Kindergarten Information at KES!
For the 2025-2026 School Year
Hello Class of 2038!
We would like to welcome you to Keystone Elementary School! We are so excited to meet all of our incoming kindergartners this fall. Below you will find information and useful tips regarding our building. We are hoping this helps make the transition to kindergarten as smooth and stress free as possible. We look forward to meeting our newest Keystone students in August!
Go Wildcats!
Miss Brouse and Mr. Alferio
About Keystone Elementary School
Who We Serve
Kindergarten through 5th grade
Approximately 700 students enrolled
Five Classrooms per grade level
Positive Behavioral Interventions and Supports (PBIS)
Keystone Elementary has implemented the PBIS model within our building for the past 8 years.
Positive Behavioral Interventions and Supports (PBIS) is an evidence-based, tiered framework for supporting students’ behavioral, academic, social, emotional, and mental health. When implemented with fidelity, PBIS improves social emotional competence, academic success, and school climate. It also improves teacher health and wellbeing. It is a way to create positive, predictable, equitable and safe learning environments where everyone thrives.
KES utilizes the word PRIDE as our PBIS expectations.
- Sponsors educational activities; Field Trips, Family Nights, Class Parties, Fundraising, and so much more!
- Would you like to join our PTA? Click the link below!
The Registration Process- Final Forms
Kindergarten registration begins Tuesday, Feb 18 through Friday, May 30. To register an incoming kindergarten student for the 2025-2026 school year, the student must be 5 years old by August 1st, 2025.
Keystone Schools has partnered with Final Forms, an online forms and data management service.
Final Forms allows parents/guardians to complete and sign Emergency Medical forms, Demographic forms, Athletic forms, and more for students. Final Forms also saves data from year to year and season to season, meaning there is no need to enter the same information twice! Final Forms also pre-populates information wherever possible, for all students in one family, saving precious time. Final Forms allows for parents to sign electronically and will automatically save your data!
Registration will continue throughout the summer and into August, however, we cannot guarantee the start date being the first day of school.
Once you have completed your child's Final Forms registration, the KES office will contact you via phone to set up your Kindergarten Readiness Assessment appointment.
Please contact our central registration staff if you have any questions regarding your student's registration.
Tina Bednarski: 440-355-2424 | tina.bednarski@keystoneschools.org
Staci Crabeels: 440-355-2408 | staci.crabeels@keystoneschools.org
The following is a list of items and records that you will be asked to upload or complete in Final Forms:
- Birth Certificate
- Immunization Record
- Custody/Residential Parent Papers (if applicable)
- 2 Proofs of Residency (ie. Utility bill, mortgage statement)
- Health Records
- Ohio Health History
- Physical Form
- Dental Form
- Legal Residency Form
- Notary Form (if applicable)
- Sign up for the mandatory KRA
Register by May 30th for a Chance to Win!
Families who complete the registration process before May 30th will be entered into a drawing for a family fun gift basket! Once you have uploaded and entered in all of the necessary infromqtion via Final Forms, you will receive an email stating that you are registered and complete. You can also check the status of your registration but logging on to FinalForms to see if your information is green.
Kindergarten Readiness Assessment (KRA)
- At the beginning of each school year, children in public and community school kindergarten programs are assessed using Ohio's Kindergarten Readiness Assessment Revised. This assessment includes ways for teachers to measure a child’s readiness for engaging with instruction aligned to the kindergarten standards.
- Ohio's Kindergarten Readiness Assessment
- KRA testing dates will be held on August 27th-29th.
- Once you have completed the registration process on Final Forms, the KES office will reach out to families after we receive your registration to schedule your KRA appointment in August.
A Day in Kindergarten
Arrival time starts at 8:45am and students will be dismissed at 3:30pm
All classrooms at KES are providing the Science of Reading based Literacy, Math, Social Studies, & Science Instruction
Responsive Classroom and the Morning Meeting Model is utilized to enhance positive classroom culture and climate
Students are on a specials schedule rotation where they will have one of the following each day of the week: Library, Art, PE, SEL, and Music!
Breakfast and Lunch are offered daily through our cafeteria
Recess is a part of every student's school daily
KeyCare- Before and After School Care
KeyCare is available both before and after school for all students from 6:30am-8:45am and 3:30pm-6:00pm. $5.00/session *price subject to change. Students are provided with a snack and drink during the afternoon sessions as well.
Lunch Accounts
Breakfast and lunch will be offered daily. The lunch menu is available on our website and updated monthly. To add funds or make payments to your child's account, use Pay It account or call the cafeteria to see the balance and make payments. Your child's account needs to be in good standing to be able to participate in any field trips in the future.
Ways to Pay:
- A check or exact change to the KES office or send with student
- Online; https://www.payforit.net/login.aspx
Safety Town- Additional Info Coming Soon!
Dear Parents/Guardians,
The LaGrange Police Department is pleased to announce the 2025 Safety Town program.
The program will be held from 9:00 am to 11:30 am June 10th through the 13th.
The Safety Town program is a four-day course designed to teach children safe practices both at school and at home. The children are instructed on how to call 911, crossing streets, school bus safety, bike safety, gun safety, fire safety, stranger danger and other safety related topics.
All students entering kindergarten at Keystone Elementary this fall are encouraged to attend.
Registration information will be coming soon via the Keystone Local Schools website and KES newsletters.
We look forward to seeing you and your child this summer at Safety Town.
Car Rider Procedures
Morning Drop Off Routine:
Have your child ready to get out in spaces 1-6 with:
Backpack on
Good-byes already said
Child off electronic devices
For everyone’s safety, please have your child EXIT your vehicle on the passenger side only
If a staff member is present before spaces 1-6, your child may get out of the car
If your child is struggling to get out quickly, please park in any available space and let your child out of the car so the line can continue to move.
When walking your child to the sidewalk, use the crosswalk located by the East Entrance.
A sign is posted Right Turn Only 8:45-9:00am. Please no left turn!
If you arrive after 9:00am, you will need to take your child to the front office and sign them in. The staff members attending to students in the car rider line have responsibilities immediately after 9:00am.
Afternoon Pick-up Routine:
Please have your orange tags visible until your child is in the vehicle.
There will be two lines of traffic up until the merge. If you are in the right lane, please allow one car to merge over before moving past that point.
If you do not have a tag, you will need to show a photo ID and will be asked to pull out of line as we sort through all of the information for the safety of our students.
Any car rider not picked up by 3:45pm will be sent to Keycare and charged accordingly.
Bus Transportation
Please call the head of our Transportation Department to set up a bus stop for your child.
Therese Jackson at 440-355-2411
Class Dojo
Literacy Corner
Three times a year, students in grades kindergarten-third grade, as well as some students in grades fourth and fifth, are screened on their reading skills using the Acadience Reading K-6 assessment. We use this information to determine reading progress and meet your child's reading needs. Also, this information is used to determine if a student is at risk for dyslexia. This happens in the fall for students in grades kindergarten-third and in the winter for students in kindergarten.
To learn more about literacy, please visit: https://tinyurl.com/acoachscorner
or scan the QR code. Thank you for your partnership in supporting your child’s
developing literacy skills.
Curriculum in Kindergarten
Still have questions regarding kindergarten? Please feel free to contact the KES office for any additional information!
KES Principal- Jacob Alferio
Twitter: @jacobalferio
KES Assistant Principal- Taylor Brouse
Twitter: @taylorrbrouse