CCS Update 1.16.25

Welcome to 2025! 🎉
Hurray for snow days ⛄
It was fun to start the year with snow days and school delays! Due to the closings, the school calendar is revised to make Monday, March 31st a regular school day. Two additional days were added to the end of the school year. The last day of school is changed from Wednesday, June 11th to Friday, June 13th. The last day of school will be a 2-hour early dismissal.
Pictured: Gio playing in the snow.
Two Hour Early Dismissal Friday, 1/17/25
No School on Monday!
Martin Luther King, Jr. Holiday - January 20th
Monday is a day to pause to reflect on Martin Luther King's life and legacy. Students (and many parents) are too young to remember the life of Martin Luther King, Jr. (January 15, 1929 – April 4, 1968). Mr. King was a Baptist minister, activist, and philosopher who was a leader during the civil rights movement (from 1955 until his death in 1968). He used nonviolent resistance and civil disobedience against forms of legalized discrimination. Dr. King pushed to get the Civil Rights Act passed. In July 1964, President Johnson signed the act into law with King and other civil rights leaders present. Under the provisions of the law, the Equal Employment Opportunity (EEO) Commission was developed to address race and sex discrimination in employment. Likewise, a Community Relations Service was developed to help local communities solve racial disputes; authorized federal intervention to ensure the desegregation of schools, parks, swimming pools, and other public facilities; and restricted the use of literacy tests as a requirement for voter registration. Pictured: Dr. King shaking hands with President Lyndon Johnson at the signing of the Civil Rights Bill.
ARC/CCS Collaborative Podcast
It's a new thing!
CCS is excited to announce that the first ARC/CCS collaborative podcast was released! The link below will allow you listen to Ashleigh discuss AshDash, entitled: Get a job! Mrs. Prorock and Ms. Fick will be supporting the group with Host Ms. Rita Rich moving forward as we work through new topics over the new year. Thanks to these ladies for their hard work and dedication to the growing process! Click the link below to listen to Ashleigh's interview with Ms. Rich. https://arcsomd.org/podcast
Important Dates
Friday, 1/17: 2-hour early dismissal for students
Monday, 1/20: Schools and offices closed for Martin Luther King observance
Friday, 1/24: End of 2nd Marking Period REVISED
Friday, 1/31: Schools closed for students
Monday, 2/3: 2nd marking period report cards available REVISED
Wednesday, 2/12: 2-hour late arrival for students
Monday, 2/17: Schools and offices closed for President's Day
Night to Shine 💫
This fancy, fun-filled dance night will be happening soon! Register now for ✨ Night to Shine ✨ on Friday, February 7, 2025! Please check the links below for information. https://somdnts.com/
Guest Registration: https://forms.gle/wyWepa5sGfwjA48p7
Volunteer Registration: https://forms.gle/KGPZEWUp9AqhBPyR7
Box Tops for Education🧾
Thanks for the grocery receipts! Keep them coming! We recently received a check from Box Tops in the amount of $42.30. Small amounts add up and every little bit helps. During the month of January, if we scan a Giant Food or Weis grocery receipt with 5 participating Box Tops items, CCS will earn an extra 50 Box Tops and another school in Calvert County will ALSO earn 50 Box Tops!
A list of all Box Tops items can be found here: Box Tops Products - Box Tops for Education