The Monthly Update #2
August 25th, 2023

Welcome to the April Title III Newsletter, designed to provide you and your Emergent Bilingual family with the information and resources below to ensure each student is empowered today to excel tomorrow.
Please Do not hesitate to contact your campus or the District Family Engagement Department with any questions that you may have to support you and your student.
Family Engagement Language Support Link
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Remember, you can always have web pages translated into your native language by adding the Google Translate Extension for Android or Apple devices.
May 23, 2024 Early Release All Students
May 24, 2024 Student Holidays
I hope you all enjoy your break!
First Day of School is August 12
You can visit the following year calendar by clicking
May Special Celebrations
Cinco de Mayo — May 5
The name of the celebration is also the date, which directly translates to May fifth. This is a Mexican holiday commemorating the monumental victory in the Battle of Puebla over French invaders on May 5, 1862.
Today, Cinco de Mayo is mostly celebrated by Mexican-Americans in the United States. It is now a day to celebrate Mexican culture and heritage. The music, dancing, and food are of the highest caliber of excellence.
Even if you have no Mexican ancestry, you can still celebrate the diversity!
Asian American Pacific Islander Heritage Month
Asian American, Native Hawaiian and Pacific Islander Heritage Month is observed in the United States during the month of May, and recognizes the contributions and influence of Asian Americans, Native Hawaiians and Pacific Islander Americans to the history, culture, and achievements of the United States.
24-25 Kindergarten KickOff
The Registration for the School Year 24-25 Starts on
May 6, 2024
Where? All HEB ISD Elementary Schools
6:30 PM
Kindergarten student online registration forms will be available beginning (May 7, 2024).
This opportunity is for you and your student to meet the teacher, staff, and see the school.
You will get information to have the best possible Kindergarten experience.
Kindergarten Kickoff Information
Kindergarten Kickoff Information PDF- English Language
Kindergarten Kickoff Information PDF- Spanish Language
KIndergarten Kickoff Information PDF- Arabic Language
Kindergarten Kickoff Information PDF- French Language
Arabic-Chinese Summer Camp CALL. From May 29- June 6
Registration Deadline Monday, May 5, 2024
We are thrilled to offer another enriching summer of fun learning to enhance the student's language skills and provide a unique cultural experience. HEB CAMP CALL Video
For more information, please visit “Camp information on the district website”: https://www.hebisd.edu/Page/1936
Registration and Recommendation Forms
Applicants need to turn in both of the following documents on or before May 5, 2024:
- Student Registration Form - Complete this form yourself (with your parent/guardian)
- Teacher Recommendation Form - Ask your teacher, then email this link for the teacher to complete
Registration Deadline: Monday, May 5, 2024
Looking forward to a fun and rich Summer camp!
Thank you parents for giving us support!
Thank you HEB ISD 4 sponsoring this program!
Thank you students 4 being absolutely amazing!
Secondary (Junior/High Schools) English Language Summer Academy June 10- July 5
Grades 6th- 11th
HEB Reads ! Fun Family Event
May 11, 2024. From 10:00 AM-1:00PM
1849 Central Dr. | Bedford, TX 76022
Where kids can go to the city aquatic centers and pick up free STEM kits
Great News!
24-25 ESL Adult Class is Full!
Any additional registration will be added to the "Waiting List."
Thank you to everyone registered for the Adult ESL Class! We are as excited as you are!
Things to keep in mind:
Time of Class:
- Morning Class: L1 From 9:00- 10:30 AM
- Evening Class: L B From 5:30- 7:00 PM
- Evening Class: L2 From 5:30- 7:00 PM
Location for all classes:
Pat May Center
1849 Central Dr.
Bedford, TX 76022
To see the Class Schedule, click here.
The First Day of Class (orientation):
Is on September/03/2024. Attendance is mandatory!
You'll need to attend to be considered for the class.
Seats are limited. We will take our returning students first and fill the available seats on a first-come, first-served basis. If a returned student had poor attendance last year, we will add the student to the all-students list.
Looking forward to an exciting New Academic Year!
The Parent and Family Engagement Connection
HEB ISD Family Support Resources
Adult Education Learning Opportunity
HEB Family Engagement Services. We are here to help!
Do you want to communicate with your child's school but need language support? No worries. We are here to support you! We speak(English, Spanish, Arabic, and French.) Do you speak another language? No problem, fill out the Family Request Form, click here, or click on https://bit.ly/3taNDsJ.
You may scan the QR code, too.
20 Pleaces to Take Kids in and around Fort Worth
This is our list of 2023 winners as chosen by readers in the Fort Worth area.
Browse the lists, check out thecalendar, check out the Everything That's Free list, sign up for a free weekly e-newsletter, and get ready to find out all of the area's hidden gems for kids, teens, and families!
North Richland Hills Library
The NRH Library has something special for all ages including story times, books, summer programs, events, and more, to help nurture a love of reading and learning.
Why Do We Have Separate Engagement Activities for Bilingual, Emergent Bilingual, and Immigrant Families?
HEB ISD believes that student achievement for ALL students requires substantial family engagement opportunities. We also believe that families of bilingual, Emergent Bilingual (EB), and immigrant students need specialized engagement activities and strategies to overcome language obstacles on their family's educational journey. Family engagement and outreach services for these students and their families in these three groups are available using Title III funds. This newsletter is how we will communicate our activities and resource information. Check back frequently for updates throughout the year!