestigious Judges Award. Well done, team!
PHSC Students Participate in Local Art Collaboration
HOSA Students Enjoyed their Recent Competition
PHSC Administrators and School Counselors
Administrators: Tom Lanier, Principal
A-D - Carly Wells, Assistant Principal
E-K - Lazaro Fuentes, Assistant Principal
L-Ri - Roshawn Parker, Lead Assistant Principal
Ro-Z - Joseph Cooper, Assistant Principal
Counselors: Please note that the Counselor Alpha has been adjusted. Click on the counselor name to schedule an appointment with the counselor.
Pickerington High School Central
300 Opportunity Way
Pickerington, Ohio 43147
Pickerington High School Central Principal