Notes from Onondaga Road
June 26, 2024
Message From Onondaga Road School Principal
Dear Onondaga Road Families,
I hope this message finds everyone enjoying their first day of summer vacation. We had an emotional send-off for all of our students on the last day and we hope everyone has a wonderful summer! As we settle into our summer break, I encourage our students to continue their journey of learning. Summer is a perfect time to dive into new books, explore hobbies, and spend quality time with family.
Our fourth graders had a wonderful recognition ceremony on Monday and we wish them all the best! As they move on to West Genesee Intermediate School, we want them to remember that they are always part of our school community.
Just a reminder that the Onondaga Road Main Office will be closed for the month of July and we will return in August. We look forward to seeing you again in the fall!
Michelle Collier
Around School...
See our Onondaga Road students in action!
Last Day of School
All of the teachers at Onondaga Road send-off students on the last day of school.
Grade 4 Recognition Ceremony
Grade 4 Water Carnival
Thank you to all of the parent volunteers who helped make this event possible!
Parent Square
West Genesee Communications
West Genesee CSD uses ParentSquare for District and school
communication, primarily with email, text, and app notifications.
ParentSquare automatically generates an account for each parent, using
their preferred email address and phone number based on information
based in Schooltool. We encourage parents to access their accounts so
they can download the mobile app and update their preferences on when
and how they are notified. (Phone calls will be used primarily for emergency
situations only.)
Here’s what you can do with ParentSquare:
• Receive messages from the school via email, text or app notification
• Choose to receive information as it comes or all at once with a daily digest at 6pm
• Communicate in your preferred language
• Direct message teachers, staff and other parents
• Participate in group messages
• Sign up for parent-teacher conferences
• Send payments, sign forms & permission slips, receive report cards, sign up to volunteer and
more all from your desktop or mobile device
The District, your school, and teachers will use ParentSquare to communicate with parents and
guardians. This includes emergency messages as well as information closely related to the school’s
educational mission. You will receive notifications via email, text, voice call, and posts from the
ParentSquare mobile app and ParentSquare portal, depending on the contact information you have
in Schooltool (our Student Information System). Parents are automatically registered to receive
notifications when they enroll their student. Please note that standard text messaging rates may
apply for all text messages.
We promise to only send you information related to school. You can opt-out at any time.
Not Receiving Emails: If you are not receiving emails, please check your spam/junk/promotions
folders, then mark them as 'not spam/junk'. Also, please add publications@westgenesee.org and the
email address for your principal into your email contacts, and then you should receive emails from
your school and the District.
Please email the Publications Office at publications@westgenesee.org with any questions.
Social Media (X-Twitter/Facebook/Instagram Page)
Instagram, X/Twitter, and the Facebook page will be used to communicate throughout the year and
especially for snow days and closings (in conjunction with the media being contacted.)
PTA News
The PTA is looking forward to sponsoring "Popsicles on the Playground" in late August. This will be an opportunity to connect with your future classmates on the playground after teacher assignments come out. Be sure to follow the PTA Facebook page for important updates over the summer.
The West Genesee District PTA Council is continuing their program to provide free school supplies to WG Students in need. This coming Wednesday, Power Packs will include a flyer that includes a QR code for families to sign up to receive supplies. Here is a link for your reference. Feel free to share it as well.