Plainfield School News
Volume 2: December 2024
Dear Plainfield Families,
Happy Monday and Happy December! We are off to a great week of joyous learning and engagement at Plainfield! Thank you for sharing your beautiful children with us! We hope to see you at the Plainfield Winter Sing on Friday, December 20th at 2:10 p.m. Our students will sing winter songs, and we invite you to join the fun in our gym. Dismissal is 3:15 on Friday, December 20 for the Winter Break. School resumes on January 7th. (No School on January 6th). Please see below for news you can use and have a wonderful week!
Looking ahead:
12/10-12/13: PTO Winter Wonderland Store (see flyer sent home)
12/16-12/20: Student Council Spirit Week (see below)
12/20: Plainfield Winter Sing at 2:10 in Multipurpose room (gym) all families are welcome
12/20: 3:15 dismissal for Winter Break
1/6 : No School: Emergency Day/Professional Learning Day for Staff
1/7: School resumes
Student Council Spirit Week: Our Plainfield Student Council has planned a Spirit Week! We hope to see your child participating in the fun! Thank you to Mrs. Carnota and the Student Council for spreading joy! StuCO Spirit Week(12/16: Wear Green, 12/17: Sports Day, 12-18: Wacky Hair Day, 12/19: Holiday Sweater, 12/20: PJ Day)
Please vote for our new Mascot: As a reminder, please click here to vote for our new Mascot by December 16, 2024. Thank you!
Standard Response Protocol: District 62 uses the Standard Response Protocol when responding to situations that require students to be out of their normal routine. This can include things like a fire drill, a water spill in the hallway, something in the community outside of the building, and a severe weather situation. Please see the image below to familiarize yourself with the Standard Response Protocol. Safety is our number one priority in District 62.
Winter Weather: During the winter months, we intend to go outdoors every day (weather permitting) at recess and expect students to be dressed to match the weather conditions. Please send your child to school each day with hats, gloves and an appropriate jacket. Students will need to have boots and snow pants in order to play in the snow. Extra winter clothing may be stored in lockers. Please call the Main Office with any questions
Please call the Main Office with any questions. We are here to support and help always. Please be safe and well and have a wonderful week!
With gratitude, Lisa X (formerly Twitter) @lcarlos62, @62Plainfield, #62PL
Thank a Staff Member!
Gentle Reminders
Gentle reminders:
School begins at 9:00 each day, please arrive on time; Outdoor supervision begins at 8:45 a.m.
Attendance is the strongest predictor of student success. Attendance matters :) We love having all of our students here engaged in joyous learning every day!
Standard Response Protocol
Plainfield Elementary School
Location: 1850 Plainfield Drive, Des Plaines, IL, USA
Phone: 847-824-1301
Twitter: @62Plainfield