Cougar Chronicle
September 9, 2024
Principal's Message
Throughout our building, we have many words emblazoned in and around the school that we strive for - Respect, Responsibility, Integrity, Compassion, Empathy, to name a few. Our grade level assemblies last week were a chance for administration to talk about the words and how actions can match.
A couple of stories to share before we highlight the upcoming week. First, during school pictures last Thursday, the photographers let us know in the office how wonderful and respectful our kiddo’s were during their pictures. As a note, our picture retake day will be on Friday, October 25.
Second, we have had a few calls from our community commenting on how impressed he was that students were throwing away their garbage and in fact were separating it into recyclable items. While this is always nice to hear, we know that there will be times where we may be disappointed in student actions and we need to re-educate. However, it is important to ‘tell our story’ and celebrate our students when they are doing good things. So far, lots to share and celebrate.
Moving forward to the upcoming week and as a reminder, we are rolling out more student opportunities for students to find their passions and interests with clubs and activities that we put into our daily announcements. Again, they are all posted on our website should our parents and caregivers wish to view.
This week brings us to the official groundbreaking ceremony for the new replacement school on Thursday September 12 at 10:00 am. Our Board of Trustees, senior administration, and dignitaries will be in attendance. On that note, thank you again to our parents and caregivers for your patience with the construction in and around the school. Things like student drop off and parking can be difficult to maneuver but we do appreciate your support in our collective effort to keep everyone safe.
A glimpse into next week has our meet the teacher night on Tuesday September 17 starting at 5:00 with our first school council meeting of the year following at 6:00 in the library. We hope to see you out!
In closing, have an awesome week everyone. Please do not hesitate to reach out should you have any questions or concerns.
Sunny Sandhu
Email: general.swh@eips.ca
Website: www.sherwoodheights.org
Location: 241 Fir Street, Sherwood Park, AB T8A 2G6
Phone: 780-467-5930