January 2024 Newsletter
For St. Paul's
St. Paul's Lutheran Church
226 E. Madison St.
Waterloo, WI 53594
Shared Ministries
Bristol Lutheran Church
6835 County Hwy N
Sun Prairie, WI 53590
Worship Times
December - March
St. Paul's - 10:30PM
Bristol - 8:30AM
Annual Reports
Please make sure you have all annual reports into Debra by January 12th, thank you in advance!
From The Pastors Desk
The name of the first month of the year, January, comes from the old Roman God, Janus. Janus had two faces, one looking forward and the other looking back; proving that all the way back to Roman times, the coming of January and a new year was a time for looking back and for looking ahead.
Looking back:
2023 was a remarkable year for St. Paul’s and Bristol Lutheran Churches! This joint ministry we put together without knowing the details of what it would look like and how it would work began to sprout and grow this past year. We certainly haven’t got a finished product yet in this joint ministry, but we have more than a vision and a hope. Ministry together is working! Both congregations are being blessed by it. Both congregations are feeling new confidence and examining new possibilities. Both congregations have had fears about whether they can continue to exist calmed.
Looking ahead:
2024 will be a year of getting better. For the first time we have an entire year’s experience to work from. We know how we did Lent together and what Easter, Advent and Christmas look like when we are sharing. Now we can take our experience and say “this worked well, let’s do something like that again” and “that we could do differently and it would be better”
All of this is the evidence of God’s faithfulness to these two congregations. God has plans and visions for these two congregations – and much ministry for them to do.
There is an old hymn that begins “O God, our help in ages past. Our hope for years to come….” God’s people have always looked back on God’s past faithfulness as the assurance that God will continue to walk with us into the future.
In Philippians 1, Paul writes this to a Christian congregation:
I am confident of this, that the one who began a good work among you will bring it to completion by the day of Jesus Christ.
So, like the old Romans, we look both back and ahead in January. And, like the Philippians, looking back gives us confidence to look ahead. God has begun this good work among us, and God will bring it to completion. It’s exciting to be part of it!
Pr. Bob Moberg
Council Highlights From Decembers Meeting
~A Budget hearing was held, and open to all, on December 10 to present the proposed budget for 2024. The Joint Ministry Team had put forth a proposal to catch Pastor Tim up to where he needs to be for pay (the salary for both Pastors, as well as for Parish Secretary, is split between Bristol and St. Paul's) PROPOSED BUDGET WILL BE EMAILED TO EVERYONE ON THE EMAIL LIST before the January 21, 2024, Annual Congregational Meeting. (as well as minutes from the 2023 Annual Meeting). It was also proposed to give Pastor Bob a pay increase. We remain ahead of budget, and income has thankfully been more than anticipated.
~COUNCIL NOMINATIONS are being accepted to fill three terms: one 2-year term to fill a vacated position, and one 3-year term for an outgoing council member). PLEASE CONTACT ANY of the council members if you are interested! Council meets once per month and meetings strive to be one hour.
~Rob Rowbotham is continuing the migration from the old church computer to the new one.
~We are continuing to gather estimates from three tech companies for an upgrade to the church to add two video screens for the congregation (to replace the paper bulletins) and a viewing screen for the Pastor/Organist, in addition to updating videography equipment to televise our services and broadcast the service to the new screens. We hope to have our bids in time for the Annual Meeting for congregation approval. Our equipment is rapidly becoming obsolete. We would be seeking to use available funds from donations. DETAILS AT THE ANNUAL MEETING!
~Traci has been working diligently to bring Bristol's systems in line with St. Paul's systems to make our "joint efforts" seamless. She is also working on having quarterly giving envelopes created, versus monthly.
Thank You
We want to extend a huge thank you to all who helped decorate the church for Christmas, all those that donated poinsettias to further beautify the nave, all who provided music for the services, all those that did those "extras" to add to the services, and those that provided fellowship. So many whose ministries mean so much to St. Paul's. God's blessings to each and every one of you.
Parish Secretary Hours
Please do not address business matters with the parish secretary on Sundays. That is everyone's day of worship.
The parish secretary hours are as follows (And a subject to change as needed):
Tuesday 8:30AM - 1:30PM @ St. Paul's
Wednesday 8:30AM - 1:30PM @ Bristol
Thursday 8:30AM - 1:30PM @ Bristol
Friday 8:30AM - 1:30PM @ St. Paul's
If you have concerns for the secretary, please leave a note in the basket on the table outside the office. Or call the church and leave a voicemail, or send an email to the church.
Save The Date
Saturday, February 10th @ 6PM. Taco Bar/ Game Night at Bristol. There will be a sign up sheet at both churchs, to get an idea of how many people to prepare for. More information to come.
Ministers Of Worship
January 21st
Usher: Bob S., David B, Rob R.
Greeter: Don & Phyllis V.
Lector: Lynn M.
Prayer Leader: Lynn M.
Comm. Asst: Lynn M.
Organist: Elizabeth C.
Videographer: Jill O.
Acolyte: Cameron W.
January 28th
Usher: Russ P., Michaela L., Dale E.
Greeter: Kris W. & Jan C.
Lector: Val S.
Prayer Leader: Val S.
Comm. Asst: Val S.
Organist: Elizabeth C.
Videographer: Debra M.
Acolyte: Chase W.
February 4th
Usher: Leroy & Helen H., James K., Lyndon S.
Greeter: Marilyn C. & Russel P.
Lector: Rob R.
Prayer Leader: Rob R.
Comm. Asst: Brenda R.
Organist: Elizabeth C.
Videographer: Jill O.
Acolyte: Even H.
February 11th
Usher: Dennis & Jean B., Stephen P., Don V.
Greeter: Don & Phyllis V.
Lector: Stephen P.
Prayer Leader: Debra M.
Comm. Asst: Debra M.
Organist: Elizabeth C.
Videographer: Jill O.
Acolyte: Bryn H.