Broncos Bulletin
December 2017 - Bernal Intermediate
Bernal Intermediate School
Mrs. Berg, Assistant Principal
Location: 6610 San Ignacio Avenue, San Jose, CA, United States
Phone: 4085785731
Principal's Message
Dear Bernal Families,
It is hard to believe that we are already well into the third grading period of the 2017-2018 school year! We have definitely had an exciting and quick start to the school year at Bernal Intermediate School. This past week Bernal English Language Arts and Math departments began the second round of iReady assessments.
As a reminder, iReady is an interactive online learning program that helps students build essential skills in reading and mathematics. iReady starts with a diagnostic test that identifies the specific skills each student needs to develop and measures academic growth through the school year. It also provides students with personalized online instruction and gives teachers guidance on how they can best support the needs of students.
How can I help my child get the most out of iReady?
• Speak with your child about how using i-Ready will help him or her prepare for class work.
• Encourage your child to take each test question seriously.
• Discuss your child’s results
• Contact your child’s teacher about how often your child should practice at home, or with any other questions about i-Ready.
Traffic: Parents, please, please, slow down before and after school around Bernal when dropping off and picking students up. We have been getting complaints from neighbors about speeding cars and general unsafe driving behavior. Also, please remember to drop your student off on the school side of the street. Crossing the street in the middle of traffic is not only not allowed, but not safe. Let’s set a good example for our students.
Have a great holiday season and as always, take care of yourselves and others.
Jamal D. Splane, Principal
December Spirit Days
12/8: Pajama Day
12/15: RALLY COLOR! (see list below)
12/21 (Thursday): Holiday Wear
Super Saturday Academy Sessions
On Monday, November 27th, many students received an invitation/permission slip (see example letter pictured below) to attend Bernal’s first Super Saturday Academy Session on Saturday, December 9th from 8:15am - 12:30pm! Attending the Super Saturday will allow students to make up one absence from this school year.
Students need to turn in their permission slip by next Monday, December 4th* and attend the full session on Saturday, December 9th so they can:
Earn 10 Bronco Bucks!
Be entered into a raffle to earn a pizza party for them and 5 friends!
Earn an In-n-Out certificate!
Be entered into a raffle to win a free mile pass for P.E.!
Mark your calendars for future Super Saturday sessions as well!
January 20th, February 3rd, March 10th, April 28th, and May 19th
Please email Allison Crawford at if you have any questions!
*Permission slips may be turned in late (by Thursday 12/7), but students will NOT be able to order a lunch if it's turned in late. They will need to bring their own lunch.
Super Saturday Session
Saturday, Dec 9, 2017, 08:15 AM
Bernal Intermediate School, San Ignacio Avenue, San Jose, CA, United States
RSVPs are enabled for this event.
HSA Meeting
Thursday, Dec 14, 2017, 07:00 PM
Bernal Intermediate School, San Ignacio Avenue, San Jose, CA, United States
Baja Fresh Fundraiser
Baja Fresh Fundraiser! Get together with family and friends and help us, while you help yourself get some great food - with an event like this, everyone wins! Bring the flyer linked below to help Bernal earn 15% of the proceeds!
Friday, Dec 15, 2017, 04:00 PM
Baja Fresh Mexican Grill, Bernal Road, San Jose, CA, United States
Winter Break - No School
Friday, Dec 22, 2017, 08:00 AM
Bernal Intermediate School, San Ignacio Avenue, San Jose, CA, United States
December Sporting Events
Boys Basketball (A Team)
(start times:7th 3:30/ 8th 4:45- unless noted)
12/13 Jamboree (7th at Bernal; 8th at Britton)
12/19 @ Leyva
12/21 @ Bernal
B Boys Basketball
12/20- Davis at Bernal
Top 15 Bronco Buck Earners in November
Dayna L - 85 points
Teyah B. - 75 points
Kawahionalani P. - 75 points
Jett C. - 75 points
Asia C. - 71 points
Gwen C. - 68 points
Lawrence P. - 63 points
Nevaeh O. - 62 points
Alysia H. - 59 points
Kaitlyn K. - 57 points
Alina C. - 51 points
Jake M. - 39 points
Bhupender K. -38 points
Samantha B. - 37 points
Lynn B. - 37 points
Bernal's Annual History Day was a Success!
2017 - 2018 History Day Winners!
Period 1:
7th - 1st Place
"Bloody Mary" Karen Y., Kirsten A., Irene Y.
7th - 2nd Place
"Battle of Marathon" Harshaan S., Sem V.
8th - 1st Place
"The Whiskey Rebellion" Randy C., Omar R., Ryan H.
8th - 2nd Place
"Vietnam War" - Makenna D., Serena R., Marina E.
Period 2:
7th - 1st Place
"Space Race" Qui N., Alex P., Leland J.
7th - 2nd Place
"Bloody Mary" Lynn B., Jeslyn L., Rachel K.
8th - 1st Place
"War Protests" - Timothy P., Bryce J., Anandan P.
8th - 2nd Place
"KKK" - Thu Thao N., Amanda A., Avani K.
Period 3:
7th - 1st Place
"LGBT Worldwide" Lexi R., Taylor C., Emily S.
7th - 2nd Place
"Cuban Missile Crisis" - Samantha S., Eric V., Sarah O.
8th - 1st Place
"Anti-Imperialism in the Philippine American War" - Justin P., Han U., Alyana D.
8th - 2nd Place
"Conscientious Objectors" Mariele L., Juliet C.
Period 4:
7th - 1st Place
Opium Wars" Kori P., Edda F., Pacfica N.
7th - 2nd Place
"Battle of Marathon - Adam G., Jimmy L., Damien C.
8th - 1st Place
"US Involvement in the Vietnam War" - Brandon N., Jason B., Jake M., Ryan C.
8th - 2nd Place
"Start of the Cold War" - Thien P., Aaron M.
Period 5:
7th - 1st Place
"Iran Hostage Crisis" - Ally G., Neha R., Danielle L.
7th - 2nd Place
"Bloody Mary" - Dayanara M., Jerusalen C., Emily H.
8th - 1st Place
"Ignaz Semmelweis" - Vivian L., Jamie S., Jenny L.
8th - 2nd Place
"Salem Witchcraft Trials" - Rojean P., Kyle H., Jaylin S.
Period 6:
7th - 1st Place
"Treaty of Paris" - Jackie M., Juliana L., Megan Y.
7th - 2nd Place
"Constantine and Battle Over Date of Xmas" - Ariana H., Jayne G.
8th - 1st Place TIE
"Wright Brothers" Oliver A., William C.
"Attack on Pearl Harbor" - Claire C., Isabelle N., Elysia O., Prabha S.
Awesome student learning at Bernal!
Thank you letter from St. Julie's for Bernal volunteers!
The launch date for the California School Dashboard is set to be released the week of December 4th with updated data forschools and districts. The Dashboard is a website that shows how local agencies and schools are performing on the multiple indicators included in CA’s new school accountability system. It was created to give parents and the public abetter idea of what is happening in our schools and districts and to identify schools and districts that need extra help.The Dashboard is a component of the Local Control Funding Formula (LCFF) law passed in 2013. For more detailed information, click here: Getting to Know the California School Dashboard
Academic Excellence Opportunities at Bernal Intermediate
Learn How to Calculate Your GPA
Strengthening Families Program
The Strengthening Families Program (SFP) is an evidence-based parent, youth, and family skills-building curriculum that helps prevent teen substance abuse and other problem behaviors while improving parent/child relationships. Advent Group Ministries is offering this free program designed for parents and their children ages 6 to 11 or 12 to 17*. After a complimentary family meal, parents and youth meet in separate groups for one hour then come back together to practice the skills they’ve learned. Sessions are highly interactive and include role-playing, discussions, learning games and family projects.
When: Every Thursday beginning January 11th (11 weeks total)
Where: Bernal Cafeteria/Forum
Program Schedule: 11 weeks
5:30—6:30 pm: A complimentary family dinner is part of the weekly program.
6:30—7:30 pm: Families view a short video. Parents and children then break into separate groups to discuss the video.
7:30—8:30 pm: Parents and children come back together to practice the skills they’ve learned.
Register: For more information, or to register your family for SFP, please contact Rocio Gonzalez
Hispanic Parent Meeting Notes from 11/30/17
- Potluck will be held Wednesday, Dec. 13th at 6:30pm
- Next meeting to finalized plans for the potluck will be on Monday, Dec. 11th at 6pm
- The next DELAC meeting is scheduled for Thursday, Dec. 7th at 5pm at the district office
Math Tutoring
Math tutoring is held on Mondays thru Thursdays from 2:30 – 3:30pm in room 212 by Mr. Mancias. It is open to ALL students!
OGSD Cultural Arts Expo
We are happy to announce that the annual Oak Grove School District Cultural Arts Expo is just around the corner. Be sure to mark Friday, February 2nd, 4:00-7:00 pmon your calendar. It will take place at the Edenvale Community Center, 330 Branham Lane East, San Jose CA 95111. We are excited to see what our talented artists from Oak Grove School District have created this year. There will be a display of visual and performing arts including singing, dancing, and musical performances by Oak Grove students. Food trucks will be present for you to enjoy! The event is free, but a $5 donation per family to support the arts will be greatly appreciated. Please be sure to attend!
Parent Volunteers needed! We would like the parent community to support the district in putting together this fantastic show. Please give us 2 hours of your time between 10am and 4pm on Thursday, February 1st . We need help with mounting artwork onto the display boards before the show and take down after the show on Friday, Feb. 2nd. Please contact Raji Musinipally at or call 408- 227-8300, ext. 100263 to help
Guide to Disaster Assistance Services for Immigrant Californians
Volunteers Needed for Noon Duty & After School Crosswalk Support!
We need the help of community members to ensure our students are safe during lunch and after school. Please see Mrs. Berg if you would like to learn more and to sign up!