WMS Newsletter
September 2024

Letter from the Administration
Hello WMS Families,
Welcome to the start of what promises to be an exciting, successful school year. The positive energy and enthusiasm for the 24-25 school year has already been evident from our student body, staff, and parent/guardians. These newsletters are designed to help communicate and inform our entire school community of new initiatives, upcoming dates, and celebrations here at Wilmington Middle School.
We look forward to a partnership with our parents/guardians that will help us provide the best possible middle school experience for our students. We want to remind everyone that our doors are always open and we encourage parents/guardians and students to always communicate if they have questions, concerns, or needs. The entire staff here at WMS is committed to our students' overall well-being and academic growth. Our curriculum is engaging as well as challenging, so we ask that families prioritize consistent attendance for their children. One of the strongest indicators of success in school is an attendance rate over 90%.
Thank you again for the continued support. We will work together to make this school year memorable and successful for all the students, families, and staff of Wilmington Middle School!
Jen Jamiel - Principal
Kirby Seeger - Asst. Principal
Wilmington Middle School Values
Here at WMS we have three core values: respect, responsibility, and safety that also align to our schoolwide expectations. We are teaching students daily how to be respectful, responsible, and safe.
I am willing to learn about other people, their cultures, their likes, and dislikes.
I understand and practice empathy for others.
I recognize my environment and use language that demonstrates my acknowledgement of those around me.
I treat materials and property in a way that does not take away from my school/community.
I strive to be a role model for my peers and do not participate in social activity, either in person or online, that has the potential to impact myself or others negatively.
I take steps to problem-solve , not blaming others, and I can reflect on the cause and effect of my actions.
I am aware and can follow the expectations that are asked of me (routines, preparedness, use of materials, following directions).
I can work collaboratively with others by sharing information, listening to others, and acknowledging various points of view.
I can do what’s right even when no one is looking.
I can recognize how my behavior impacts myself and the well-being of others.
I recognize the potential benefits and/or consequences of my body movements and motions.
I can think through my impulsivity in regards to actions, words, and movements.
Electronic Devices "Away for the Day"
Thank you for all of your support with our electronic device policy. Students have done a phenomenal job getting on board with this new policy. Students are engaged in instruction and they are really enjoying playing card games during lunch.
Below is a reminder:
Students are not permitted to use or have their phone on them during school hours. Students will be required to keep their electronic devices locked up in their locker or check their personal electronics (cell phones/earbuds/smartwatches) into a classroom teacher to be kept in a secure cabinet for the duration of the school day. Students will pick up their devices at the end of the day from their final classroom teacher or take it out of their locker. Cell phones are not be permitted during lunch.
Student Procedures
Students will put their personal electronic devices in their locker or check-in their personal electronic devices to their last period teacher upon arrival in the morning, between 7:30am-7:38am.
Devices need to be turned off when placing in the locker or upon check-in.
Students will check-out the devices upon dismissal at the end of the day.
*If students arrive late to school, they will put their phone in their locker locked up or check their phone into the office for the day. Those students will be called down at the end of the day to have their phone returned if checked in at the office.
First Time Electronic Devices Found on Student: Staff member will collect the device(s) and turn it into the office. Phone calls will be made home and students may check-out the device in the office at the end of the school day.
Second Time Electronic Devices Found on Student: Staff member will collect the device(s) and turn it into the office. The device will not be released back to students. Phone calls will be made home to notify parents/guardians that they will need to personally pick up the device in the office between 2:45-3:10p.m. Student will be placed on a phone contract and subject to disciplinary action.
Third Time Electronic Devices Found on Student: Staff member will collect the device(s) and turn it into the office. The device will not be released back to students. Phone calls will be made home to notify parents/guardians that they will need to personally check out the device in the office between 2:45-3:10 p.m. A formal referral will be written for student/s and they will be subject to disciplinary action.
9/18 Progress Reports mailed home
9/23 No School Waiver Day
9/23 WCS Board Meeting 6:00 @ Holmes
9/26 Parent-Teacher Conferences 3:30-7:00
10/3 Homecoming Parade 6:30
10/11 End of Q1
10/18 Report Cards mailed home
10/31 Mobile Dentist
11/1 Mobile Dentist
Final Forms
Please update Final Forms for the 24-25 school year. All emergency medical and informational forms need to be completed. If no information has changed, you will still need to verify and re-sign forms for this school year.
Progress Book Access
Want to see your student's grades and progress in real time? Email Mrs. Tippett at ann.tippett@wilmington.k12.oh.us for your registration key. The Progress Book Parent Portal will provide you access to up-to-date grades, attendance, and future assignments. For online viewers, click on the Progress Book photo for a link to the Parent Portal.
Community Messenger: One-Calls
We want to make sure everyone is connected, especially as we get into the winter season. Families that are in our student management system will get one-call notifications automatically. If you have other family members or community members that would like to receive notifications and information from the school please use the linked photo here to sign up.