Reardan Weekly
August 9th, 2024
Welcome Back to School 2024-2025
Important Dates
The Wall of Fame Selection Committee met in late May and decided upon the following to be inducted into this year's "class":
- Joe Mann, Alumni
- Gene Smith, Staff Member
- Virginia Henderson, Community Member
- Boys Basketball Team of 1966, Team
We will honor this group at halftime of the first football game on September 6th. At that time, we will unveil their plaques which will be permanently displayed in the entrance of the high school. The Reardan Wall of Fame exists to honor those that exude Reardan values through individual and team accomplishments, positive impact in our school and broader community, and those that went above and beyond over an extended period of time. NOMINATIONS FOR NEXT YEAR'S CLASS WILL BE TAKEN THIS FALL/WINTER.
High School
High School Supply List
● Pencils/Pens/Highlighters
● Notebooks (2-3)
● PE Shoes/Change of clothing (if taking a PE or conditioning class)
● Box of plastic forks - turn into the office, you would be amazed at how
many we go through
● Reusable water bottle - we will not be giving water bottles out from the
office this year
Middle School
Middle School Recommended School Supply List
General Supplies
BINDER w/DIVIDERS–zip up binders are awesome but not required.
Hard sided reusable water bottle with student’s name on it–NO soft sided water bottles allowed.
Kleenex (give to first period teacher)
Notebook just for this class (composition book works well)
Colored pencils
Notebook for just this class (composition book works well)
Pens or pencils
Loose leaf paper for assignments
Loose leaf paper for assignments
Pencils or Pens
Scientific calculator (look for sin cos tan) This will get the students through HS also.
Notebook for just this class (composition book works well)
Loose leaf paper for assignments
Athletic shoes to be stored in their gym lockers
Recommend: T-shirt and workout pants/shorts, change of socks
Paper (loose leaf or notebook will work)
Divided binder or folder for each class
Closed Toed Shoes–for shop class
Elementary School
School Pictures are scheduled for Wednesday, September 18th. Please look out for the order forms in your child's backpack.
K-6 classroom supply lists are available on the district facebook page. Go to: and select the "Facebook" button at the center of the page.
Health Room
Hello Reardan Parents,
As we prepare for the start of the school year, please note the following important health-related updates:
**New Health Registration Form:**
This year, a new health registration form is required for each student. You can complete this form via Skyward or submit a hard copy, which will be sent home during the first week of school. Please return it as soon as possible so we can update our files.
**Health Concerns:**
If your child has significant allergies, asthma, epilepsy, a heart condition, or any other chronic health issue, please contact me immediately. You can reach the health room at 509-381-1340 or email me at Individual Health Care Plans and Emergency Care Plans must be completed before school starts. Even if your child had a plan in previous years, it must be renewed each school year. If you’re having trouble scheduling appointments, let me know. All care plans need to be submitted before sports practice begins on the 21st for athletes with health conditions. I am available the week before school starts for appointments to review care plan paperwork. You can also bring forms to the open house on August 29th starting at 5:30 PM.
**Reardan School-Based Health Center:**
We are continuing our school-based health clinic program this year in collaboration with Lincoln Hospital and Clinics. We plan to offer clinic days at least once a month throughout the school year to provide medical services for our students in need. This service is completely optional and available to families in need. More information will be available at the open house but feel free to reach out with any questions.
I hope you had a fantastic summer and are excited for the new school year!
Best regards,
Shannon Landt, RN
Reardan Edwall School District School Nurse
Hello Parents,
The start of the school year will be here before we know it and I hope that all of you had a Great! summer and are recharged for the new school year. Some of you are probably wondering when, where, and how your children will be picked up by the bus and taken to and from school. We will get to that I promise.
First, I wanted to talk about a few things:
Safety at the bus stop. Please remind your students to stand 10 feet away from the roadway and please, remind them not to approach the bus until either the driver signals them to board the bus or cross the roadway and board the bus. Before crossing the roadway, they need to make eye contact with the Driver to ensure it is safe to cross.
For parents of first-time riders, there will be a “Riding-the-Bus” guide available for download on the school website, we will also have printed copies available at the open house. It is a good idea to review this guide with younger riders to help them understand expectations.
“Bus Rules” and “Student Conduct and Administrative Regulations” are also available on the website under the Departments tab and Transportation.
You will also find instructions for Bus Right, our interactive parent app. This app gives parents an interactive way to track their student's bus and also gives alerts through text or email of arrival and departure times.
As promised bus stops and times will be communicated to parents by drivers a minimum of 1 day before the first day of school. We have added a route to the northeast corner of the district so routes and times will change for some families. With this new route, we can shorten ride times so students will not be on buses as long and move closer to our goal of a one-hour ride time. So, stay tuned and your driver will contact you with your specific time.
In closing, I hope that you are as excited as we are to kick off this year and make it the best and safest ride to school. As always stay safe out there and if you should have any questions or concerns you can always contact the Transportation Department at 509-796-4361 or email
Mike McCain, Transportation Director
Food Service Free and Reduced Meal Application
It's time for some Reardan Youth Volleyball!!! The season will start the week of September 9th and run through the end of October. Registration is open for all girls 3rd - 6th grade. Practice schedule is in the works but will be 2 days a week with games on Saturdays which alternate locations. Registration closes September 6th, but I encourage you to register early so we can get t-shirts (jerseys) ready for the first game! It also helps to ensure we have plenty of players and coaches to field the teams. Cost is $40.00 including jersey and Link is below to get registered. Reply to this email if interested in coaching! Spread the word and get signed up! It's going to be a great year! Shoot us an email at if you have any questions and we will get back to you asap! Link for Youth Volleyball Registration Looking forward to getting the girls back on the court!
FCCLA Summer Success
Five students from Reardan High School Competed in the National STAR Event Competition at the 2024 FCCLA
National Leadership Conference in Seattle, WA, June 29 – July 3, 2024
Seattle, WA, July 2024 – The 2024 FCCLA National Leadership Conference (NLC) took place in Seattle, WA, from June 29 – July 3, drawing more than 8,000 students, educators, and guests from across the nation. This gathering provided a valuable platform for attendees to expand their leadership skills, sharpen their talents, explore career pathways, and listen to inspiring speakers.
The highly anticipated Students Taking Action with Recognition (STAR) Events were at the heart of the conference. Over 4,300 FCCLA Members competed in these events, where they were recognized for their proficiency and achievement in chapter and individual projects, leadership skills, and career preparation. The collaboration between youth and adults in managing the events and evaluating participants allowed students to develop real-world skills and gain valuable insights.
STAR Events are pivotal in supporting student development by enhancing their classroom experience and guiding them toward successful career pathways. With more than 30 events to choose from, participants had the opportunity to demonstrate their knowledge, skills, and abilities by actively addressing essential issues concerning families, careers, or communities. By researching the topic and implementing projects to advocate for positive change, students acquired valuable skills and industry insights needed to thrive in the 21st century.
We are thrilled to share that Kassidy Koch, Kelsey Koch, Hannah Gralapp, Kole Hren and Remington Robson proudly represented Reardan High School at the FCCLA National Leadership Conference in Seattle, WA. Kassidy competed in the Repurpose and Redesign Level 3 event receiving a 99.3, a gold medal and 3 rd place in the competition of 51 competitors. Kelsey competed in Professional Presentation Level 2 and earned an 89.7 placing 18 of 49 competitors and a silver medal. Kole and Remi competed in Professional Presentation Level 1 and earned 13 th place of 24 with a score of
92.7 and a gold medal. Hannah was a vital part of the volunteer evaluating teams ensuring that members across the country had the opportunity to present their projects to qualified evaluators.
While in Seattle, members enjoyed small group workshops as well as general sessions that helped improve their leadership skills and gained information that will be used in the coming year to improve their community through presentations and projects. We also had the opportunity to attend a Mariner’s baseball game, visit the Seattle aquarium and view Seattle from the top of the Space Needle We want to extend a heartfelt thank you to the school board, Reardan Fire and Rescue and numerous community members who generously supported us as we raised funds to attend this
amazing event. We are excited for the coming year!
Sub Orientation: August 26th - emails and flyers mailed out with more details
New Teacher Orientation: August 26th
All Staff In-service: August 27th