Nixon Elementary Weekly Update
April 1, 2024
Monday Updates
No Foolin', here are the updates and reminders for the week!
Nixon Walkathon This Week:
Keep encouraging your children to collect money for the Nixon Walkathon. 100% of money collected goes directly to our Nixon PTA. Our PTA sponsors events, provides resources and materials for our students, supports financially with field trips, and so much more! Envelopes are due Wednesday, April 3. Donations can be in the form of cash or checks (made out to Nixon PTA). Even $1 collected earns a prize for the learners. The Walkathon is April 5 at 1:30. We welcome families to join us for the walk around the Nixon Trail! See the flyer below for more information.
ISASP Begins Wednesday:
The Iowa Statewide Assessment of Student Progress (ISASP) begins this week. This is our annual state mandated standardized test. Remember when you took the ITBS? This is the updated version! All 3rd-5th grade learners will take the assessment. It is computerized, untimed, and there are 3 tests for 3rd/4th grade (Reading, Math, Language Arts/Writing) and 4 tests for 5th grade (Reading, Math, Language Arts/Writing, & Science). These assessments are very important to the school, as the results help to determine the state performance profile Nixon is given.
Below is a flyer with some tips to help your child be prepared for state testing. Please help them to get enough sleep, start their day in a positive way, and feel ready for the tests. I am also including the days we plan to assess at Nixon. On these days we will modify our building schedule to accommodate for our test takers and keep transitions and noise to a minimum. Students still have full days of school in all grade levels. Please reach out with any questions!
April 3: Reading
April 4: Language Arts/Writing
April 8: Science (5th grade only)
April 9-10: Make Ups
April 11: Math
April 12: Make Ups
Conditions for Learning Survey:
Our school is getting ready to administer an annual school climate and culture survey called Conditions for Learning to students in grades 3-5. This survey administration is required by the state's plan to meet a federal law called the Every Student Succeeds Act. Our school will conduct the survey between April 1-30. All Iowa public school districts will use the Conditions for Learning Survey to improve safety, student engagement, and the overall learning environment so that all Iowa students have optimum conditions for learning. Our work to improve safety, student engagement and overall learning environment will have a lasting impact on the future.
The survey is confidential and will focus on issues ranging from student safety, to positive student relationships, to school rules and how they are enforced. A high rate of participation by students in completing the Conditions for Learning Survey is important for obtaining the most complete school climate data for our school. Support from you in communicating to your students that this is their chance to be heard and to be part of the effort to improve conditions for learning at our school is critical.
A letter, along with a refusal form, were sent home last week Friday to all 3rd-5th grade families. If you prefer your child to not participate in this survey, you will need to complete the written refusal form and send it back to school. If you would like to see what questions are asked on the survey, you may click on the link below for more information. Please reach out if you have any questions.
Link to Conditions for Learning Survey Questions (Grades 3-5)
Important Dates:
We have several important days coming up, so be sure to mark these on your calendar:
- April 3-17: ISASP State Testing (3rd-5th grade)
- April 5: Nixon Walkathon (1:15 pm--parents welcome to walk/attend!)
- April 22: No School
- May 6-10: Teacher Appreciation Week
- June 6: Last day of school (updated!)
It's a great day to be a Bobcat!
Last Day of School Updated!
On Friday, all families received communication from the Cedar Rapids Community School District with notification about a change to the end of the school year. Our last day of school will now be Thursday, June 6. This day will be an early dismissal at 2:20 pm.
Camp Tanager Application Available for Summer 2024! Click below to learn more!
Nixon Handbook
Nixon Elementary School
Email: jgoebel@crschools.us
Website: https://nixon.crschools.us
Location: 200 Nixon Drive, Hiawatha, IA, USA
Phone: (319) 558-2188
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/CRNixon