Ford Family Newsletter
August 2024
School Start Dates
Welcome families to the 2024/2025 school year!
Meet the Administration
Ms. Burden
Ms. Burden began as the principal at Dr. Justina Ford Elementary during construction of the school three years ago. She was the principal at Mark Twain Elementary before that. Her favorite part of he day is drop off because she gets to say "Good Morning" to the students arriving at school. Her favorite thing she did over the summer was work in the garden.
Mrs. Zvolanek
Assistant Principal
Mrs. Zvolanek is delighted to be part of our Fox Family! With 20 years of experience in elementary education, Mrs. Zvolanek joins us with so much enthusiasm. Originally from Texas, she and her family have recently relocated to Colorado, where they are embracing the opportunity to explore the beautiful outdoors that our state has to offer.
Ms. Oaster
Assistant Principal
Ms. Oaster is excited to return as part of our Fox Family this year. She is looking forward to meeting all our new Foxes! This is her 14th year in LPS, and before being an assistant principal she worked as a special educator. This summer she had fun traveling to new places with her family!
Welcome New Staff
Emma Myers
Music Teacher
Westin Rogers
Steam Teacher
Sydney Roper
1st Grade Teacher
Katie Harrison
Center-Based Teacher
Julie Phelps-Bradbury
4th Grade Teacher
Stacey Stagner
Rigor and Engagement Teacher
Returning Staff with New Positions
Tony Bodily
Moving from STEAM to 1st Grade
Kirsten Southern
Moving from Rigor and Engagement to PE
Class Placements
Class placements will be entered and available in your Parent Portal in Infinite Campus the end of the day, Tuesday, August 6th. Thank you for your patience.
School News
Back to School Information
- Annual Family Check In (starting 5/30), Fees available for payment on July 11th in your Parent Portal
- School Supplies and more!
Arrival and Dismissal
Please use the following links to access information about arrival and dismissal.
Upcoming Dates / Events
Summer Office Hours:
The office will reopen 08/02/2024
August 12 Meet Your Teacher Night (3:30 - 5pm)
August 13 First Day for Students (Grades 1-5) 11:50 RELEASE
August 13 - 14 Kindergarten Assessment Days
August 15 First Day for Kindergarten
- Kindergarten Coffee and Kleenex
August 21 PTO
August 21 Ford Accountability Committee
August 29 Back to School Night
Girls on the Run
GIRLS ON THE RUN Fall 2024 Registration Info:
Attention all 3-5th grade girls! Save the date - GIRLS ON THE RUN Fall 2024 registration opens TUESDAY, AUGUST 20 at 9 am. **Space is VERY limited and spots fill extremely quickly.** Practices will be Mondays and Thursdays from after school until 4:00 pm starting September 9 until mid-November. The November 5K is Sunday, November 10. For more information and to register on August 20 go to:
Ford Accountability Committee
We need you!! Please consider joining this committee which focuses on school improvement.
Wednesday, August 21 5:30 - 6:30pm
School Hours
7:30 - 7:45 BREAKFAST
- FREE Breakfast is available to all Ford students
- Breakfast students who are being dropped off or walking, may enter the front entrance at 7:30am and go directly to the cafeteria
- Bus riders may enter through the bus entrance when their bus arrives and go directly to the cafeteria
- Breakfast will be consumed in the cafeteria.
- Students arriving will head directly to their classroom
- Students will not play on the playground before school
7:45 First Bell Rings
7:50 Tardy Bell Rings
2:45 Dismissal
Students need to be at school in time to get to their classroom, unpack their things, and be ready for their Morning Meeting at 7:50am.
FoxStars (SACC)
Fall 2024/20235Registration Information Letter
Fall registration for the 2024-2025 school year begins July 1, 2024
School Contact Information
Justina Ford Elementary
7300 South Clermont Drive
Centennial, CO 80122
Megan Oaster
Assistant Principal
Tatiana Zvolanek
Assistant Principal
Rana van Leeuwen
Administrative Assistant to the Principal
Please feel free to reach out with any questions or feedback.