Framingham Family Flyer - FHS
FHS (Upcoming Week May 13th-May 17th)
May 13th-17th
at Framingham High School every week. #flyerpride
Schedule For The Week
- Monday, May 13th - Day 5 (BDCGF)
- Tuesday , May 14th - Day 6 (DABEG)
- Wednesday, May 15th - Day 7 (CBEFG)
- Thursday, May 16th - Day 1 (ABCDE)
- Friday, May 17th - Day 2 (CADGF) - Progress Reports Posted (Class of 2025,2026 & 2027)
AP Exams Continue through May 17th
Click here for AP Exam information:
Upcoming Dates to Remember
May 6th-17th (Two Weeks) - AP Exams
May 17th - Progress Reports Issued (Except for Seniors)
May 18th - Junior Cotillion
May 21st & 22nd - MCAS Math - 10th Graders (Class of 2026) - Late Arrival other grades.
May 23rd - Seniors Last Regular School Day before Final Exams
May 24th - Senior Prom
May 28th - 31st - Senior Exams
June 4th - Senior Checkout Day 9AM (Front Gym)
June 5th - Graduation Rehearsal & Senior Picnic 10AM (Bowditch)
June 7th - Class of 2024 Graduation 5:30PM (Bowditch)
JUne 12th - Start of Final Exams (Underclassmen)
From the Sports Desk
Please subscribe to our schedule management system, arbiter, to track all of our spring teams as they start their seasons this week.. *click Image to see this week's games*
Student Choreography Showcase
Witness the next generation of artists take the stage in this student driven performance May 17th at 7:00 PM. The Student Choreography Showcase features Repertory Dance Ensemble dancers stepping into the role of choreographer, showcasing Framingham High School Drama Company members as lighting designers. This show hosts dances of varying genres and styles set to thrill all audience members. Tickets available at ShowTix4U
Join us on Thursday, May 9 @ 7 pm…
… for our last PTBO meeting of the year. We meet in person in A109 (the room across from the library). This month, our guest speaker is Dr. Tremblay, Superintendent of Schools. Feel free to email us any questions you may have for Dr. Tremblay to We’ll gladly ask them for you.
If you would like to attend virtually, please use this link: (
We look forward to seeing you!
Spring Teacher Grant Cycle Recipients
Our fundraising efforts this year allowed us to open a second round of grants for teachers and staff at FHS. We will spotlight a recipient over the next few weeks. Many thanks to all those who supported our fundraisers this year – your contributions make it possible for us to give back to the FHS community:
The FHS History Department was granted a subscription to PBS Passport. There are a ton of educational shows, documentaries, and movies that relate to many aspects of our curricula, both core classes and electives. Augmenting lectures and activities with video helps to keep students engaged and reach a broader range of learners.
Stay tuned for another recipient next week.
See what we’re up to:
Follow us on Instagram: @FHSPTBO_GoFlyers
Like us on Facebook @Framingham High School Parent Teacher Booster Organization
Contact us:
Food Deliveries - Reminder
Students may not order/purchase delivered food from outside of Framingham High School while on school grounds. All outside deliveries will be turned away by staff. Only food deliveries provided in person by parent/family members will be allowed.
In Case of Crisis App - Download & Setup Instructions
Instructions for downloading the In Case of Crisis app and the Student Check-In Playbook for Framingham. This app was referenced in the student lessons this week and may be used for students to check-in as safe if an evacuation from FHS becomes necessary.
Attendance Matters - Helping Your Child Succeed in School
District Attendance S’more
🔶Chronic Absence = 18 or more days (excused AND unexcused) in a school year
🟡Warning = 8-17 days (excused AND unexcused) in a school year
🟩Satisfactory = 7 or less days (excused AND unexcused) in a school year
If a student is designated as an excused absence via notification from caregivers, that does not mean they are excused from the work. Parents can log into Aspen/X2 Parent Portal to check both daily and class attendance. Please reach out to the student's Vice Principal with any questions or concerns.