Family Resources
Worthington City Schools Special Education
This Month's topic: Executive Functioning!
Welcome to the monthly Family Resources newsletter!
Hello parents and guardians, Happy New Year to you all!
After meeting with many parents over the last few months, there is a very high demand for information about executive functioning.
So what exactly is Executive Functioning you ask?? Well, I like the definition that is used at The Center on the Developing Child at Harvard University (see below for more)- "Executive function and self-regulation skills are like an air traffic control system in the brain—they help us manage information, make decisions, and plan ahead. We need these skills at every stage of life, and while no one is born with them, we are all born with the potential to develop them". But, how do we do that?
Executive Functioning skills are like any other skills. Some of us are naturally good at it and are able to develop this brain "muscle" without much struggle, while others need to be in the "gym" everyday working this particular muscle out to develop it. Here is the rub....
If we as parents are not naturally good at these skills, chances are our kiddos will not be either. Don't worry!! It is never to late!! Just like everything else we teach our children by example, executive functioning skills need to be taught and shown repeatedly.
I just so happen to be one of those parents who are lacking in this area (in a big way). When I learned about EF in Occupational Therapy school it was like a light bulb went off and I understood where some of my lifelong struggles originated. I also have a child with ADHD who is not a natural learner of these particular skills. The combination of these two things have led to many moments and areas of chaos in my household (and lost school assignments/coats, water bottles, teacher email's I forgot to answer...the list goes on). If you can relate, click this link- I feel SEEN!
Luckily, there are resources to help. My personal favorite is the "Smart but scattered" book. If you are ever interested, I have a few books in my Parent Mentor Library. Shoot me an email and I am happy to lend you a book or two. That being said, who has time to read books right now, am I right!?? Check out some quick articles/podcasts and a video below. Just understanding what Executive Functioning entails can be super helpful to calm the chaos and help your child (and maybe yourself) succeed at home and at school/work. You can also call me and we can discuss it together or get coffee and I can help to connect some dots for you (I connect other's dots better than my own I promise!!)
I will also include the link to last year's executive functioning work shop series below.
Shannon Daily, Parent Mentor Worthington City Schools
What is Executive Function?
Executive Functioning Parent Session 1 from 2023-2024 School Year (Click Here)
Informative Media
Executive Functioning Resources
Book List
Smart but Scattered By: The Revolutionary "Executive Skills" Approach to Helping Kids Reach Their Potential
Smart but Scattered Teens
Executive Functioning Superpowers: Inclusive Strategies that Embrace Neurodiversity at Home and in the Classroom. Helping Kids Stay Calm Get Organized and Achieve Success.
The" Everything" Parents Guide to Children with Executive Functioning Disorder
Focus and Thrive: Executive Functioning Strategies for Teens