Lake Grove Elementary
Cougar News
Principal's Message 2.3.23
Dear Lake Grove Families,
It came to my attention that some of you didn't receive this earlier today, so I'm sending it again. Apologies if this is a duplicate in your inbox.
Just as it begins to feel like we are resuming the rhythm of predictable familiar routines of school, here comes February with many exciting events and celebrations. This month we will focus our learning on the character trait of honesty; we will honor Black History Month, celebrate our diverse community during Culture Travel Week when we will learn about Iran; and we will host our first Family Coding Night. You can learn more about these events by reading on, with more information to come in the next few weeks of Cougar News, and by talking with your children about their learning experiences.
Today students from Lake Oswego High School's Asian American Student Union came and presented to many classes about the Lunar New Year.
If you can't find what you need to know here, please feel free to email or call our office with questions.
Be kind,
Principal Jennie Knapp
Table of Contents
Family Coding Night (new)
Standards Based Report Cards (repeated)
Practice Skills at Home with i-Ready Personalized Instruction (repeated)
Social Emotional Learning (repeated)
Friendship Day at Lake Grove (repeated)
Champions Summer Program Open (new)
News from the District Nurses (new)
LO Schools Foundation Gala Tickets Now On Sale (new)
Now Accepting Applications for Foundation Board of Directors (new)
Respond to Racism Story Time (new)
Oregon State Assessment Opt-Out Form (repeated)
Safe Oregon (repeated)
Save the Date (updated)
PTA News (updated)
Family Coding Night
Pair up to learn the basics of coding, together! A free, fun,
and valuable experience for you and your K-5 children. A live,
one-hour school-wide event. You are welcome to join
between 5:15-6:00. The Livestream event is from 6:00-7:00.
Food will be provided.
Standards-Based Report Cards
The Lake Oswego School District uses a standards-based report card for students in elementary schools. Our report card measures a child’s progress toward proficiency or mastery of the priority standards in Reading, Writing, Language, Speaking, and Math.
This approach provides the means for communicating a child’s learning in more specific terms. Standards-based reporting articulates clear end-of-year grade-level standards for each subject. Using the scale below, teachers will communicate where a child resides on a learning continuum by indicating the student’s progress toward mastery of each identified grade-level standard.
The standards-based reporting scale:
4: The student works consistently at an in-depth and complex level within or beyond the end of year standard*
3: The student meets the grade-level expectation of the standard
2: The student nearly meets the end of year standard
1: The student demonstrates limited proficiency on the end of year standard
Important notes about the scale:
● Reporting is based on the end-of-year grade-level expectation. Therefore, proficiency would not be expected in the middle of the school year.
● A “2” represents the expected target for the majority of the school year as this indicates the child is progressing with the standard as expected. A “3” will be given when the student completely meets the grade-level standard.
● Details of what is expected at mastery level can be found on the report card or on the list of assessed grade-level standards.
● A “1” may prompt additional communication from the classroom teacher so parents will better understand their child’s learning journey.
*It is rare that a child will receive a “4” especially at the end of the first semester. A “4” score may prompt additional communication from the classroom teacher to discuss ways he/she is meeting the child’s unique learning needs.
Behavior Learning Targets are approached differently than end-of-year standards. For more information about your child’s progress, please contact the classroom teacher.
Practice Skills at Home with i-Ready Personalized Instruction (My Path)
LOSD has been utilizing iReady as a benchmark assessment in fall, winter and spring to help us learn more about what we're teaching well and in what areas we need to improve.
Student winter assessment results are available under the documents tab in ParentVUE. This is one data point that we use to measure how well students are learning and the effectiveness of our instructional programs. More information about your child's progress so far this year, based on a variety of assessment results, will be available soon on your child's report card.
This year, students have also been spending some time practicing and learning new skills in math and reading on the instructional side of this platform as well. If your family is interested students have the option to engage in My Path from home.
To unlock i-Ready's full potential, students should access 45 minutes of instruction per subject (reading and math) per week. Each student's i-Ready Personalized Instruction (My Path) provides instruction at their individual level, allowing them to practice the skills they need to be successful.
If you have any questions about how to access i-Ready Personalized Instruction (My Path) on your student's device, please feel free to contact your teacher.
Social Emotional Learning
Dear Lake Grove Families,
This month, we will be investing our time and attention on the character trait of HONESTY in our Social Emotional Learning (SEL) lessons, classrooms, and throughout our school community. Practicing HONESTY helps strengthen our relationships and reduce stress. Practicing honesty in our daily lives also allows us to live in accordance with our personal values.
One way to think about HONESTY is “being truthful in what you say and do.” HONESTY is one of three traits we will focus on throughout the year that helps students Be Well. Throughout the school, students will be developing skills like emotion regulation, self-advocacy, and friendship skills.
During our counseling lessons this month, students will learn about practicing honesty through expressing who they are and the strengths they bring to our school community. Our community is stronger because of each student’s individuality, and we seek to nurture each student in embracing the unique qualities that make them who they are.
Our monthly letters include activities to explore HONESTY further as a family. Enjoy connecting together with the PurposeFull Pursuits inside the PreK - Grade 5 Honesty Family Letters.
Thank you for partnering with us to engage our students in social emotional learning and growth. Please reach out if you or your student would like more support.
As always, please reach out with any questions or concerns at
Wendy Post
Lake Grove School Counselor
Friendship Day at Lake Grove
Lake Grove will have an optional Friendship Day celebration on February 14th that may include an afternoon classroom activity with a Valentine card exchange. Students may bring their cards to exchange on Monday, February 14th. These cards should NOT contain any edible items, but may include small trinkets/games/toys. Please remember that students should bring in enough cards for each classmate or none at all. Look for any more specific guidance and list of student names from your classroom teachers.
If your student would like to participate, but purchasing valentines presents a hardship, please contact Wendy Post at
Champions Summer Program Now Enrolling
News from the District Nurses
Heart Health Month
February is National Heart Health Month. Click this link to see 10 ways you can help keep your students heart healthy.
Sleep Matters!
Studies suggest most students do not get enough sleep. This puts them at a higher risk of health problems and injuries. Click this link to learn more about sleep and your student including how many hours are recommended.
If you would like to speak to your school nurse, click the link below for contact information.
Respond to Racism Story Time
Oregon State Assessment Opt-Out Form
State law requires us to inform you that a form is available from the State Department of Education that allows you to opt your child out of the math and English Language Arts assessments for the current school year. Should you wish to opt out your child, fill out the form and submit it to the main office at your child’s school. Please note the submission deadlines listed on the form. Meeting the deadline will help the school with planning and preparation. If you wish your child not to participate in the science assessment for grades 5, 8, and 11, submit this request in writing to the principal of your child's school.
If you have questions or want more information about state assessments, please contact your child’s principal or teacher(s).
Click here for opt-out form for Math and English Language Arts.
Gala Tickets Now on Sale!
You are cordially invited to attend the Lake Oswego Schools Foundation Gala. Tickets are on sale now. We look forward to celebrating with you!
Now Accepting Applications for Foundation Board of Directors
Are you interested in contributing to a dynamic volunteer organization dedicated to advancing our community's commitment to educational excellence?
Please consider applying for the Lake Oswego Schools Foundation Board of Directors. The Foundation is seeking parents/guardians, students and community residents to serve on its Board of Directors. Board members must demonstrate a commitment to the Foundation, the School District and the Lake Oswego community.
The term for new board members will begin July 2023. Board members commit to a two-year term and may serve up to three terms. Please click HERE to access the online application form. The application provides more information about becoming a board member.
Interested people should submit applications by Friday, February 24, 2023. The Nominating committee will review applications and conduct interviews in the March timeframe. If you are unable to access the online application, please contact to receive a pdf version of the application.
Safe Oregon
Parents-guardians who have concerns about a student’s well-being are encouraged to reach out to their principal, and to maintain strong lines of communication and partnership between students, families, staff, and other resources.
SafeOregon is also an effective way to report a tip regarding safety threats or potential acts of violence to our students or schools.
(Students should also be aware that intentionally providing a false report is a serious offense.)
Save the date!
2/8 - Winter Walk and Roll To School Day
2/11 - OBOB Competition
2/13 - 2/17 Culture Travel Week at Lake Grove
2/14 - Friendship Day
2/20 - No School President's Day
2/28 - Family Coding Night
PTA News
A new Google sheet captures all current volunteer opportunities at Lake Grove. Bookmark this tracking document so you can see the latest and greatest volunteer roles. PTA programs don’t happen without the generous support of volunteers. We welcome parents, guardians, aunts, uncles, grandparents and more! Simply submit your volunteer application and join us at school once you’ve been approved! If you have any questions or need accommodations for the volunteer application, please contact Jennie Knapp at LGE: or John Parke with the district:
Manage Dining for Dollars at Lake Grove
Lake Grove PTA’s Dining for Dollars program helps our school earn funds while supporting local businesses. This is a program that can easily be managed by a single volunteer at any time of day throughout the school year, taking a minimal time investment to provide a monthly cadence of restaurant partnerships. A contribution of approximately 2 hours per month can result in thousands of dollars for our students. If you’re interested in managing this program for the remainder of this year and continuing into the 2023-24 school year, contact
Seeking volunteers to help produce the yearbook
The yearbook team is working hard to create a fun memory book for our 2022-23 school year! We are looking for two volunteers to help edit the yearbook. This is a simple task that can be done from home at any time of day between in the month of February. We estimate this task should take two people approximately 5 hours each. To help, email:
Join the 5th grade celebration committee
If you would like to help plan the festivities to celebrate our 5th graders as they transition to middle school in June, join the committee by emailing (subject line: 5th grade celebration).
Join fellow Lake Grove Elementary parents for a night of delicious food, fun, and friends with an overflowing silent and live auction, a wine pull and a 50/50 raffle to help raise money for our school! Save the date and book your babysitters for April 29 from 7-11 p.m.
Early Bird tickets are ON SALE NOW! The venue has limited capacity so get yours before they sell out. Please note: All proceeds will be used exclusively to benefit Lake Grove Elementary students. Click here for event, donation and ticket information: Hope to see you there!
On Tuesday, February 21 our 2nd and 3rd grade families will be sponsoring a “Chili Bar” themed potluck to show our appreciation for the Lake Grove teachers and staff. Parents can view and sign up to make food or contribute items to the potluck here: . We need your help to make this a successful event!
The March potluck, hosted by Kindergarten and 5th Grade Families, will take place on Thursday, March 16. Be on the lookout for sign-ups for that luncheon next month!
PTA volunteers will welcome students to Iran for Culture Travel this year! Four Lake Grove families are excited to share their beautiful Iranian culture with the Lake Grove community. Each grade level will have 45 minutes to travel around Iran at the Lake Grove Elementary Library and enjoy Iranian food, create their own tile mosaic, celebrate Nowruz (the Persian New Year), and learn about Iranian culture and history.
Thursday February 16
Kindergarten 9:00-9:45 am
2nd Grade 10:00-10:45 am
3rd Grade 11:00-11:45 am
1st Grade (Eagleton and Anderson) 12:00-12:45 pm
Friday February 17
4th Grade 11:40 am-12:25 pm
1st Grade (Pollock and Filter) 1:00-1:45pm
5th Grade 1:45-2:30pm
As always, in addition to the families who are organizing Culture Travel, we need volunteers to make this event happen for the kids. Eight volunteers per grade are required. Sign up here. It's a great way for volunteers to also learn about Iranian culture! Questions? Contact (subject line: Culture Travel).
The Lake Grove PTA is excited to work together with Northwest Children’s Theater to bring “Charlie & the Chocolate Factory” to Lake Grove Elementary School!
If your student is considering auditioning for this production, please apply here. Carefully review the dates listed on the form to ensure there are no scheduling conflicts. Space is limited to the first 80 student applicants, so please consider the requirements and submit your application as soon as you confirm your student’s interest and availability. Applications must be submitted by Monday, February 20 (no late applications will be accepted). Once our volunteers receive the applications, the first 80 applicants will be notified and those applicants will be invited to the audition.
Auditions will be held after school on Monday, February 27. Timeslots are arranged by grade level:
Grade K-1 immediately after school until 4 p.m.
Grade 2-3 from 4:15-5:30 p.m.
Grade 4-5 from 5:45-7 p.m.
Please make sure that you or your student check for the email confirmation by Friday, February 24. Drama Club is made possible by PTA funds and Enrichment board stewardship, but the children's experience relies on parent participation. This is why we require each child to have a parent volunteer for at least one time slot (volunteer roles are available during school hours, on weekday evenings and weekends). Please sign up here: Lake Grove PTA: 2023 Drama Club ( Questions? Contact
In support of our school district’s strategic plan and the tenet of sustainability, Lake Grove invites students to participate in Winter Walk + Roll to School Day! Bundle up and join other Grovers for a walk to school on Wednesday, February 8.
The Art Literacy training session for Beatrix Potter, artist #3, can be viewed here. Additional information about Potter is available here with the password volunteer4loartlit.
The training session for Mondrian, artist #4, can be viewed here. Additional information about Mondrian is available here with the password volunteer4loartlit.
You can sign up for our final training session (Rivera), to be held in February, here.
To sign up to volunteer with Art Literacy, just visit this SignUp Genius and look for your student’s classroom, organized by teacher name and add your name to the list.
Questions? Contact Kim MacKay (
Lake Grove Elementary
At Lake Grove, we are an inclusive school community fostering social, emotional, and academic growth for all students.
Principal: Jennie Knapp
Location: 15777 Boones Ferry Road, Lake Oswego, OR, United States
Phone: 503-534-2357