July-August 2024 Newsletter
Program Monitor / Executive Director
From the Desk of Executive Director
Community Engagement
3rd Annual Community Engagement Resource Day! August 13th, 2024
We are thrilled about our Human Services Council's
3rd Annual Community Engagement Resource Day!
We have a variety of fantastic vendors offering resources for families; it is going to be an exciting day for families in our community to learn about the resources that are available to them, interact with others in the community and have a chance to win some awesome prizes. We are so excited to bring "Cruz," the interactive car from the MVA, to the community to teach kids about road safety. Caroline Better Together will also be hosting a showing of "Blue Zones" in the Lions Club Building in the park following the day's events.
Your Feedback will help! MRDC Assess Community Needs
The Maryland Rural Development Corporation (MRDC) is assessing community needs. Your feedback will help improve programs like Head Start and Early Head Start.
- The survey takes 3-5 minutes
- All responses are confidential
- Provide your contact information for a chance to join a focus group.
- Incentive: $25 Visa gift card for focus group participants
Close Date: July 31st
Mid Shore Roundtable on Homelessness
END HOMELESSNESS-The round table meeting discusses permanent supportive housing solutions for individuals and families who are homeless and have a mental health disability. Please contact Ashley Kessinger, Continuum of Care Manager, at akessinger@midshorebehavioralhealth.org for additional information.
Choptank Electric Trust Board is awarding SCHOLARSHIP!
Calling all high school and homeschooled seniors! The Choptank Electric Trust Board is awarding a $2,000 scholarship to nine worthy college and/or technical trade students in May. We highly encourage anyone interested in attending a lineman's college to also apply. If you or someone you know is interested in applying, please visit our website or follow this link: https://buff.ly/3UqyrCV
Getting AHEAD
The next Getting Ahead session starts in May! Earn up to $400 for participation. Space is limited, register now at bit.ly/INVESTIGATOR.
Upcoming Events in your Community
Caroline Schools
July 1, 2024
Choptank Community Health School Based Health Centers (SBHC) at Denton, Federalsburg, Greensboro, and Ridgely Elementary Schools are open from 8:00 am until 5:00 pm with the following schedule:
Denton Elementary: Monday through Thursday, June through August
Greensboro Elementary: Monday through Thursday, June through August
Federalsburg Elementary: Monday through Thursday, June through August
Ridgely Elementary: Monday and Thursday, June and July
Medical, dental and behavioral health services available. New student registrations are accepted.
Contact info and registration forms available at choptankhealth.org/schoolbased.
FREE TRAINING - Quality of Life & Assisted Living decision making for Caregivers
Caregivers supporting older adults are invited to join Anne Arundel County Mental Health Agency, Inc. and the Mid Shore Behavioral Health, Inc. team for a free training on July 22, 2024, from 5:30 to 7:30 PM at the Talbot County Free Library located at 100 W Dover St, Easton, MD 21601. This training is designed to help caregivers make decisions regarding assisted living and quality care. No registration is required.
National Council for Mental Wellbeing - Overdose Prevention
Join the National Council for Mental Wellbeing on Monday, July 29, at 2 p.m. ET, for a webinar on centering PWLLE in overdose prevention work through health department and community collaborations. The drug overdose epidemic has heightened the need for comprehensive, evidence-based prevention strategies, leading local and state health departments to intensify their efforts to support affected communities.
For registration and more information please visit: https://thenationalcouncil-org.zoom.us/.../WN...
COLOR RUN '24 - September 14th, 2024
Helpful RESOURCES for Families
Maryland Department of Health Office for Suicide Prevention
The Maryland Department of Health (MDH) has developed a Firearm Safe Storage and Youth Suicide Prevention Guide as part of their ongoing efforts to reduce youth suicides, reduce firearm violence, and improve health outcomes for all Marylanders. For additional resources please visit: https://health.maryland.gov/.../suicidepr.../Pages/home.aspx
Parent Coaching
After a long winter, spring blooms with hope. Parent coaching can be that breath of fresh air that guides you to sunnier days. Parent Coaching is a FREE and CONFIDENTIAL resource provided by your school district that connects you with a coach and content created by therapists. All coaching correspondence is HIPAA protected. Click here to register for on-going support from a coach: https://cookcenter.info/coaching
Spanish-Spring Coaching Flyer: https://app.box.com/s/bkq6mvgc2oazvuqw05pzfh1n6lm7nzfv
The Mid Shore Health Improvement Coalition
is excited for a new collaborative partnership that connects Mid Shore residents to 211.
211 is a free and confidential way to connect 24/7 with community resources for food, housing, utility assistance, mental health support, and more.
Visit https://www.midshorehealth.org/post/what-s-the-211-hon and download the marketing materials.
Housing Supports
Martin's House and Barn
(410) 634 - 2537
His Hope Ministries
(443) 448 - 7297
Maryland Rural Development Corporation
(410) 482 - 2585 Ext. 234
Mid Shore Pro Bono
Choptank Community Health System, Inc.
In-Person Trainings & Events
Coordinated, Interagency Support for Your Child
The Local Care Team provides FREE problem solving for individual and family needs. We help families who have children with intensive needs access resources within the community. We are committed to helping you, even when you feel like you have nowhere to turn. Not sure where to start? Email Kat Stork, LCT Coordinator kstorklct@gmail.com or text (410) 200-8651.
Community Resources
In Crisis? Call 1-888-407-8018
319 Bloomingdale Ave.
Federalsburg, MD 21632
(410) 754 - 6058