Principal's Newsletter
Spicewood Elementary
September 27, 2024
Hello Spicewood Families,
We hope to see many of you at the carnival tonight! I want to thank all of the volunteers who donated their time, ideas, and sweet treats to make this a fun event for our students. These are the type of events that really bring us together as a community and I am so glad that we have a community of parents that help us organize the fun!
Next week is a short week with students coming to school Monday-Wednesday. There is no school for students on Thursday or Friday.
Have a great weekend!
Melanie Solis
Spicewood Elementary
Upcoming Important Dates
Oct. 3rd- Student Holiday/Staff Development
Oct. 4th- Student/Staff Holiday
Oct. 6th-11th- Book Fair
Oct. 10th- Panther Picnic (1st, 4th, and 5th grades)
Oct. 11th- Panther Picnic (Kinder, 2nd, and 3rd grades)
Oct. 14th- Student Holiday/Parent Conferences
Oct. 16th- Westwood Homecoming Parade
Oct. 18th- Marathon Kids Kickoff (more info coming soon)
Oct. 18th- Westwood Homecoming Game
Oct. 23rd- PTA General Mtg. 6:30-7:30
IB at Spicewood
Units of Inquiry ⭐
Our teams of teachers have been meeting with Ms. Cimo to plan their next Unit of Inquiry! There are six themes each grade level studies:
Most of our grade levels start off with ‘Who We Are.’ Second grade’s next unit is under ‘Sharing the Planet.’ They will be exploring the central idea, “Actions affect interdependence.” Check out this brainstorm below from our second grade teacher, Ms. Moey, on the concept of interdependence. How does interdependence play a role in your own life? How do our actions affect our interdependence? Next week, our second grade students will consider what school might be like without our librarian, substitute teachers, and even our principal!
Book Fair Coming Soon!
It takes a village to run a book fair! Please sign up for a time slot to come and help out at the book fair. We need you! Here is the link to volunteer! There are many dates and times available.
A New Tradition- Panther Picnic
We’re thrilled to announce a brand new tradition at Spicewood: the Panther Picnic! On this special day, students are invited to bring someone special to join them for a delightful lunch outside. Afterward, don’t forget to swing by our book fair inside—perfect for finding your next great read!
Tables will be set up out front, so come ready to relax and enjoy some quality time together. Be sure to RSVP here.
Let’s make memories at the Panther Picnic—can’t wait to see you all there!
Walk & Roll To School Day!
Cafeteria Updates and Information
Meal prices have increased slightly for the upcoming school year.
Student breakfast- $1.50
Student lunch- $3.00
Did you know that parents can limit or restrict how much and when their child is able to purchase extras from the cafeteria? Visit this link to make those adjustments.
Attendance Matters
We often get questions about the difference between an excused absence and an unexcused absence. Here is information on how to determine which type of absence your child will receive.
New Teacher Feature!
Spicewood 2024-2025 Yearbook
Spicewood Clubs
PTA Corner
Spicewood Night Lights 2024
Alright, Spicewood - let's get ready for some football!
Our 3rd annual Spicewood Night Lights event kicks off with our in-school pep rally on Wednesday, October 9th, followed by our participation in the Westwood Homecoming parade on Wednesday, 10/16, and the football game on Friday, 10/18.
The Spicewood Spirit Committee will be selling this year's shirt in the Walker area, directly after dismissal, on the following days for $15 cash or card via Square payment -
Monday, September 23rd
Wednesday, September 25th
Monday, September 30th
Sizes are limited so be the first to grab your shirt and help cheer our very own Westwood Warriors - 'SKO WOOD!