Davis Richmond E-news
May 17, 2024
Important Reminders
i-Ready Results
Bernie’s Books Thank you!
On behalf of Bernie’s Book Bank and the children we serve, thank you for hosting a district wide book drive and donating 14,900 children’s books from the families at your schools. With your support, we are able to create pathways to success through book ownership and empower children to explore new ideas, gain knowledge, and strengthen reading skills.
With your recent book drive, St. Charles Community Unit School District 303 has donated nearly 75,000 books to us since 2014. We count on your support every year and want you to know we don't underestimate the amount of work this takes. We are honored to call CUSD 303 our Partner. We hope that we can work with you in the future to keep our book pipeline full. Together, we are building a future where every child has equal access to books and the opportunities they inspire.
News from the Nurse
Dear Parents,
It’s hard to believe there are only a few weeks of school left. This is a reminder that you will need to come to school to pick up your child's medication by the last day of school which is Thursday, May 30th.
- Medications that are not picked up at the end of the year will be disposed of according to the D303 policy.
- This policy also does not allow medication to remain in the health office over the summer for reuse in the fall.
- Medication must be picked up by a parent or adult designee with the parent’s permission.
- If a Medication Self Carry/Administration form was completed, meds will be sent home with your child in their backpacks. That is only for inhalers, Epi pens and topical creams. Any pills or liquids still need to be picked up by a parent.
Looking ahead to the 2024-2025 school year, if your child requires medication or any action plans, your child will need new physician orders and action plans for the school year. Ideally have the physician date the forms following the last day of school. Forms can be found under health services on the D303 site or linked directly here:
All forms will need to be completed in full before any medications can be administered.
Kindergarten and 2nd grade students require a dental examination and form completed within 18 months prior to May 15th, 2025. A vision examination and completed State form is also required for incoming kindergarten students as well as a physical examination and a record of all immunizations.
These forms can be submitted to the main office or emailed to the school nurse. Please reach out if you have any questions.
Thank you!
Davis - Nurse Peggy and Nurse LeeAnna
phone: 331-228-2204
Richmond - Jennifer Schweizer, RN/Linda Erickson, RN
jennifer.schweizer@d303.org & linda.erickson@d303.org
(phone: 331-228-2804)
PTO News
Forgot to order a yearbook? We will have a limited supply on hand for $20 cash or check. Please email the PTO at davisrichmondpto1@gmail.com to reserve a copy. Yearbooks will be sent home on the last day of school.
Looking to get PTO information?
- Make sure you like the Davis Richmond PTO on Facebook today!
- Check out our new Website DavisRichmondPTO.com for the latest PTO news.
District News
Intra-District Transfer Requests
The elementary school intra-district transfer request window opens on May 15, 2024.
The application form will be available on the Intra-District Transfer web page.
Davis Primary
The Bilinigual Parent Advisory Council will meet on Wednesday, May 22 from 5:30PM - 7:30 PM in the Davis LRC. Please, come in through the library door #21.
Kindergarten Field Day
Davis Kindergartners had a very fun and active morning playing outside during Field Day! Thank you to Mrs. Mattson and Mr. Smith for planning all of the activities! Thank you to all of our parent volunteers for your support - we couldn't have done it without you! We look forward to the rain date for 1st and 2nd Grade Field Days on Tuesday, May 21st.
Thank you to East HS Students
A huge thank you to East High School students, Mac Paul and Robert Kutrovatz for organizing the Spike for Spikes Event and donating sports equipment for underprivileged students in the St. Charles area. We were overwhelmed at Davis to see all of the equipment they dropped off this week for Davis students. Our students will have so much fun playing sports over the summer with their new basketballs, street hockey equipment, footballs, and soccer balls.
Davis BEST Awards
Davis Students have been participating in a school challenge this week to see which classrooms have the BEST Lunchroom and Recess behavior. We have been practicing being respectful, responsible and safe as we walk to and participate in lunch or recess. These classrooms earned the most PAWS for good behavior this week and celebrated with a reward time!! Congratulations to: KBP, KJF, 1DG, 1LM, 1HH, ARE, 2CH & 2TH.
Davis Primary School
Email: linda.jezek@d303.org
Website: dav-ric.d303.org
Location: 1125 S 7th St, St. Charles, IL, 60174
Phone: 331-228-2200
Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/DavRic.D303
Twitter: @StCharlesD303
Richmond Intermediate
Empower Showcase Cardboard Take Home
We still have many projects leftover from the Empower Showcase. Since Empower class is ending, I can not keep any of the projects for next year. They all must go! There are many amazing buildings and games waiting for a great home. Anything not picked up by the end of the year will be dismantled and recycled. If your family is interested in taking any of the projects home, please fill out this form. Please fill out a new form for each project you would like to take.
Many of these projects are quite large and can not go on a bus or be carried home by a walker or bike rider. They may need to be taken home in a car. If your student would like to be the one to take their project home, step 1 is for an adult to fill out this form. The deadline to fill out the form is Monday, May 20th. From there, if more than one student wants any project, I will randomly choose from the students who fill out the form. If your student is one who will be taking home a project, I will be in contact with you. Please reach out with any questions!
Amy Dixon
5th Grade Breakfast
All 5th grade families, students and teachers are invited to a PTO sponsored breakfast on Friday, May 24th from 7:30-8:15 a.m. Breakfast will be served outside in the back of the building outside of the community room on the blacktop. We encourage as many families as possible to either carpool or if possible walk. Parking will be available at Redeemer Fellowship Church on the corner of Oak and 12th. They are gracious enough to let us use both the street and lot for parents to park during breakfast. We ask that you try your best to save spots on 12th street for our staff. The PTO will provide donuts, coffee and juice. See flyer below for details.
5th grade Clap Out
It is hard to believe that in a few short days our 5th graders will be incoming 6th graders. We are so proud of all of the hard work they have put in this school year and are working on ways for us to celebrate their elementary years. We would love to extend an invitation to all of our fifth grade parents/families to our 5th grade clap out. This event will take place outdoors at Richmond school. Details below:
When: Thursday, May 30, 2024
Time: Starts promptly at 2:45 p.m.
Parents: Clap-out formation:
You may line up on the grass area indicated in blue in the chart below. 5th graders will start by coming out door #11 (closer to Oak and 12th street) and walk down 12th. They will walk up Indiana (greeted by 4th graders) and then enter door #2 where they will be greeted by our third graders inside. They will then go back to their classrooms until dismissal.
- We ask that you not hand your child gifts/balloons during the clap out. Please wait until after school for those items.
- No pets/animals are allowed on school grounds during the clapout, before or after.
- If you plan on a change in transportation for the day, please notify the main office with advance notice, preferably before the last day of school.
- A lawn sign will be provided (Thank you PTO) in front of the school facing 12th street. Families are welcome to take pictures after school.
- If your child will be taking the bus home, balloons are not allowed on our buses as they impair vision of the driver.
- 5th grade classrooms will take class pictures during the day and those will be communicated via your child’s teacher.
We are looking forward to celebrating!
Current 5th Graders - Summer Reading
GET HOOKED ON SUMMER READING by participating in the Thompson/ Wredling Summer Reading Challenge! See below for details:
🐟Enjoy some fintastic books
🎣Write a book hook to bait readers
🐠Spin the prize wheel when you start school in August
📚Contest runs June 1 - August 16
Check out this video for more details. Feel free to print out this bookmark or visit Thompson LRC website or Wredling LRC website for more information.
Have a swimmingly great summer!
From your Middle School LRC Directors!
Ms. Legenski & Ms. Cannon
Upcoming Dates: More info forthcoming or further information in e-news.
Upcoming Dates:
May 20th: Senior Legacy Walk: Seniors who attended Richmond visit and students clap-out/congratulate seniors.
May 23rd: Davis/Richmond Block Party at Davis
May 24th: 5th Grade Breakfast - 7:30 a.m.
May 27th: Memorial Day, No School
May 30th: 5th Grade Clap Out - 2:45 p.m.
May 30th: Last Day of School for Students - Have a Wonderful Summer!
Attention Orchestra Families!
We are in the home stretch--summer is right around the corner! As you begin to fill up your summer with activities and vacations, you should consider our very own D303 Summer Strings Camp!
This camp will be for orchestra students who are currently in grades 3 - 8. Camp will be June 17,18, 20 and June 24, 25, 26 and 27 in the evenings at Thompson Middle School.
Please visit the link in Pushcoin for more details! Questions? Ask your orchestra teacher or email the Director, Angie Wifler at angela.wifler@d303.org
Richmond Intermediate School
Website: https://dav-ric.d303.org/
Location: 300 S 12th St, St. Charles, IL, 60174
Phone: 331-228-2800
Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/DavRic.D303
Twitter: @StCharlesD303