Roundtown Weekly Updates
Roundtown PROUD Post
Friday, November 15, 2024
A Message from Roundtown Principal, Dr. Miller
Happy Friday, Roundtown Families & Friends!
It was a great short week for us at Roundtown with our day off on Monday in honor of Veterans Day. Mr. Rob Sutherland, our district's communications director, created a beautiful short video as a snapshot of our Veterans Day Celebration. Click here if you missed it!
During our fall parent-teacher conferences, I received great feedback and suggestions for future communications. This week I will address an inquiry regarding more information on our science curriculum. This past year, our district adopted Pennsylvania's new science standards and those standards (along with our other core subjects) can be viewed here.
Another inquiry I received was for more information regarding upcoming special events and dates for more than a couple weeks out. Families can access the entire year of calendar dates for Roundtown and the district by clicking here.
A final inquiry for this week's message was in regards to our before and after school care at Roundtown. Our local YMCA runs the before/after school care through their Kid's Club Program. Information regarding Kid's Club can be accessed here.
Have the best weekend! My weekend includes leaves, leaves, and you guessed it, more leaves! My big oak tree holds onto its leaves longer than any other tree on the block and I always feels the pressure to keep up with it! I hope you find some time for something relaxing!
Dr. Miller
Roundtown Principal
This past week....
Our Panther Pantry/PTO Holiday Service Project Collection continued this week. During week 3 we collected cereal, jelly, and bagged instant mashed potatoes. 1 more week left in our collection! Thank you!
The school participated in an intruder drill this week and we practiced our safety plan. As usual, our students did an amazing job practicing safety.
Our PTO met on Tuesday and we focused our discussion by reviewing the book fair, our recent "nights out" to raise dollars, and our upcoming Santa Shop. There is no meeting in December so our next PTO meeting is set for January 14 at 6PM.
This week, each grade enjoyed the first level of PTO's fundraiser incentive. ALL students enjoyed a FreezePop and a story from Dr. Miller.
Saturday, November 16 is set for our Secret Santa Shop. Families are invited to come to Roundtown between 9AM and 12PM to shop for the holiday. PTO is looking for special helpers to assist the children with their shopping and wrap presents. You may use the following link for sign-up to volunteer by clicking here.
Coming next week…
It's American Education Week November 18-22. This is a time we honor all educators!
Next week is also our final week for collecting items for our Panther Pantry's Holiday Drive. For our final collection, we will collect the following items: peanut butter, boxed mac and cheese, and boxed stuffing mix. Thank you for your generous donations to our Panther Pantry!
The school will conduct its November fire drill late next week.
Students in grades K-3 who earned the Tier II prize of PTO's fundraiser will participate in the candy jump next week starting with kindergarten on Monday, first grade on Tuesday, and so on.
On Tuesday, November 19, Skyward Reports will become available for families in their child's portfolio in Skyward. Learn more by reading on!
Also on Tuesday, we will celebrate 60's day in honor of the 60th day of school. Students are invited to dress in their 60's groovy gear! In the past, our students have worn tye-dye, peace chains, and other groovy accessories!
Wednesday, November 20, the school recognizes our incredible Support Staff for National School Support Professionals Day. Roundtown has an incredible team of support staff that helps our school function and helps create that "Roundtown Magic" you feel when you are here! Thank you to our Support Staff!
The annual "Holiday Meal" is set for us on Wednesday. Students will enjoy turkey, stuffing, mashed potatoes and all the fixings for our annual holiday meal at lunch!
Also on Wednesday evening, the district will hold a special English Language Learners Night at North Hills Elementary School from 6-7:30PM. See the flyer included below!
PTO will hold its next "Nights Out" on Wednesday, November 20 and Thursday, November 21 at Pizza al Bacio! See the flyer below for more details.
On Friday, November 22 our local firefighters will visit the school in the morning for an assembly with grades 1-3 and conduct a special in-class story time with kindergarten.
Congratulations to our latest Roundtown Students of The Month!
Dr. Miller recognized Caleb and Amaia at the most recent school board meeting. Congratulations!
Parents can access their child's Skyward report card electronically by following the directions posted below. Reports will be available beginning Tuesday, November 19. Please note, report cards are not sent home in a paper fashion. Reports must be accessed online using Skyward.
Cold and flu season is already upon us. This is just a friendly reminder from the health room staff to please keep your child home from school if they are exhibiting any of the following symptoms:
Fever of more than 100.0 degrees
Abdominal pain
Itchy, red, watery eyes
Excessive coughing
Severe sore throat
Body aches
Enlarged glands
Fever policy: a child must have a temperature under 100.0 degrees for 24 hours without fever reducing medications such as Tylenol or Ibuprofen to return to school. Thank you for your understanding and cooperation.
The students have now had several cycles of library class, and they are enjoying choosing and checking out books. Library books are always DUE on the first day back in library (usually Mondays). Your student may then check out a new book. That book will not be due back until the next library cycle, however, your student may enjoy exchanging books throughout their library week. It is a good idea to keep the book in the backpack at all times, that way it is always with your child at school if it is needed. If you enjoy reading the book at home in the evening, just tuck it back in the backpack when you are done. Watch out for those water bottles too! We have had several books ruined already this year. If you have any questions at all, please reach out at Happy reading! Mrs. Dusich
English Language Learners Night
The Central York School District English Language Development Department is hosting an informational Title III Night for ELL/ESL families. Join us on Wednesday, November 20, 2024, at North Hills Elementary School from 6:00 - 7:30 PM to learn more about our programs, Skyward and Schoology, qualifying for services, graduation requirements and more!
PTO Volunteer Happenings
Our Roundtown PTO is an active committee that works to provide activities and additional opportunities for our Roundtown Students and Staff. Please check out the PTO Newsletter below from PTO President, Khelsea Borror!
Roundtown Calendar Reminders
11/16 - Secret Santa Shop 9-12
11/18-11/22 - American Education Week
11/18-11/21 - PTO Fundraiser Incentive Level II
11/19 - 60th Day of School (60's Day!)
11/19 - Skyward Reports available for families in Skyward
11/20 - National School Support Professionals
11/20 - Roundtown Holiday Meal
11/20 - English Language Learners Night 6-7:30PM @North Hills Elementary
11/20-11/21 - PTO "Night Out" at Pizza al Bacio
11/22 - Firefighters Visit Roundtown
11/25 - First Grade "Feast"
11/26 - 12:30 Early Dismissal
11/27-12/2 - NO SCHOOL-Thanksgiving Break
12/3 - School Resumes