Bobcat Bulletin
November 8, 2024
No School Monday!
Principal's Message
Dear Schnell Families,
I am excited to share with you a new and positive school incentive that we are introducing at Schnell! As part of our continued efforts to recognize and celebrate our students' hard work, we will be hosting a **Bobcat Bazaar** once a month, where students will have the opportunity to redeem **Bobcat Bucks** earned through demonstrating positive behavior and excellent effort in school.
Students will receive Bobcat Bucks from any of our staff members as a way to acknowledge their kindness, responsibility, effort, or any other positive actions that contribute to making our school a great place to learn. Once they have earned Bobcat Bucks, students will have the chance to "spend" their earned bucks at the Bobcat Bazaar, where they can choose from a variety of fun treats and prizes, including:
- Popcorn
- Hot Chocolate
- Otter Pops
- And other exciting prizes!
We want this to be a fun, rewarding, and motivating event for our students, but in order to make the Bobcat Bazaar a successful monthly event, we need your support. There are many ways you can help, and we would greatly appreciate any contributions you can make, whether through donations, volunteering with setup and organization.
To sign up and get involved, please click the link below. Your support is what will make this event a success, and we are grateful for any assistance you can provide.
Thank you so much for your continued support and partnership in making Schnell School a positive and enriching environment for all of our students. We are excited to see the positive impact this new incentive will have on our Bobcats!
Warm regards,
John A. Baker, MS. Ed.
Important Dates Coming Up!
November 11 - NO SCHOOL; Veteran's Day
November 18-22 - Book Fair; Watch for flyers coming home soon!
November 19-22 - Minimum Days for Conferences
November 25-29 - NO SCHOOL; Thanksgiving Break
It's Scholastic Book Fair time! From November 18-22 in the Schnell Library or on line November 13-22, come experience the limitless possibilities with your kids. The library will be open from 7:30-4:00 so families are able to come before or after parent-teacher conferences. Every purchase benefits our school.
See more info here: https://www.exhilarationstation.org/kids-camps
AFTER SCHOOL ENRICHMENT CLASSES FOR WINTER - Winter class registration starts Tuesday, December 3rd. Brochures will be sent home with your children near the end of the second week of November. Take a sneak peek at the flyers below.
ARE YOU AND YOUR FAMILY IN A TEMPORARY LIVING ARRANGEMENT? – If you had to move out of your home and move in with others, a hotel or other temporary residence due to something urgent (such as not being able to pay rent), please contact me to see if your child qualifies for my program. I am here to help. I also provide resources for all families.
Kim Kahn
Family Resource Center/After School Enrichment Director
530-622-6244 ext. 6614
Family Resource page: www.pusdk8.us/page/family-resource-center
Proudly Supporting TK-5th Grade Students
Email: jbaker@pusdk8.us
Website: https://www.pusdk8.us/o/lses
Location: 2781 Schnell School Road, Placerville, CA, USA
Phone: (530) 622-6244
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/PlacervilleSchnellSchool