Alpenglow School Newsletter
August/September 2023
Land Acknowledgement
We acknowledge that our school is on the traditional lands of the Dena'ina People of Upper Cook Inlet. For thousands of years, the Dena'ina People have continued to be the stewards of this land. ASD is committed to diversity and inclusion, and it is with honor and respect that we recognize all Indigenous people who live and learn in our community.
From the Principal
Dear Alpenglow Families,
It's hard to believe it's that time of the year again - the beginning of a new school year. Welcome back!
Our teachers and staff are passionate, caring, hardworking, and always learning something new for your children. We are a collaborative group of people who make learning fun while making personal connections to help kids succeed. We look forward to our partnership with you because you are vital to the team. Your support, encouragement, and enthusiasm inspire your children to do their best. We know a strong partnership makes a difference in your child’s education.
There is a lot of excitement ahead of us, new teachers to meet, new books to read, new friends to make, and new skills to learn. I look forward to you sharing in these exciting times.
Thank you for your commitment to your child's education, and I look forward to meeting our new Snow Leopards and connecting with returning families.
Denise Demetree-Trombley
Principal, Alpenglow
Student Placement
As we begin the 23/24 school year, I would like to touch on one of the most common requests of a parent in the first few weeks of school: "I want my child's classroom changed." Preparing classroom rosters is a collaborative effort between staff members and the principal in the building.
Many contributing factors go into creating a classroom roster. For example, the personality of the student and teacher, how many students are receiving exceptional services, how many boys and girls are in the class, the academic levels of the students, which students had a tough time getting along with specific students the previous year, and at times, which kids socialize more when they're around specific students, just to name a few. Moving students is difficult without causing imbalances and inequities.
I suggest you consider a few things before requesting a placement change:
Meet with the teacher with an open mind to voice your concern. Be very specific.
Understand that in elementary school, we're preparing children to adapt to multiple teachers with different personalities. This is excellent for the social development of the child.
Establish a communication plan with the teacher on the area of concern.
Most importantly, understand that we aim for your child to receive an excellent education in a safe and nurturing environment so they reach their full potential.
Student Accident & Sickness Coverage
Please consider being a school volunteer, as our students can greatly benefit from your involvement and contributions to the school’s program and operations. We seek volunteers to help us with the following activities:
Parent/Teacher Association (PTA)
Teacher-led instructional support, usually in the classroom
Reading with children who need extra help
School-wide events
All volunteers need to be approved yearly in order to work in schools. This process must be completed every single school year. Please fill out the volunteer application form in order to volunteer.
We always seek parents and community members to join our Parent-Teacher Association. The monthly meetings are about an hour, and there will be a ZOOM option. If you are interested in joining our PTA, please email Alpenglow Elementary PTA at
School Hours
The Alpenglow front office will be open from 8:30 AM – 4:00 PM.
The school day begins at 10:00 AM.
Please do not drop students off or have students walk to school before 9:45 AM, as there is no adult supervision before that time.
The doors will open at 9:50 AM. Students should head inside through their designated door at this time and go straight to class.
Learning begins at 10:00 AM. Students are tardy if they arrive after 10:00 AM.
Tuesday - Friday
The school day begins at 9:00 AM for all students.
Please do not drop students off or have students walk to school before 8:45 AM, as there is no adult supervision before that time.
The first bell rings at 8:45 AM. Students should head inside their designated door by this time. Learning begins at 9:00 AM. Students are tardy if they arrive after 9:00 AM.
Students walking home should go directly home to check in with you before returning. The playground is closed until 4:00 PM.
If your child is absent, we request that you phone the school office at 742-3300 or email Automated attendance calls are sent at 10:00 am. Please report your absences before that time. If you plan a trip, talk with your child/children’s teacher to get any make-up work or assignments. Please note that these absences count for your son/daughter’s attendance.
Parking Lot/Drop-off/Pick Up
During drop-off in the morning and pick-up in the afternoon, follow all traffic laws and staff members, crossing guards, and parent volunteers on duty. For the safety of our students, please only drop-off and pick-up students along the curb. Additionally, there is no parking along the curb in the drop-off and pick-up areas. This area is for loading and unloading students only. Please park in the parking lot if you need to leave your vehicle for any reason. Parking in the drop-off and pick-up areas impedes the flow of traffic.
Please check out the 23-24 Arrival and Dismissal Map.
Reminder: It is unlawful for a driver of any vehicle to talk on a mobile communication device while driving a vehicle within an active school zone or on school grounds unless the vehicle is stopped or a hands-free device is used.
Back Driveway Closed
The back driveway will be closed for drop off and pick up indefinitely due to lack of a crossing guard. If you or anyone you know is interested in becoming a crossing guard, please apply for the Eagle River High Area: School Based Temporary position AND email Principal Demetree at
At Alpenglow Elementary School, many staff members and families are dog lovers. We love our dogs, and many of us treat them like children. Sometimes dogs leave messes. Sometimes children are frightened or have an allergy. Sometimes dogs do not like other dogs.
So, for the safety and comfort of students, staff, parents, and other campus visitors, please do not bring your dog or other pets onto school grounds during school hours. If you must bring your pet to pick up or drop off your student, make arrangements to do so at a point off campus.
If you visit our playground after hours, please pick up after your dog.
Thank you for your understanding and willingness to ensure the comfort and safety of our students.
Join the Team
Would you like to work at Alpenglow? Or do you know someone interested in working for Alpenglow? We have three openings at this time. Please follow the websites for more information and how to apply. Please contact Mrs. Demetree-Trombley if you have any questions or plan on applying.
Main employment information:
School Cafeteria Manager: HERE
Noon Supervisor/Eagle River High Area: School-Based Temporary: HERE
Crossing Gaurd/Eagle River High Area: School-Based Temporary: HERE
We are also in great need of Substitutes.
Dates to Remember
- 16 - Welcome Back Social 5:00 - 6:30
- 17 - School Start 1st – 6th
- 24 - School Start Kindergarten
- 24 - Coffee and Kleenex at Drop-Off
- 1 - Popcorn Friday
- 4 - No School Labor Day
- 11 - PTA Meeting @ 4:00 - 5:00
- 17–23 - Constitution Week
- 19 - Talk-Like-a-Pirate Day
- 27 - Picture Day (K-2)
- 28 - Picture Day (3-6)
- 29 - Jog-a-thon - PTA
- 2 - PTA Meeting @ 4:00 - 5:00
- 6 - Popcorn Friday
- 9 - No School - Indigenous People Day
- 19 - Great Alaska Shake-out @ 10:19 am
- 20 - No School - Teacher Work Day - End 1st Quarter
- 23–26 - Scholastic Book Fair
- 25 - Parent/Teacher Conferences – Early Release
- 26 - Parent/Teacher Conferences – Early Release
- 27 - No School - Professional Development Day