Station PTO Newsletter
February 4, 2025
Important Dates
2/5: Veteran Parent Panel for incoming Freshman to BHS
2/11: General PTO Meeting 9:15 am
2/14: No School Institute Day
2/17: No School President's Day
2/27: Dine and Share at Cafe Zupas
Save the Date
March 6: 7th Grade Social 6-8 @ Urban Air
April 9: 6th Grade Round Up Parent Panel 9:00-10:30 Location TBD
Dine and Share Cafe Zupas (Kildeer) Station PTO Fundraiser Night!
Thursday, February 27th, 2025 4-9pm
Thanks for supporting the PTO while eating some great food!
If ordering in person, please mention Station PTO to the cashier. If ordering from Zupas app or website, turn on the Fundraiser switch at checkout. Ordering from third-party apps *DOES NOT* give profits back to our school.
Calling all Volunteers
Are you or someone you know interested in helping out next year? Please let us know what you might be most interested in! We'll be in touch.
EmailL: ptobmsstation@gmail.com
Chinese Immersion Kindergarten Information Night
Calling all D220 incoming Kindergarten and First Grade families! Please join us on Thursday, February 6th at 6:00pm - 7:00pm at Countryside Elementary to learn more about the Chinese Immersion program. You will learn details about the curriculum and hear from parents with students in the program. Please reach out to Erin Lales (erin.v.lales@gmail.com) with questions.
Veteran Parent Panel
Join us for a discussion about all Barrington High School has to offer from the experience of veteran high school parents! Have all of your questions answered by those who have been there!
Questions? Email Barringtonhspto@gmail.com
February 5 9:30-11:00 am at the Barrington Area Library
Station Middle School PTO
Click here to get involved with the PTO or on the PTO email list?
Location: 215 Eastern Avenue, Barrington, IL, USA