Panther Paw Newsletter
August 23, 2024

PANTHER PAW - August 23, 2024
Translating Newsletter
This newsletter can be translated into almost any language by clicking the link below then choosing the "translation" button listed in the square black box on the right-hand side.
Este boletín se puede traducir a casi cualquier idioma haciendo clic en el enlace de abajo y luego eligiendo el botón "traducción" que aparece en el cuadro negro sombreado del lado derecho. Translation Link
Dates to Remember
August 26-29 - Boys Basketball Tryouts (see below for information)
September 2 - Labor Day - NO SCHOOL
Septe 3, 4 & 5 - Cheer tryouts. (see below for information)
September 3- 8th Grade Washington D.C. Trip Meeting 6pm in Room 40
September 9 - Makeup Picture Day
September 10 - HSC Meeting 7-8pm in Room 3
September 11 - Patriot Day Peace Ceremony
September 13 - College Dress Up Day
September 20 - Back-to-School Dance 4-6pm
October 4 - Price Walk for NAMI
Admin Update
Dear Panther Families,
Welcome to the 2024/2025 school year! We are off to a busy and fun start with lots of learning and bonding during our first seven days of school. We started our first day with a 'soft start' that really amped up school spirit and connected our Panthers and staff to one another. We had our first all-school rally, our first Spirit Day and lots of other memorable occasions.
We have lots of new students this year and 8 new staff members! Our community is growing and we are excited to welcome one and all!
Back-to-School Night was a huge success. It was so wonderful to see so many parents enjoying campus and meeting their student's teachers.
Please reach out at any time for any reason. We are so happy to have everyone back!
Our Best,
Your Admin Team
First Day Fun!
Thank you to everyone for continuing to help keep all of our students safe on their way to and home from school. This is a reminder to continue to follow all of the parking lot safety measures to ensure all of our students and families are safe.
Boys Basketball Tryouts
Boys Basketball Coaches
6th- Senior Segovia
7th- Mr. Heimer
8th- Ms. Johnston
Students must attend all basketball tryouts and be committed to all practices and games. Remember, if you do not finish a sport you are not eligible to play in the next sport season.
Be dressed in your PE clothes with your name clearly on your shirt.
Mon, August 26th
6th grade 3-4:30pm on the blacktop
7th grade 3-4:30pm on the blacktop
8th grade 3-4:30 in the gym
Tues, August 27th
6th grade 3-4:30pm on the blacktop
7th grade 4:30-6pm in the gym
8th grade 3-4:30 in the gym
Wed, August 28
6th grade 3-4:30pm on the blacktop
7th grade 4:15-5:45pm in the gym
8th grade 3-4:45pm in the gym
First Spirt Day
Social Media Use
Last school year there were a plethora of inappropriate TikTok, Instagram, SnapChat, and group texts targeting Price students and staff. They had inappropriate language and inappropriate images and we shut them down whenever possible and as quickly as possible.
However, the majority of misuse of social media platforms happen after school and the Price administration has no way to curtail it. We ask parents to please check your children's devices often and suggest keeping them out of reach when it is time to retire for the night. This will help our school environment stay positive and keep your kids safer, happier, and healthier.
Thank you so much for your support!
Homework Center
Hello everyone!
Does your student need a quiet place to study and do homework? Price has the answer! Homework Center will be starting on Monday, August 26. It will run Mondays, Tuesdays and Thursdays from 3-4pm. 6th, 7th and 8th graders will meet in the library. Students will need to turn in a "permission slip" directly to the Homework Center teacher on their first day (the permission slips DO NOT go to the office or individual teachers).
Cheer Tryouts
If you are interested in joining the Price Cheer Squad, you can try out on:
Tuesday September 3rd - from 3-4
Wednesday September 4th - from 2-3
Thursday, September 5th - from 3-4
Tryouts are in Room 52. You must be at all three tryouts to make the team.
Practices will be on Mondays and Wednesdays and games will be on Tuesdays and Thursday. Students must be committed to attending all practices and games to be on the Squad.
There will be a $50 charge for uniforms.
Rocketry - 2 Liter Bottles Needed
Rocketry needs 2-Liter Soda Bottles. We need a lot this year...around 350. Please save your soda bottles. Rinse, cap them and send them to school. No crushed bottles please. Your student can deliver them to Mrs. Van Campenhout in room 39 and earn themselves some Proud Grams.
Thank you for your support.
Dress for Success!
The weather is warm and it is getting more challenging maintaining a dress code that ensures a conducive learning environment. Please make sure your students adhere to Price's dress code. Please see below from our student handbook for your reference:
CLOTHING: Pants, shorts, skirts, and dresses must be appropriate in size and in fit (shorts need to have at least a 3 inch inseam, tank tops need to be 2 finger width, and the torso and/or midriff must be covered). Pants must be worn around the waist. Undergarments should not be showing at any time. Pajamas are not permitted to be worn at school except on specific spirit days.
Students in violation of the dress code may be required to call home for a change of clothes or to change into their PE clothes. The following regulations are meant to foster an environment that is inclusive, promotes school safety, and enhances the learning environment. Price staff will assist in the enforcement of the dress code.
Attendance is critical to student success!
- By 6th grade, absenteeism is one of three signs that a student may drop out of high school.
- By 9th grade, attendance is a better predictor of graduation rates than 8th grade test scores.
• Talk about the importance of showing up to school every day.
• Help your children maintain daily routines, such as finishing homework and getting a good night’s sleep.
• Try not to schedule dental and non-urgent related medical appointments during the school day.
• Keep your student healthy, and if you are concerned about Covid-19, call your school for advice.
• If your children must stay home because they are sick, make sure they have asked teachers for resources and materials to make up for the missed learning time in the classroom.
2024-2025 School Year Calendar
Price Middle School
Website: https://www.cambriansd.org/Domain/11
Location: 2650 New Jersey Ave, San Jose, CA, USA
Phone: (408)377-2532