April 2024 Edition
Attendance Notes - Reminder
If a student misses school, please submit attendance notes (parent/guardian note, doctor's office excuse, etc.). Students can drop off notes at the Front Office, or parents/guardians can email them to Attendance Specialist Mrs. Kimberly Collins; she will ensure sending high schools/programs also receive copies of the notes. Remember: the best way to succeed as a wolf? Show up to the PACK every day!
PBIS - Reminder
From the Counselor . . .
Thank you to all students who took Career and Technical Education End of Program assessments--you worked hard and respectfully! We have received scores and will celebrate students during an assembly in May.
Counselor Ms. Jenni Berk continues to meet with students regarding scheduling for the 24-25 school year, including enrolling students in optional Career and Technical Education Dual Credit courses. Watch for more information about a parent/guardian meeting regarding these opportunities to earn free college credit!
Having concerns regarding cyberbullying? Check out the below resource.
From the Library Media Center . . .
As we near the end of the school year, please return all borrowed items to our Library Media Center. Library Media Specialist Mrs. Meredith Reed will send reminders about overdue materials. Also, watch for information about our summer reading challenge!
Through our collaboration with the Kentucky Department of Education, we will receive a one-year license to Inspirit's Innovation Hub to support our instruction of essential employability skills. We look forward to using virtual reality in our classrooms!
From Yearbook . . .
You can pre-order a yearbook from Jostens. Contact Sponsor and Library Media Center Specialist Mrs. Meredith Reed for more information! We have limited copies left to purchase!
Students who already have placed orders will receive details via email soon regarding distribution!
From FFA . . .
Please save the date for our Spring Showcase featuring Supervised Agricultural Experiences (SAEs) and Agriscience Projects on Thursday, May 9th from 5:30 to 7:30 p.m.! You may drop by campus any time to see your student's work!
From the Hispanic Honors Society . . .
From the Jr. Conservation Board . . .
From Jr. MANRRS . . .
From the Committees . . .
Celebration Committee - Keely Patterson with Agriculture Instructor Mrs. Latissa Higgins
- Please see the above information about FFA Banquet!
Community Service Committee - Sam Kroggel with Agriculture Instructor Mrs. Toni Myers
- Students spent time last Trace Day recapping the year and planning events for next school year!
Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, and Belonging (DEIB) Committee - Haley Trowel with Agriculture Instructor Ms. Graciela Barajas
- See the Jr. MANRRS section for updates.
Family and Community Engagement Committee - Riley Hutchison with Agriculture Instructor Mrs. Morgan Margita
- See the above information about the Spring Showcase!
Fundraiser Committee - Makenzie Menges with Agriculture Instructor Mr. Brian Craig
- Please support our plant sale; check out the below flyer!
Leadership Development Committee - Alexis Goldie with Agriculture Instructor Mr. Daniel Bustle and the FFA Officers
- See the FFA section for updates.
Social Committee - Keila Savage with Agriculture Instructor Mrs. Kathleen Magsam
- Students spent time last Trace Day recapping the year and planning events for next school year!
SAE Committee - Haylee Tucker with Agriculture Instructor Mr. Doug Ashcraft
- Please continue to check out our social media sites for features on students' SAEs!
Sustainability Committee (Jr. Conservation Board) - Gregoria Gafford with Agriculture Instructor Mrs. Ally Thompson
- See the Jr. Conservation Board section for updates.
Wellness Committee - Jack Adkins with Agriculture Instructor Mrs. Fallon Jackson
- During April, students focused on environmental wellness. Students, please stop by the table in the foyer to write a thank you note to a teacher in celebration of Teacher Appreciation Week! See the flyer at top right!
Students in the Small Power and Equipment class will troubleshoot engine issues and recently competed in the FFA Bluegrass Region Small Engines Career Development Event, placing 1st! Students in Agriculture Power and Machinery Operation learned how a clutch works and about the various bearings and seals in equipment. Next, they will learn about hydraulic systems. And, students in Agriculture Construction Skills learned about wire welding. Lastly, students in Agriculture Structures and Designs will construct a high tunnel for the Plant Science Institute.
Additionally, a team of students placed 5th in the FFA Bluegrass Region Welding Career Development Event, and a team of students placed 2nd in the FFA Bluegrass Region Agricultural Mechanics Career Development Event. Congratulations to Caden Harris for winning highest scoring individual!
Agribusiness - Equine Studies Program
Students in Equine Science (Level 1) learned to place splint boots, pull manes, and care for hooves. Students visited the Kentucky Three-Day Event and learned about how to prepare for an Olympic-level and have learned more about Saddlebreds and Arabians via guest speaker, Blair Montague. Next, they will help prepare the horses to return to their owners for the summer months.
Students in Agribusiness and Farm Management (Level 2) learned how to keep horses healthy, including preventing diseases and applying standing bandages. Next, students will design budgets, prepare for careers, and research postsecondary institutions with equine programs.
Students in Agricultural Sales and Marketing (Level 3) visited the Keeneland Spring Meet, meeting Dr. Rood of Rood and Riddle Equine Hospital and Mr. Becker, a track announcer. Students next will learn about operating basic farm equipment, including RTVs, connecting trailers, and loading horses. And, congratulations to Emily Sparks, Charlotte, Adams, Nancy Garcia Sanchez, Melanie Planck, Grace Groff, Jaydyn Hunting, Karli Dutton, and Eden Fluharty for participating in the University of Kentucky's Field Day. Emily Sparks, Charlotte Adams, Nancy Garcia Sanchez, and Melanie Planck placed 3rd overall in horse judging! See the below photos.
Food Science and Processing Program
Students will conclude the year processing livestock, including a hog fed by the classes and available as sausage for purchase prior to the end of the school year.
Pre-Veterinary Studies Program
Students in Animal Technology (Level 3) qualified to take the National Association of Veterinary Technicians in America industry certification exam! Students will conclude the school year with experiential learning trips to Rood and Riddle Equine Hospital, Spy Coast Farm, and the Louisville Zoo.
Students in all classes remain busy this week preparing for upcoming projects, including flowers for a Kentucky Derby event and Fayette County Public Schools' graduation ceremonies!
Foundational Courses
In Agriculture Communications, students have started learning about visual communication by discovering various photography techniques and practicing around campus. All students should submit any remaining missing assignments by Sunday, May 19th.
In Principles of Agricultural Science and Technology, students completed their Plant Science Institute notebook, learning the parts of a plant, the difference between a perfect and imperfect flower, and how to simulate cross-pollination.
Health and Physical Education
Students in Spanish 2 designed memes to represent verbs and also will prepare for an oral interview as a final project.
Students in Advanced Spanish 3 read "Los Nineros Terribles" and designed a monologue to talk about the reading from the perspective of one of the characters. Next, they will create a project about their childhoods in Book Creator.
Social Studies
Students in Advanced United States History and Advanced World History will prepare for an assessment soon then get ready for finals!
Work-Based Learning
Current interns will report to campus one day during finals to reflect on the year's experiences in Work-Based Learning--watch for information about this from Work-Based Learning Coordinator Mrs. Nicki Jones. Students interested in participating as interns for the 24-25 school year should watch their email accounts for messages from potential employers/job sites.
Save the date for our annual Summer Job Fair on Friday, May 10th, 2024--students may visit the Library Media Center any time during their morning or afternoon session to meet with employers!
Interns at The Kentucky Castle continue to prepare their 1/2 acre no-till, organic garden. The students have removed all tarps, applied compost, and redesigned the irrigation system. The high tunnel also has a full production of spinach, lettuce, kale, and peas. Next, students will present their expansion ideas to owners. See the below photos!
Need Help?
- Email the Attendance Specialist.
- Email the Counselor.
- Email the Library Media Specialist.
Locust Trace AgriScience Center
Mission: To grow ALL students into leaders who serve and advocate for the future of agriculture.
Vision: Together students discover their passion and unlock their potential through Leadership, Teamwork, Agriculture, and Community.Run with the PACK:
be Positive, Ambitious, Courageous, and Kind!
Email: catherine.vannatter@fayette.kyschools.us
Website: fcps.net/locusttrace
Location: 3591 Leestown Road, Lexington, KY 40511
Phone: 859-381-3990
Facebook: facebook.com/locusttraceac
Twitter: @LocustTraceAC