Independence High School
Principal's Update
Dear Independence Community,
The recent actions by President Trump regarding immigration have caused concern and uncertainty in our community. Independence would like to reiterate our commitment to providing a safe and welcoming learning environment for ALL of our students. We commit ourselves to protecting the privacy of student records and information and will not share that information unless required by law. We encourage our families to learn about their rights and create a plan. Below are some resources that can help:
Immigrant Legal Resource Center: Family Preparedness Plan
Guide for Students and Families
Quick Reference for School Officials
Safe Schools & Resources for Immigrant Students
Bjorn Berg
Independence High School
Sixer Community,
We are now two weeks from the end of the Fourth Marking Period. Thank you to everyone for engaging in the School Wide Lesson reminder about the SaySomething platform.
Congratulations to our Boys' basketball team for their 6-0 record so far in the Santa Teresa West League.
Happy National School Counselors Week.
Starting in March, all students getting food from our school kitchen must have an ID card, use the Minga app, or enter their ID number for accurate food service counts. School meals will continue to be free during this time.
What's Happening This Week
Tues. Feb 4th: Schnitzelfest | 4:00pm-6:30pm |C-commons - $8
Fri. Feb 7th: Wave to Vietnam Showcase | 5:30pm -8:00pm | Theater - $10 pre-show $12 @ door
Night Market | 8:15pm - 9:15pm | Student Union
- Buy cap, gown, & tassel. You get to decorate them and keep them.
- Borrow a sibling's or older friend's gown. Buy cap & tassel only, and you get to decorate and keep cap & tassel.
- Borrow cap and gown from the school. You may not alter or decorate them, and cap & gown must be returned immediately after the ceremony.
Click here to view the full Product Catalog.
Click here to visit our website.
Call the Grad Company office at (925) 736 0679 or Mike Rabago cell (925) 876 7731.
The deadline for Senior Portraits to make it into the yearbook is the end of January.
SIXER Shoutout
“A huge Sixer Shoutout to ALL PE Course 1- 4th period students in Ms. Roberts, Ms. Santa Cruz, and Coach Yenchik’s classes! The student union could have been bustling and loud, due to the high volume of students. However, during our school-wide lesson, Say Something, the atmosphere was remarkably silent. Understanding the appropriate moments to speak up and Say Something is a critical skill, and we take great pride in the engagement and respect demonstrated by our Sixers during this important school-wide lesson.” ~Dr. LaMontagne, MTSS Implementation
Learn more about the impact of the anonymous reporting system Say Something HERE.
Our SIXER Values in Action
IHS Student Governing Board
How can we uplift student voices to be heard at the school and district level? In decision making, we aim to bring all voices to light- staff, community, and most importantly, students.
There are different ways decision makers can use data to inform decision making:
Satellite Data → Things like test scores, attendance rate, and graduation rate.
Map Data → Student voice through survey data, like the Panorama Survey.
Street Data → Your student voices in the form of group and individual interviews and collected stories.
Your representatives, students Katie Hion (senior), Adelynn Le (junior), and Davin Saini (sophomore) actively work to ensure student voices are heard at the district-level. Twice a month, they meet with Student Governing Board (SGB) representatives of East Side high schools to discuss student concerns and issues. You can even catch Katie representing students at every ESUHSD Board meeting, as the SGB Chairperson! Feel free to reach out to them at any time, as they represent your needs!
The purpose of the East Side Union High School District Student Governing Board is:
Provide a forum for Student Governing Board members to review and discuss upcoming agendas for the East Side Union High School District (ESUHSD) Board of Trustees meetings and to meet and discuss school district and school site issues with the ESUHSD Board of Trustees’ designated liaison.
Advise the ESUHSD Board of Trustees on items such as, but not limited to, district policies, community/school-wide initiatives, and student activities.
Provide student input and opinions on upcoming points of business and/or issues.
Foster and develop an informed relationship between the ESUHSD Board of Trustees and the school district’s student body.
Read more about the ESUHSD Student Governing Board on the ESUHSD website.
We want our student voices to be heard!
We urge students from Independence HS and across the district to engage in the:
ESUHSD Student Governing Board Student Survey
Please fill out this student survey that the district-wide Student Governing Board has created! SGB wishes to understand the needs and concerns of students on a deeper level so they can continue to represent and work on initiatives to improve student life. This short survey will only take a few minutes and provide valuable insight.
We Are Engaged. We Are Sixers.
IHS Counseling Corner
Cash 4 College Workshop:
IHS Counseling will be hosting a Cash 4 College Workshop this Thursday, February 6 from 3:15-6:15pm in the Student Union. Financial aid representatives will be present to assist families in filling out the financial aid application (either the FAFSA or CADAA). We encourage all seniors and their parent(s)/guardian(s) to attend. Families should bring their tax forms from the year 2023 as well as W-2 from 2023.
Scheduling Process for 2025-26 School Year
IHS Counseling will begin the scheduling process for the 2025-26 school year this Wednesday, January 15 for current students in grades 9-11. Scheduling lessons will be presented during the students' class period. During the lesson, counselors will show students how to select their courses for next year through Infinite Campus’ Academic Planner. Student access to the Academic Planner closes on January 29 at 4pm. Counselors will meet one-on-one with students in February to confirm their course selections.
For more information on the scheduling process and resources, visit the scheduling page of the counseling website at https://tinyurl.com/ihscheduling-25-26.
Please note: counselor availability during the scheduling process will be extremely limited. We ask that if you need to get a hold of us, send us an email and we will do our best to get back to you in a timely manner. We appreciate your patience and understanding.
Upcoming Dates:
Feb. 3-4: Junior One-on-One Counselor Meeting in US History Class
Feb. 6: Cash 4 College Workshop | 3:15-6:15pm | The Learning Center (Student Union)
Feb. 7/10: Sophomore One-on-One Meeting in PE 2 Class
Feb. 11/14: Freshman One-on-One Meeting in PE 1 Class
Counselor Contact & Availability:
Counselors are located in the Learning Center (Student Union). Counselors are available for student walk-ins before and after school and during break and lunch. Parents are encouraged to make an appointment with your student’s counselor.
- Ms. Pham: Last Names A-Chi
- 408.928.9680 | phamm@esuhsd.org
- Hours: 8:30am-4pm
- Mr. Hennessey: Last Names Chj-Hd
- 408.928.9563 | hennesseym@esuhsd.org
- Hours: 8am-3:30pm
- Ms. Fernandez: Last Names He-Maq
- 408.928.9574 | fernandezf@esuhsd.org
- Hours: 8:30am-4pm
- Ms. Huynh: Last Names Mar-Par
- 408.928.9567 | huynhtt@esuhsd.org
- Hours: 8:15-3:45pm
- Ms. Marquez: Last Names Pas-Sq
- 408.928.9568 | marquezl@esuhsd.org
- Hours: 8:30am-4pm
- Ms. Liang: Last Names Sr-Z
- 408.928.9546 | liangb@esuhsd.org
- Hours: 8:15-3:45pm
College Access Support (located in D-208 & the Learning Center):
10,000 Degrees
Anthony Garcia |415.578.4380 | anthony.garcia@10000degrees.org
Available in person Wednesday & Thursday
Destination College Advising Program (DCAC)
Daniela Navarro | 510.332.3723 | danielan@berkeley.edu
Available in person Monday-Friday
Athletics Updates
“Success is not final failure is not fatal: it is the courage to continue that counts.”
W. Churchill
Spring sports begin on 2/3/25, all athletes need to register at www.athleticclearance.com in order to participate.
Week of 1/27/25
Winter Sports
Sixer Basketball (b): Coach Gajardo (lj_gajardo@yahoo.com)
2/5/25 @ Leland JV @ 5:30 | Varsity 7:00
2/7/25 @ Silver Creekt JV @ 5:30 | Varsity 7:00
Sixer Basketball (g): Coach Buckner (leilani.buckner10@gmail.com)
2/4/25 vs Oak Grove JV @ 5:30 | Varsity 7:00
1/30/25 vs Gilroy JV @ 5:30 | Varsity 7:00
Sixer Soccer (b): Coach Mendez (fmendez888@gmail.com)
2/5/25 vs San Jose JV 5:00 | Varsity 7:00
2/7/25 vs James Lick V 5:00 | Varsity 7:00
Sixer Soccer (g): Coach Kimball (mskimball1997@gmail.com)
2/4/25 vs Prospect @ 7pm
2/6/25 @ Westmont @ 7pm
Sixer Wrestling: Coach Thompson (njakeg1209@yahoo.com)
2/5/25 @ Lincoln 6:30 pm
Spring Sports
Sixer Badminton: Coach Allen Trinh (atrinh1219@gmail.com)
Sixer Baseball: Coach Fernandes (fernandesp@esuhsd.org)
Sixer Golf: Coach Bartholomew (bartholomewr@esuhsd.org)
Sixer Softball:
Sixer Swim:Coach Martinez (rodriguez.adrian1821@gmail.com)
Sixer Tennis: Coach James (jesse316james@yahoo.com)
Sixer Track and Field
Sixer Volleyball: Coach Nguyen (ng.kenneth02@gmail.com)
Fall Sports
Sixer Football: Coach Braun (braunj@esuhsd.org)
Sixer Golf (girls): Coach Richard Lee (rlee@fusdk12.net)
Sixer Volleyball (girls): Coach Kenny (leilani.buckner10@gmail.com)
Sixer Cross Country (boys & girls): Coach Kevin (ckwang91@gmail.com)
Sixer Tennis (girls): Coach Scott (rl20ii@yahoo.com)
Sixer Water Polo (boys & girls): Coach Martinez (rodriguez.adrian1821@gmail.com)
Sixer Girls’ Flag Football: Coach Baker (bakerl@esuhsd.org)
Visit Sixer Athletics for up to date information about athletics! Follow us on Instagram: @indyathletics
Visit GoFan.co to purchase tickets
Activities Updates
Hallo Liebe Leute! Mark your calendars because Tuesday, February 4th, is German Club's annual Schnitzelfest!
Located in C-Commons right after school from 4:00 to 6:30 pm, you'll have the opportunity to grab a plate full of authentic German dishes and Schnitzel made by Independence's very own German students--all for the low price of $8.
Buy tickets from any German Club officer or at the door. See you there! Contact us @ihsgermanclub on Instagram for any questions, comments, or concerns!
Want to dive deep into Vietnamese culture? Come to VSA's 2025 showcase, "Wave to Vietnam" at the IHS Theater on Friday, February 7th from 5:30-8PM, featuring a variety of performances with hats, fans, hip-hop, and more! VSA also has an after event, "Market by the Shore" in the Student Union from 8:15-9:15PM including a variety of foods such as pandan waffles, egg rolls, and boba! There'll also be vendors, fun activities and games like paper lantern making during the night market.
Tickets will be $10 sold by VSA officers and online, and $12 at the door with free admission to the after event. After event entry fee is $2 at the door. Hope to see you there!
Attention ALL Sixers Students!
If you haven’t already done so, please download the MINGA app on your phone to access your Digital Student ID. This is a REQUIREMENT to get into ALL home sports games that require a ticket for FREE and will be required for check-in at dances and other school events.
No phone? No problem..MINGA is accessible on your chromebook via ARMS.
Order your yearbook today!
Yearbook orders are now being accepted at www.yearbookordercenter.com/job/6072
Yearbooks are $70 until April after April, they will then be $75 until the end of the school year,
Seniors! Check out the special Senior Button in this Newsletter for all things relevant to you and graduation!
Follow us on Instagram:
Stay up to date on all student activities and events at IHS - be sure to follow your ASB accounts:
And, your class account for important information specific to your grade level:
Safety & Attendance
We are a CLOSED Campus!
This is a friendly reminder to students and parents that we are a closed campus. Students should not be leaving the school grounds during school hours, particularly during break and lunch for safety reasons. The Public Library and Overfelt Gardens are off limits.
Students should not be hanging out in the parking lots during passing periods, break and or lunch. Staff members will ask the students to go back to the main campus.
Doordash is not allowed. We are a closed campus and we do not want strangers driving onto our campus and delivering food to minors. Students may not walk off campus to get a delivery either. This is a safety issue!
Parents, please do not send food deliveries to your student. ALL students may eat for free at break and lunch.
Dress and Attire
The expectations for clothing are clean, covered and appropriate. This means no clothing that displays explicit or derogatory language, no drug or alcohol references, no sexually explicit images or nudity, and no gang references or symbols.
Any clothing or accessory item that the Administration deems a safety issue will be addressed with the student and we will work with them to find a solution.
Parents, Cookies is a marijuana reference. Cookies clothing or accessories are not permitted. Parents, please partner with us on this!
Saturday School!
Come to Saturday School this year and recover an unexcused absence or an excused illness absence. A teacher will be there to help you with your academics. Use the time to study or work on missing assignments. Our next Saturday School will be in February 8th. We will feed you! Please plan to stay until 12:45pm. Please see Ms. Goltzer or Ms. Andrade in C05 for questions or concerns. Use the form to sign up!
Attendance Matters!
The C-05 office will continue to focus on attendance as we continue to strive towards our mission: Students Engaged in the Classroom. We would like to continue to remind SIXERs the importance of being on time, all day, every day, and that there is a correlation between attendance, grades and graduation. Avoid the truancy process!
Students who are consistently tardy or absent will meet with Ms. Goltzer and/or one of our Parent Community Involvement Specialists or a Student Advisor. We may request a parent meeting as well.
Parents, if you need to report a student’s tardiness or absence, please do so as soon as possible. The Attendance Office is in the Student Union. If you would like to phone instead, use the following phone numbers based on your student’s last name:
Attendance Staff
Short Term Independent Studies
Jennifer Andrade - 408.928.9521
Student last names A - L
Diana Castillo - 408.928.9552
Student last names M-Z
Thao Pham - 408.928.9542
Say Something
Students and Parents,
Our highest priority is safety. If you witness or experience something that makes you feel uncomfortable, unsafe, or that could potentially become a safety issue, please report it. You can do so anonymously. We have a link to the SAY SOMETHING app on our Independence website. Please give the Administration as much information as possible so that we may investigate the issue. You do not have to use your name. I am providing the link here as well. Let’s work together to keep our campus and community safe!
Parent and Community Specialist Corner
As a reminder, Attendance Matters! Consistent attendance in high school is essential for academic achievement, as even missing a small amount of class time can have a notable effect on a student's learning and overall performance.
Attendance Matters. On Time. All Day. Every Day.
Please refer to the flyer below for information on upcoming parent meetings.
For any questions or concerns please contact your Parent & Community Involvement Specialists (PCIS) Ms. Ha phamha@esuhsd.org 408.928.9598 or Ms. Maggie rodriguezm@esuhsd.org 408.928.9541.
Parents: For technology access please see the flyer below. As a reminder your student can share the pairing code for CANVAS.
Please refer to the academic calendar 2024-2025 to support you in the planning of any holiday vacations. As a reminder, vacations are not excuse absences in session days.
Sacred Heart Community Service
Second Harvest Food Bank nearest Food pickup
● 988 Crisis and Suicide Prevention Lifeline: Get Help - Behavioral Health Services - County of Santa Clara (sccgov.org); informational flyer for mental health teams (attached)
● Black Youth & Suicide: A guide on suicide risk and mental health support for Black youth in Santa Clara County
● LGBTQ Youth Space (ages 13-25): https://youthspace.org/
● allcove: https://allcove.org/centers/palo-alto/
● Downtown Youth Wellness Center (ages 12-25) – flyer attached; Programs – Alum Rock Counseling Center (alumrockcc.org)
● Santa Clara County Office of Education - Department of Youth Health & Wellness
● Headspace for Teens: https://www.headspace.com/teens
● Crisis Text Line: https://www.crisistextline.org
For any questions or concerns, please get in touch with Ms. Ha phamha@esuhsd.org 408.928.9598 or Ms. Maggie rodriguezm@esuhsd.org 408.928.9541.
Mental Health & Wellness Corner
Services offered at the Wellness Center
The Mental Health and Wellness team includes social workers, interns, and community based organizations (CBO’s) that work together to provide mental health support to IHS students. The Wellness Center team offers referrals to community resources, group counseling, short term individual counseling, crisis intervention and education about mental health and wellness. Visit us in room D-01 to learn more!
How do I submit a referral?
Students, parents, teachers, and community members may submit a referral for any student at Independence by visiting the link below and filling out a Care Team referral. A social worker, intern or other school staff member will follow up with the student.
Care Team Referral form: https://forms.doc-tracking.com/48252/48252/2416
Calming Space: The Calming Space is designed to be a place for students who are experiencing stress in class and need a short break to self-regulate. Before students visit the Calming Space, we ask that they check in with their teacher and request a pass. Students may spend 15 minutes in the Calming Space; if they need more time, a wellness center staff member will check in to discuss additional resources and support. Students who visit the calming space during regular class time are expected to check in with Ms. Johnson, our Wellness Center Clerk, when they arrive and before they return to class. We also ask that students keep their electronics put away and that they do not engage in side conversations with other students.
Community Resources & Events
Santa Clara County Suicide and Crisis Hotline
If you or your student need mental health crisis support outside of school hours, you may call 988 to request support from the Santa Clara County Mobile Crisis Response Team. If your phone number does not begin with a 408, 669 or 650 area code, please call 800-704-0900 and press 1.
Santa Clara County Suicide and Crisis Hotline
Downtown Youth Wellness Center
Address: 725 East Santa Clara Street, Suite 105, San Jose, CA 95112
Phone: 408-961-4645
Email: dywc@hhs.sccgov.org
The Downtown Youth Wellness Center is a Behavioral Health program dedicated to promoting a safe, supportive, and youth-focused environment that provides short term Behavioral Health services, focused on prevention and early intervention for youth ages 12-25. Services include same day access to brief behavioral health support, peer support, workshops, well-being groups, social and educational activities, linkage to services/case management (including medical and longer-term behavioral health services), life skills development, education and career planning, independent living skills, and other related care. The DYWC is a partnership between the Behavioral Health Services Department and Alum Rock Counseling Center.
The DYWC is excited to continue to be part of the community that serves the youth in our community. In an ongoing effort to meet the needs of the youth, the DYWC has shifted the hours of operation to Monday through Friday from 10am-7pm.
Where students find their Passion, Purpose, and Path.
Resource Links
School Vision
Contact us
Email: bergbj@esuhsd.org
Website: https://independence.esuhsd.org/index.html
Location: 617 North Jackson Avenue, San Jose, CA, USA
Phone: 4089289500
Twitter: @IndependenceHS