KAMSC Newsletter

A Note From the Director
This week at KAMSC we turned a lot of our thinking and planning towards the end of the marking period. I want to make all parents/students aware that the end of the marking period is October 24th. We have no school at KAMSC on October 25th as teachers will be finishing grades. We sent out MTSS support emails this week and have been getting students signed up which is important timing as the end of the 1st marking period nears. We also have listed below parent-teacher conference sign ups as those will be held just after the marking period ends.
Challenge Success parent learning opportunity - As our seniors are working on their college applications this month it is timely that you can register for a Challenge Success Webinar titled "A Healthier Approach to College Admissions" by clicking on this link. The webinar does cost $29, but I think you may find it worth the cost. Information is listed below. It is meant for parents of students in high school so anyone can begin to think about how your child and your family might approach this topic, not just parents of seniors.
Heather Kortlandt
Director, KAMSC
Pictures From the Week - Open Lab Study Skills Session
Kendyl Harris, Isabella Grimes, Savannah Cox, Rinzel Arroyo, Tomiris Sagintayeva, Kaitlyn Ozanich.
Here is a copy of the presentation for those that didn't attend.
We had 39 students and 3 parents attend the study skills presentation.
Savannah and other student Ambassadors led the charge!
Alumni Day for 9th and 10th graders - Monday, Oct 14th
KAMSC Alumni that are currently in college will be visiting KAMSC for a panel discussion at an assembly at the end of our AM session for 9th and 10th graders. The Alumni come back to explain to current students what skills they learned here that they are finding most valuable now in their college journey. Students will also be able to ask them questions. If parents of 9th or 10th graders would like to attend and are able, we welcome you. This will happen between 9:40-10:27.
Parent Teacher Conference Sign up
U of M Urban Technology Degree Informational Zoom
Does the combination of urban planning and computer science interest your child? You may want to attend one of the information zoom meetings that U of M is hosted between now and December. I spent some time with the person leading this program at U of M and it is very interesting. It is one of their newest degree pathways. There are many career opportunities that can stem from this degree. If this sounds interesting to your student, here are some informational meetings your family can attend virtually.
October 16 at 4 P.M.
November 13 at 4 P.M.
December 11 at 4 P.M.
Multi-tiered System of Supports at KAMSC - Important click the button to read
Next Progress Checks will be October 25th
We have received some very positive feedback from students and families on the virtual study table that was provided for students needing just a little extra support. We also know that it frustrated a few. Please know, we are taking in all of the feedback and weighing it and discussing it. The MTSS structure is in place to help provide extra support as early as possible. We aim to be as supportive in the learning process as possible and to make students aware of support that we offer. We hope that the system forms a great check-in process with their teachers and gets students support if they are in need. To review the structure, click the button below.
Old News...
Friendly Reminder about Drop Off
For those that drop off and pick students up, if you choose to pull into the CEC parking lot off of vine, please pull all the way in (and do a quick loop and then back out) and either drop students off in the parking lot or drop them off on your way back out. I have received some feedback that since it is such a blind entrance that this would be a safer scenario, rather than pulling in part way, dropping off, then backing out. Thank you for your understanding as we are trying to keep everyone safe and traffic flowing especially as the mornings are getting darker now.
Cleo to be at Open labs...
Cleo is a district provided therapist that KAMSC students are able to seek counseling with if needed. Cleo has said that some of his busiest times last year at KAMSC were around exam times. You can imagine the type of stress students are under at that time between exams here and at their partner district. He is a wonderful resource and we want to make sure all parents and students know and understand that he is available at open lab on Wednesday nights. He can also accommodate phone or virtual appointments at other times if your student is unable to make it to open lab.
Attendance Reminders
If you student is going to be absent from school you must notify both your partner school and KAMSC (if they are gone all day) and always KAMSC if they are gone during their KAMSC classes. Please remember that attendance is vital as the content moves fast and we want students to have as much of their classroom experience as possible. To notify KAMSC call (337-0004) or email kamsc.office@kamsc.org.
Drop off/Parking Procedures and Reminders
If you are dropping off or picking up your student at KAMSC, please do so at the Vine Street entrance. Please find a safe place to pull over and then have you student proceed to the Vine street entrance. If students are driving themselves:
1. They need to acquire a parking pass from the KAMSC office - please fill this out
2. They need to park by the El Sol playground off of Dutton Street (but then walk to Vine street entrance)
3. They should be reminded to not keep anything valuable in their car and to keep their cars locked at all times.
4. The building will have a campus security officer at the Vine Street entrance during times of arrivals and dismissals.
Code of Conduct
KAMSC follows the KPS code of conduct for student discipline. Please be advised of it, it is linked here. Specific behaviors we would love your help with talking with your child about at home are:
- Academic Integrity
- Bullying
- Name calling/inappropriate language
Important Dates
Monday, Oct. 14th - Alumni day for AM students during school 9:40-10:27 am
Wednesday, Oct. 16th - Open lab 6-7:30pm
Friday, Oct. 25th - NO school at KAMSC - records day for 1st marking period
Tuesday, Oct. 29th - PT conferences - 5:30-8:30 pm
Wednesday, Oct. 30th - PT conferences - 5:30-8:30pm
Wednesday Oct. 30th - No Open lab due to conferences
Friday, Nov. 1st - PT conferences - 7:30-10:30am & 11:30-2:00pm
Friday, Nov. 1st - No School at KAMSC