RGMS Weekly News 1/26/24
Community ~ Equity ~ Growth
Important Dates Ahead
1/29 Last day of remote learning for students
1/29 RGMS/JMS Family Night, 6-8pm @ Jackson MS
1/30 RGMS Classes Resume @ Jackson MS, *9:30am-4pm* (new times)
2/2 Gather for Gray 7-9 PM (Foundation Fundraiser) @ the Cider Mill
2/5 Teacher Planning Day, no school for students
Click here for the full RGMS calendar
From Principal Lisa Newlyn
RGMS Merger Update 01/26/24
Hello, RGMS Families -
What a week we’ve had together. We have a new theme song - thank you, Jeramie Kaiser, for reminding us of this Johnny and June Carter Cash hit from 1967!
We are moving fast so I want to make sure that you all have the latest information that I have as we move into the weekend. Know that there are dynamic elements to this merger, and I will share additional updates on Monday.
Merger Timeline
Monday 01/29:
Final day of remote learning for students (NOT a teacher Planning Day).
Students attend Advisory Classes @9:15am and @3:30pm
Asynchronous work will be posted for students to work through at home.
If your student needs remote learning support, please let us know through this short survey.
Teachers will begin moving into Jackson MS on Monday.
RGMS/JMS Family Night 6-8pm
Come eat some food, tour the building and socialize in our new space!
We will have maps with room assignments ready
Tuesday 01/30:
First Day of In person Learning AT Jackson Middle School. This will be a Jump Start Day for all RGMS students. We will be gathering together to orient students to the Jackson Campus.
NEW START TIME: 9:30am - 4:00pm
New school schedule to come soon
Bus Schedules have been updated HERE
Need a bus and aren’t currently routed on an RGMS bus? Let us know HERE.
Friday 02/02:
Gather For Gray 7pm - 9pm @ the Cider Mill - first in our series of RGMS Foundation Fundraisers
Student Lockers @ RGMS
The restoration company is opening lockers to check for any water damage and contamination. So far they look good. We will arrange for pick up of locker contents as soon as contents are available.
Student Lockers @ JMS
There are no available lockers at Jackson for our Gray students. Stay tuned if we are able to find storage places for students. In the meantime, backpacks will have to suffice and students will be porting their belongings and coats with them from place to place.
SUN Programming for RGMS now at JMS
Winter programing will start Tuesday 1/30 4:00pm-5:30pm and after school classes will be as follows:
Tuesdays-D&D, Drama, AKA Science
Wednesday- Arts & Crafts, Lightsaber Arts
Thursdays- D&D, Drama
Sign ups: https://campscui.active.com/orgs/ImpactNWFamilyServices?orglink=camps-registration
Student Led Conferences
Student Led Conferences are canceled. We will be scheduling a traditional Parent/Teacher Conference format in the days to come.
Semester 2 Schedule Changes
We are processing schedule change requests and will finalize decisions by the end of the week. Given the volume of administrative work dedicated to getting our school moved into Jackson MS, we are prioritizing change requests based on need and purpose. Thanks for your understanding. Everyone who put in a change request will get an email reply by the end of the week.
As I end this week, I am full of Gratitude. I can not say enough how much your kind words of support have meant to me, and the RGMS Staff as we navigated through the course of uncertainty this week. Thank you for filling our souls with love and confidence!
I am immensely grateful to our PPS Leadership and Operations Teams for all their help and support, especially Chief of Schools Dr. Franco, Assistant Superintendent Margaret Calvert, and my boss, Area Director Christyn McCloskey. When we needed support, the team came and worked long hours to help us. I also want to thank Principal Ferraro and his Staff for graciously welcoming us. I'm look forward to working together!
And, as always, the RGMS Team ROCKS! When we said, "we gotta go remote" they dug in and made a one day turn around prioritizing connection and student learning. We we said, "we gotta move" they made that shift and found the positives. We have a tight team of professionals; I am proud and humbled to work alongside each and every one of them.
Before I close, I want to give a special shout out to our Assistant Principal, Jeff Waters and Admin Assistant Peggy Bruce. Thank you for your consultation, leadership, and grit. As you always say, "team work makes the dream work"; I'm so glad to be on this team with you two!
We'll send an update on Monday with additional details for Tuesday. In the meantime, have a great week and enjoy yourselves.
Lisa Newlyn
RGMS New & Timely
RGMS Lifetouch Yearbook 2023-24
We are all so proud of our middle schools for their resilience and all that they have been able to accomplish thus far, this year. This is definitely going to be a year we'll remember! If you'd like to help in making this happen, I am looking for assistance with the 2023-24 School yearbook. Do you have experience in making yearbooks? Are you someone who has an eye for detail? or Are you just looking for a fun way to volunteer? I need you!
If you are interested in being a yearbook editor, managing/organizing submitted photos or helping promote yearbook sales please reach out. I hope to identify 2-3 volunteers who have 10ish free hours to spare over the next 3 months. Once I identify we can divide and conquer based on interest. No prior yearbook experience needed! Reach out to Jen Zwartverwer via email at woodruff.jenn@gmail.com to volunteer or with any questions.
RGMS Reminders and Weekly Announcements
8th Grade High School Forecasting
IBW High School
Counselors from Ida B Wells HS will reschedule their visit RGMS 8th graders. Stay tuned!
RGMS Foundation News
RGMS Foundation Updates
The RGMS Foundation raises money to augment our elective options. The money raised is used at the principals discretion.
Robert Gray Foundation Auction-Save the date!
Gather for Gray
Saturday March 2, 2024
5-7 PM
Want to help with the auction?
We are looking for someone who would be interested in coordinating some house/slot parties. Interested contact Melissa @grayschoolfoundation@gmail.com.
Interested in donating wine for the wine wall?
Bottle must be worth at least $15
Drop off at-2200 SW Sunset Drive
Questions-Contact Jennifer Podichetty-jenmullins@hotmail.com
Silent Auction items help?
Do you have one of the following to donate:
House stay
Unused Gift cards
Other items
Contact Kathleen Healy (kathleenohealy@yahoo.com),or Shannon Daley (shannon.Daley@acfwest.com)
Upcoming music nights
Norwester Sky (https://www.norwestersky.com)-CJ Mead's band
Friday, February 2
7-9 PM
Rivkah Ross Quartet
Saturday April 13
7-9 pm
BottleDrop Drive
1. Get Blue bags from the following locations: RGMS office; Rieke area-1656 SW Sunset Blvd.; Hayhurst area: 5252 SW Idaho St.; Bridlemile area-4031 SW Jerald Way
2 Fill Your Bags!
3. Return Full Bags to any BottleDrop location or Burlingame Fred Meyer.
4 Scan the Barcode on the bag to unlock the self-service bag drop.
Questions: Melissa Light, grayschoolfoundation@gmail.com
PTA Update
Haven’t joined the PTA yet? Do so now using this link.
You will have to select “ROBERT GRAY MS PTA (PORTLAND)” as your “Local Unit”. The rest
is straightforward and takes less than 5 minutes to complete. Membership is $20 for the year.
Do you wish to make a one-time or recurring donation to PTA? You can do so here. Click “Donate” then enter your amount and indicate your intent to donate monthly if desired!
Robert Gray PTA Volunteer Opportunities
Looking for ways to get involved this year? Use the following form to sign up for the events you are interested in and you will receive a follow up email with additional information. The time and support of our volunteers is greatly appreciated. Without it we couldn't make special Gray events happen! Some of these events include Run for Gray, Teacher Appreciation Week, Bottle Drop Fundraiser, Sustainability and extra supervision during lunch time, and more. Please consider volunteering or donating as you are able.
Thank you for your time and support! Looking forward to a great year!
Get RGMS Text Alerts!
Get text alerts about school closures, delays, emergencies and school events:
Text YES to 68453
Fliers Approved for Distribution by PPS
Camps, Classes, & After School Programs:
VIBE of Portland Music & Digital Art Classes for Kids
Cognizart 360 Arts Camp (July 8-12, 15-19, & 22-26)
Rec Tennis Maplewood Tennis Afterschool Zone (Jan. 16 - Mar. 5)
VIBE of Portland Art Camps & Classes
Preschool Programs:
Portland Parks Preschool 2024-25
“Portland Parks & Recreation is holding a registration lottery for our Educational Preschool program for the 2024-25 school year. Interested families can apply now through February 21 to be included in the lottery.”Multnomah Early Childhood Program Free Preschool Classes
(Spanish) (Vietnamese)
Community Events & Information:
Oregon State University Summer Dog-training Research Program for Children with Developmental Differences
City of Portland 311 Non-Emergency Hotline
(Spanish) (Vietnamese) (Chinese) (Russian) (Somali)
Vaccinations, Health & Wellness:
Multnomah County Free Community Vaccination Clinic (Tuesdays, Thursdays, Fridays)
(English) (Spanish) (Vietnamese) (Chinese) (Russian) (Somali)Multnomah County Student Health Centers (fliers in English, Russian, Chinese, and Vietnamese):
About Us
Email: lnewlyn@pps.net
Website: https://www.pps.net/gray
Location: 5505 Southwest 23rd Avenue, Portland, OR, USA
Phone: (503) 916-5676
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/robertgraymiddleschool
Attendance Reporting: grayattend@pps.net