Mill Road News
October 2024
Brian Boyd, Principal
Kristen Strothmann, Assistant Principal
Fall Update at Mill Road Elementary: Exciting Times at our School!
As the leaves begin to change and the crisp autumn air settles in, we're thrilled to share some updates about the wonderful things happening at our school this fall. September kicked off with a terrific start! Our students have hit the ground running, demonstrating impressive engagement in their thinking and learning. It's been inspiring to see their enthusiasm and dedication as they tackle new challenges and expand their knowledge.
Classroom routines have been successfully established and practiced, creating a structured and supportive learning environment. These routines help our students feel secure and allow them to focus on their studies with confidence.
Looking forward to a beautiful fall in Red Hook, we're excited about the learning opportunities and experiences that lie ahead. The changing seasons provide a perfect backdrop for exploration, discovery, and growth. We're grateful for your continued support and partnership in making our school a vibrant and nurturing place for all our students. Here's to a fantastic October filled with learning, achievement, and autumn joy!
Warmest regards,
Dr. Boyd and Mrs. Strothmann
Safety First
The safety and well-being of our students remain our top priority. We've conducted six different safety drills and reviewed procedures for various emergencies. These exercises ensure that our entire school community is prepared and knows exactly what to do in any situation.
Exciting Campus Improvements
We have some exciting news to share about our school grounds! Work continues on our pathway project, which will connect both sides of the building and extend down towards our school garden. This improvement will enhance accessibility and create new opportunities for outdoor learning and activities. We extend our heartfelt thanks to our dedicated custodial staff and the facilities department for making this happen for our students.
Music Program Kick-Off
This week marks the start of our band and chorus programs! We're excited to see our students explore their musical talents and creativity. If you have any questions about rehearsal times or drop-off procedures, please don't hesitate to contact the main office for assistance.
We're reaching out to remind you of the importance of completing two crucial steps for your child's safety and well-being at school:
- Operoo Sign-Up: If you haven't already done so, please sign up on Operoo as soon as possible. This platform is essential for managing your child's information and permissions efficiently.
- Emergency Contact and Procedures: Please ensure you've completed and submitted the emergency contact information and the emergency procedures for your child.
These steps are vital for us to provide the best care and support for your child. If you've already completed these tasks, thank you for your prompt attention to this matter. If not, please get this information completed this week.
Picture Day
Say cheese! School picture day is scheduled for Tuesday, October 8. Picture forms will be sent home this week.
The School Store, run by our 5th graders, will begin again this month. Items at the school store include pencils, pencil grips, erasers, key chains and more! The store is located in the 3-5 lobby and will be open on Friday mornings starting October 11th. Special thanks to Mrs. Dunn for leading this effort. Happy shopping!
News from the Mill Road Garden
A wise man once asked, "do you remember the 21st night of September?" My answer is unfortunately no, and indeed the entire month of September is quite a blur! With school starting there is so much to get ready in the garden, each day zooms by just like a hummingbird late for a meeting. But with that being said, there have been plenty of memorable moments so far!
Our cardinal climber flowers have managed to distract those busy hummingbirds long enough for classes to get a glimpse of their ruby throats gulping down nectar. Though I never saw any amphibians with hardhats and bulldozers, a whole frog city has popped up around our mini ponds, providing more habitat for bold bullfrogs and shy green frogs alike! Our sunchokes and mammoth sunflowers are rivaled only by the corn from Belize which has reached 14 feet! And it feels like there are enough cherry tomatoes for each student to eat their weight, and they've certainly tried.
But just as fast and furious as September arrives, we soon find ourselves waking up to the cool dewy mornings that herald in winter. With the specter of frost looming, we have worked diligently to excavate a new bed around the garden's fence to plant a variety of spring bulbs and native grasses. Before you know it we'll be putting garlic in the ground for another round!
So, pop a cherry tomato (or 3) to celebrate the last days of warmth in the garden and enjoy some rest before the real work of putting the garden to bed begins!
Doug Keto
Garden Educator
Mill Road School
Important Dates in October...
- 10/3 - No School - Rosh Hashanah
- 10/4 - Superintendents Conference Day - No school
- 10/8 - School Picture Day
- 10/8 - PTA Meeting 7:00pm
- 10/11 - 1/2 day for students - 11:45 dismissal
- 10/14 - Columbus Day/ Indigenous Peoples' Day - No school
- Safe Arrival is no longer available for reporting absences. Absence reporting is now available on ParentSqaure. Please use the form titled "Absence Notifications for Mill Road Elementary" to report an absence for your child. Alternatively, a note can be sent in with the child upon their return.
- Please remember to send notes in with your child with any dismissal changes. Emails can be used in an emergency and should be sent to the following people:
- JoAnn Johnson - jmjohnson@rhcsd.org and Amanda LaFratta - alafratta@rhcsd.org for PK-2 students
- Lynn Sykes - lsykes@rhcsd.org and Alicia Kenny - akenny@rhcsd.org for 3-5 students
- If you have not done so, please fill out all forms on Operoo. These forms are very important should we have an unscheduled early dismissal or if we need to contact you in an emergency situation. Thank you in advance for your cooperation.
- Please put names in your child's jackets and sweatshirts. Our Lost & Found is growing rapidly! If there are names on the lost clothing items they an be returned to their rightful owner!
- All smartphones and interactive devices need to be turned off and kept in backpacks during the school day.
Mill Road Elementary School
Email: bboyd@rhcsd.org
Website: https://www.redhookcentralschools.org/millroadis
Phone: (845) 758-2241 35100
Twitter: @RH_MR3_5