Swansboro High School
Weekly Updates - September 29, 2024
Happy Sunday Pirates,
It was another great week at Swansboro High School. Our highlights included our first Tri-M Induction of honors orchestra, band and chorus students on Thursday night, community outreach by our clubs and sporting teams, field trips and athletic victories. Congratulations to our Marching Pirates who placed second in Visual Performance, third in General Effect and third in Color Guard last night at the Cleveland competition. This will be an action-packed week as we host Homecoming Spirit Week, the Homecoming dance, and a ton of athletic contests. Students and parents should note the flyer that includes our daily spirit themes.
The Homecoming dance will be hosted on Saturday night. Students and parents should note the dates for homecoming ticket sales and the eligibility requirements that include no ISS/OSS in the 2 weeks prior to the dance and no more than 5 tardies or absences. We did not begin counting tardies until the second week of school when we had our morning routine mastered. Tickets will only be sold through Wednesday, October 2, 2024, and sales will be limited to 700 attendees. Tickets will be sold at lunch time. Skills center students can purchase their tickets in the afternoons when they return from the afternoon bus. Again, they will only be sold through October 2, 2024.
Athletic victories last week included a JV football win over White Oak. Soccer defeated Havelock and Coastal Christian. Tennis defeated Richlands. On Thursday, men's cross country defeated Croatan with Logan Walters taking first and Michael Justice taking second. On Saturday, cross country competed in the county competition and the ladies team took first place, JV took first place and men took third place. Delaney Horton was the ladies champion for the third year in a row. Emma Sanders took second, Marielle Hirkala was fifth, Linn Fischer was eight, and Madi Lemke was twelfth. Lia Otto took first for JV ladies. In men's Michael Justice was second and Logan Walters was third. This week in athletics will include golf at Morehead and volleyball hosting Havelock on Monday. Tennis will host Dixon; soccer will host Croatan and volleyball will travel to White Oak on Tuesday. Cross country will compete at Fort Macon on Wednesday. Tennis will travel to White Oak, volleyball will travel to Croatan, JV football will travel to Richlands and soccer will host Richlands on Thursday. Varsity football will host Richlands on Friday night. The theme for the varsity football game is school colors and the Nuova Luna Cafe will host the 5th Quarter after the game.
This marks the last week of the first grading period. Be sure to review grades and attendance with your students in PowerSchools on at least a weekly basis. Reviewing their refresh schedules to see what they have signed up for daily is also helpful. Connected students are always successful students and there are club and extracurricular activities offered to meet every interest area.
Upcoming Dates
October 5: Northside Band Competition and Homecoming Dance
October 8: PSAT
October 12: White Oak Band Competition
October 19: Johnson City Bands of America
October 22: Fall Orchestra Concert
October 26: Seaside Classic Band Competition
October 28: Chorus Concert
November 2: Havelock Band Competition
November 7: Band Concert
November 15: Blood Drive
November 16: Project Graduation Craft Fair
December 6-8: A Christmas Carol Production
December 12: Band Concert
December 16-20: Holiday Spirit Week S2S
December 16: Chorus Concert
December 17: Orchestra Concert
February 15: Project Graduation Reverse Raffle
February 27: Orchestra Concert
March 6: Band Concert
March 14: Blood Drive
March 26-29: HOSA State Conference
March 28-30: Adams Family Spring Musical
April 7-11: Military Spirit Week
April 29: Tri-M Recital
May 16: Blood Drive
May 17: Prom
May 19: Chorus Concert
May 27: Orchestra Concert
May 29: Band Concert
June 7: Class of 2025 Parade 9:00 am
June 8: Baccalaureate Service 6:00 pm
June 12: Graduation Practice 9:00 am and Graduation 7:00 pm