Superintendent's Update
November 15, 2024
Hello Auburn Families and Staff,
Another Friday is upon us and Thanksgiving is right around the corner. The older I get, the faster time seems to go by. I am pleased and proud of the work accomplished thus far this school year. I know that students are actively engaged in the learning and I also know teachers continue to work to create lessons that engage and challenge our students.
I would like to give a word of thanks to all of our Veterans in the school district and in the Auburn Community. I apologize for the late recognition but the timing of my newsletter is off and it does not diminish the gratitude we have for all of those who have and continue to serve our country. We are thankful for their sacrifice and the sacrifices their families and loved ones have and continue to endure. Thank you all for the freedoms your efforts provide to us all.
Please be aware that Tuesday, November 19th is a half day of school for students in Prek-Grade 8 for parent-teacher conferences. Auburn High School will have a full day of school as they have already held Curriculum Night events. Plan accordingly and please reach out to your child's school if you have questions.
I wish you all a safe and restful weekend and I thank you for your continued support of the Auburn Public Schools.
Recently, Governor Maura Healey and State Attorney General Andrea Campbell, issued guidance to schools on addressing hate and bias in the schools. Part of the guidance is shared below, in italics, with you. The Auburn Public Schools is committed to working to ensure the physical and social emotional safety of all students and administrators are working to ensure that this guidance is included in our work with students. Some of the initiatives and practices that are in place already include:
- Active District and School based safety teams
- Relationship Mapping at all schools
- Guidance and Social Worker staff at all buildings
- A robust and high quality nursing staff
- Bullying Intervention Plan that aligns with DESE requirements
- Implementation of Sandy Hook Promise programming to include: Start with Hello, Students Against Violence Everywhere(SAVE) clubs, Sandy Hook Anonymous Reporting System at Auburn High School and Auburn Middle School
- Cultural Competency and Proficiency professional development is ongoing
- Peer Leadership Group at Auburn High School and soon to be at Auburn Middle School
- Lenny Learning-providing resources to teachers to address mental health issues such as stress and anxiety
These are just some of the ways we work to help students feel a sense of belonging in our schools and to keep kids safe. You will also find an informational flyer that accompanied the guidance from the State attached.
A brief summary of the guidance from Governor Healey and Attorney General Andrea Campbell:
The Guidance is designed to assist schools in their efforts to combat hate and foster a safe, supportive, and inclusive educational environment, consistent with their legal obligations. The Guidance describes schools’ obligations under Massachusetts’s anti-bullying and anti-discrimination laws; clarifies how schools can and should take action against hate-related bullying and harassment while upholding students’ rights of freedom of speech and expression; details required affirmative steps to create a positive school climate and prevent hate and bias incidents from happening in the first place; and provides examples of best practices to combat hate in our schools.
The Guidance encourages school leaders to take a firm stand against all forms of hate and effectively address hate incidents when they occur. It reminds schools of their legal obligations to promptly investigate all alleged hate incidents to determine whether bullying or harassment occurred. The Guidance further reminds schools of their imperative to educate, promote brave and open discourse, and protect students’ rights to express their views and opinions, including views on controversial and challenging political or policy topics, so long as the expression does not violate the rights of others and does not significantly disrupt the school environment. School administrators must ensure that schools remain free of hate and bias-related incidents without suppressing legitimate speech on difficult subjects or censoring protected expression of unpopular viewpoints.
We are committed to ensuring that all school officials have the information and tools they need to proactively create school environments that promote learning and dialogue, prevent and firmly denounce hate in all its forms, and effectively address hate incidents when they occur.
K-8 Parent Teacher Conferences-Half Day for k-8 Students-Full Day for AHS Students and Staff
Tuesday, Nov 19, 2024, 07:00 AM
Thanksgiving Break-November 27, 2024-November 29, 2024
Wednesday, Nov 27, 2024, 07:00 AM
Winter Holiday Break-December 23, 2024-January 1, 2025
Monday, Dec 23, 2024, 07:00 AM
School Resumes after the Winter Break
Thursday, Jan 2, 2025, 07:00 AM
Martin Luther King Jr. Holiday-No School for Students or Staff
Monday, Jan 20, 2025, 07:00 AM
February School Vacation-No School Feb 17the-Feb 21st
Monday, Feb 17, 2025, 07:00 AM
Half Day of School for Students-Professional Dev for Staff
Thursday, Mar 20, 2025, 07:00 AM
No School for Students-Professional Dev for Staff
Friday, Mar 21, 2025, 07:00 AM
We are excited to announce that we will be having our bi-annual Unified Basketball Student-Staff Fundraiser game on November 20 at 6:00 PM at AHS! This event aims to bring awareness to our Unified Programs and raise funds to keep our programs going strong. We are also requesting items for a silent auction or for raffle baskets. Items may include handmade items, event tickets, gift cards, board games, etc. All would be welcomed and appreciated. Donations can be dropped off at AHS Attn: Alison DeLuca no later than November 18th.
Alone we can do so little, together we can do so much. ~Helen Keller