Principal's Newsletter
Distance Learning At Team Success- March 2020
Dear Parents and Families,
First of all, I would like to say that Team Success recognizes how incredibly difficult this situation is for many families. As directed by Rick DeSantis, Governor of Florida, all schools will be closed until April 15, 2020. Therefore, the staff at Team Success has been working hard to identify meaningful instructional activities for your child to do while he/she is at home for an extended period of time.
Our goal is to provide you with activities that are aligned with what your children typically do during the school day. The teacher will publish enough materials for each child to be engaged in academic learning to the best of their abilities.
Our Team Success website will serve as our "landing site." This page will be used as a place where you can access all the instructional activities and materials. We will be updating the links in this landing site one week at a time as needed. On the Landing Site, you will find "buttons" to your child's grade level and then to links with the daily instructional activities for each day.
To support you in this time, you will also find links with resources to help you talk to your child about COVID-19 below and to help ease their fears.
We will update you with any pertinent information from the school district and/or state as soon as it becomes available to us.
We appreciate your partnership as we navigate this unknown territory together. Please feel free to reach out to your student’s teacher through e-mail, Dojo, Remind 101, text message or phone call if you have any questions or concerns along the way.
Nicole Howe
Tech Request- Team Success
Please note: Devices are limited-First come-first served basis!
Team Success will provide ONE iPad per family, so students without an electric device such as a phone will be able to complete the online assignments. iPads will be made available from 9 am-11 am on Tuesday, March 24, 2020.
To reserve one IPAD, please fill out the online request form below. Thanks!
Free Internet Offers from Spectrum
Spectrum offers free internet for two months to students in K-12 grade. See link for details:
Mental Health Counselor available for Team Success Families and Students
The outbreak of coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) may be stressful for your child. Fear and anxiety about a disease can be overwhelming and cause strong emotions in adults and children. Everyone reacts differently to stressful situations.
Team Success recognizes the need of mental health counseling for our students during this trying times. Therefore, we have hired a certified counselor, who will be available twice a week to talk to you and/or your family. She will be working closely with our Student Services Cooridinator, Mrs. Rada.
Please contact Mrs. Rada through email to get the contact information.
Resources for Families - Florida Department of Education
Team Success - A School of Excellence
Location: 202 13th Avenue East, Bradenton, FL, USA
Phone: 941-714-7260