CUMC Weekly
Come. Grow. Serve.

Please Pray For:
Simone Amonette, Patti Gariety, Joyce Lancaster, Marlene Oerting, Kim Lafountaine, Michelle McVicker, Tom Toth, Ron Hartford Jr., Wanda Drummond, Kynlee Rae, Bill & Linda Baden, Johnny Kayser, and Tim Schmidlin
Birthdays this week:
Cheri Ellerbush 9/23
Janice Belkofer 9/23
Lisa Willoughby 9/24
Kay Meyer 9/25
Beverly Baker 9/26
Doug Pyle 9/28
Anniversaries this week
Scott & Darlene Denham 9/24
Todd & Dianne Laforge 9/25
Larry & Jane Schaffer 9/26
PJ & Lynn Flanagan 9/30
Lots of new events in the event section! be sure to scroll down and check them all out!
if you would like to give your offering online, please click the donation button below
Please email all submissions for newsletters and bulletins!
Pastor's weekly newsletter
They devoted themselves to the apostles’ teaching and to fellowship, to the breaking of bread and to prayer. (Acts 2:42)
Sometimes I wonder what people think about when it comes to church attendance. Why do we go? Is it necessary? What is the purpose of listening to a sermon or taking communion? How long should service last? Is one hour the right amount of time or should it be less? More? Isn’t it weird that we gather, sing songs, pray and then remember Jesus by breaking bread and drinking juice? The questions could go on and on. In the end the word that stands out to me is devoted. When we are devoted to the things of God do these questions even matter? Who is keeping track of how long a sermon or worship service is if they are being taught and doing fellowship with others who are Jesus way followers? The people of God in the Acts 2 church were not concerned with the things of this world. They were devoted to being together and fellowship. They were devoted to being taught and prayer. They were devoted to sharing meals together and taking communion to remember Christ. If they were doing these things, they felt Joy. In our consumer driven world often we lose track of the why we do these things and focus instead on the inconvenience or other things we could be choosing to do and begrudgingly do things we’d rather not “have” to do. The Acts 2 church thrived and grew because of the devotion of the members who brought their whole self to the acts of being Christ way followers. Our church will thrive the more devoted to the gathering, teaching and the breaking of bread we become.
Community Events Partnership
Nourish Early Learning has 5 spots left for 3 and 4 year olds for the 2023-2024 Program Year! Coming join an early learning environment that is heart-centered, sparks growth and fosters connection. We know that when we build the relationships between teacher and child and see the whole child -- brain, body and spirit -- we let their natural abilities unfold in perfect time. Schedule a tour with us today by clicking here to come see how Nourish is more than what you expect from an early learning environment.
Contact Us
Email: office@christumc.info
Website: www.christumc.info
Location: 5757 Starr Extension, Oregon, OH, USA
Phone: 4196919701
Facebook: www.facebook.com/christumcoregon
Twitter: @christumcoregon