Lincoln News
December 2024/January 2025
12/2 Lincoln Singers, 3:00-3:30pm
12/3 Tentative Spiritwear Distribution
12/3 G5 Get Together with Mrs. Wise, 3:05-3:50pm
12/3 Community Conversation @ Horace Mann, 6:30-7:30pm
12/4 PTA Social at Melt Bar and Grilled, 4:00-6:00pm
12/6 Jump Rope Club, 8:10-8:45am
12/6 2023-24 Gorris Gang Get Together, 3:10-5:10pm
12/9 Lincoln Singers, 3:00-3:30pm
12/10 G2 Trip to LKWD Library
12/10 No Place for Hate Club, 3:05-3:45pm
12/11 Community Conversation @ Hayes, 6:30-7:30pm
12/13 Jump Rope Club, 8:10-8:45am
12/13 Picture Retake and Candid Photo Day
12/16-12/19 Spirit Week (see schedule below)
12/16 Lincoln Singers, 3:00-3:30pm
12/17 Snowflake Shop
12/18 Jump Rope Club, 8:10-8:45am
12/19 G5 Trip to Beck Center
12/19 End of Q2
12/20 Winter Break begins for Students
1/1/2025 Happy New Year!
1/6 School Resumes
1/6 Lincoln Singers, 3:00-3:30pm
1/10 Jump Rope Club, 8:10-8:45am
1/13 Lincoln Singers, 3:00-3:30pm
1/14 No Place for Hate Club, 3:05-3:45pm
1/15 Lincoln PTA Newsflash + Family Book Club, 6:00-7:00
1/17 Jump Rope Club, 8:10-8:45am
1/20 MLK Day, no school
1/21 Board Meeting at Lincoln, 7:00pm
1/22 Leader Assembly, 2:20pm
1/24 Jump Rope Club, 8:10-8:45am
1/27 Lincoln Singers, 3:00-3:30pm
1/28-1/30 CogAT/IOWA testing G2 and G5
1/30 Kindergarten Information Night, Grant Elementary, 6:30-8:00pm
1/31 Jump Rope Club, 8:10-8:45am
1/31 K and G2 trip to Rocky River Reservation
1/31 Tentative PTA Family Fun Night, Cleveland Monster's Game
Every Friday is SPIRIT DAY at Lincoln! Wear Lakewood gear, Lincoln gear, or purple and gold.
Some of our November Fun!
Parent/Caregiver Book Club
You are all invited to participate in our 2025 Book Club! This year the book club will be held in partnership with our PTA. Click here to learn more and to register.
Needed: rinsed, 1-gallon plastic jugs (with lids)
For grade 5 Snowflake Shop Project. Thanks!
Elementary Community Conversations
There are still a few of the District's Elementary Community Conversations regarding the future use of our elementary facilities coming up. Learn more about the work of the Elementary Planning Task Force on the District website.
December and January's Social Emotional Learning Focus
Relationship skills are needed at every stage of life. During the months of December and January, we'll pay special attention to how we communicate, manage conflict and collaborate with each other. Lessons will cover topics such as fairness, respect, and friendship with activities geared to students' developmental level.
Zones of Regulation
How well can you student name what zone s/he is in? at home? at school? And does s/he know what to do to return to the green zone? These skills are essential for optimizing learning and positive engagement with others. To learn more about the Zones of Regulation, click here.
Community Service
Thank you for helping us “Fill the Shopping Cart” to help those in our community in need. Donations overflowed the shopping cart multiple times! Your generosity is so very much appreciated!
The Lincoln Leaders of Community Service Club
New Recess Equipment
Thanks to your generosity at this year's Fun Run, new equipment has been purchased for recess!! We are awaiting the following to be delivered...Giant Connect Four, a volleyball net/balls, a tetherball, soccer goals/balls, and four square balls. We are also working with the Operations Department on repainting court lines on the black top. Stay tuned for updates.
Recess Reminder
Children will have outdoor recess unless the temperature or wind chill is below 19 degrees, it is raining, or the principal makes a determination for any other reason (i.e., snow, ice, etc.). Please have children dress appropriately for the weather as all will go outside when the weather allows.
Saturday, December 7th 4:00-8:00pm
November/December Connecting for Kids Free Program Information
Looking for other support for you and/or your student? Check out the great options in their
November/December Free Programs Booklet
Program highlights for the month:
Parenting is Lonely Session
Behavior Chats: Preventing Meltdowns
Autism 101
Contact Us
Location: 15615 Clifton Boulevard, Lakewood, OH, USA
Phone: 216.529.4232
Email: brenda.budzar@lakewoodcityschools.org
Website: lakewoodcityschools.org Twitter: @LkwdLincoln